blob: 60579a051f12e6593fb9324b0179369ea6b532f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Armspec reads the “ARM Architecture Reference Manual”
// to collect instruction encoding details and writes those details to standard output
// in JSON format.
// # Warning Warning Warning
// This program is unfinished. It is being published in this incomplete form
// for interested readers, but do not expect it to be runnable or useful.
package main
import (
type Inst struct {
Name string
ID string
Bits string
Arch string
Syntax []string
Code string
const debugPage = 0
var stdout *bufio.Writer
func main() {
log.SetPrefix("armspec: ")
if len(os.Args) != 2 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: armspec file.pdf\n")
f, err := pdf.Open(os.Args[1])
if err != nil {
// Find instruction set reference in outline, to build instruction list.
instList := instHeadings(f.Outline())
if len(instList) < 200 {
log.Fatalf("only found %d instructions in table of contents", len(instList))
stdout = bufio.NewWriter(os.Stdout)
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "[")
numTable := 0
defer stdout.Flush()
// Scan document looking for instructions.
// Must find exactly the ones in the outline.
n := f.NumPage()
for pageNum := 1; pageNum <= n; pageNum++ {
if debugPage > 0 && pageNum != debugPage {
if pageNum > 1127 {
p := f.Page(pageNum)
name, table := parsePage(pageNum, p)
if name == "" {
if len(table) < 1 {
if false {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "no encodings for instruction %q (page %d)\n", name, pageNum)
for _, inst := range table {
if numTable > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, ",")
js, _ := json.Marshal(inst)
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "\n%s", jsFix.Replace(string(js)))
for j, headline := range instList {
if name == headline {
instList[j] = ""
continue PageLoop
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "unexpected instruction %q (page %d)\n", name, pageNum)
fmt.Fprintf(stdout, "\n]\n")
if debugPage == 0 {
for _, headline := range instList {
if headline != "" {
switch headline {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "missing instruction %q\n", headline)
case "CHKA": // ThumbEE
case "CPS": // system instruction
case "CPY": // synonym for MOV
case "ENTERX": // ThumbEE
case "F* (former VFP instruction mnemonics)": // synonyms
case "HB, HBL, HBLP, HBP": // ThumbEE
case "LEAVEX": // ThumbEE
case "MOV (shifted register)": // pseudo instruction for ASR, LSL, LSR, ROR, and RRX
case "NEG": // synonym for RSB
case "RFE": // system instruction
case "SMC (previously SMI)": // system instruction
case "SRS": // system instruction
case "SUBS PC, LR and related instructions": // system instruction
case "VAND (immediate)": // pseudo instruction
case "VCLE (register)": // pseudo instruction
case "VCLT (register)": // pseudo instruction
case "VORN (immediate)": // pseudo instruction
func instHeadings(outline pdf.Outline) []string {
return appendInstHeadings(outline, nil)
var instRE = regexp.MustCompile(`A[\d.]+ Alphabetical list of instructions`)
var childRE = regexp.MustCompile(`A[\d.]+ (.+)`)
var sectionRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^A[\d.]+$`)
var bitRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^( |[01]|\([01]\))*$`)
func appendInstHeadings(outline pdf.Outline, list []string) []string {
if instRE.MatchString(outline.Title) {
for _, child := range outline.Child {
m := childRE.FindStringSubmatch(child.Title)
if m == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cannot parse section title: %s\n", child.Title)
list = append(list, m[1])
for _, child := range outline.Child {
list = appendInstHeadings(child, list)
return list
const inch = 72.0
func parsePage(num int, p pdf.Page) (name string, table []Inst) {
content := p.Content()
var text []pdf.Text
for _, t := range content.Text {
if match(t, "Times-Roman", 7.2, "") {
t.FontSize = 9
if match(t, "Times-Roman", 6.72, "") && '0' <= t.S[0] && t.S[0] <= '9' {
t.S = string([]rune("⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹")[t.S[0]-'0'])
t.FontSize = 9
t.Y -= 2.28
if t.Font == "Gen_Arial" {
text = append(text, t)
text = findWords(text)
for i, t := range text {
if t.Font == "Times" {
t.Font = "Times-Roman"
text[i] = t
if debugPage > 0 {
for _, t := range text {
for _, r := range content.Rect {
// Remove text we should ignore.
out := text[:0]
skip := false
for _, t := range text {
// skip page footer
if match(t, "Helvetica", 8, "A") || match(t, "Helvetica", 8, "ARM DDI") || match(t, "Helvetica-Oblique", 8, "Copyright") {
// skip section header and body text
if match(t, "Helvetica-Bold", 12, "") && (sectionRE.MatchString(t.S) || t.S == "Alphabetical list of instructions") {
skip = true
if skip && match(t, "Times-Roman", 9, "") {
skip = false
out = append(out, t)
text = out
// Page header must say Instruction Details.
if len(text) == 0 || !match(text[0], "Helvetica-Oblique", 8, "Instruction Details") && !match(text[0], "Times-Roman", 9, "Instruction Details") {
return "", nil
text = text[1:]
isSection := func(text []pdf.Text, i int) int {
if i+2 <= len(text) && match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 10, "") && sectionRE.MatchString(text[i].S) && match(text[i+1], "Helvetica-Bold", 10, "") {
return 2
if i+1 <= len(text) && match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 10, "") && childRE.MatchString(text[i].S) {
return 1
return 0
// Skip dummy headlines and sections.
for d := isSection(text, 0); d != 0; d = isSection(text, 0) {
i := d
for i < len(text) && !match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 9, "Encoding") && !match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 10, "") {
if isSection(text, i) == 0 {
text = text[i:]
// Next line is headline. Can wrap to multiple lines.
d := isSection(text, 0)
if d == 0 {
if debugPage > 0 {
fmt.Printf("non-inst-headline: %v\n", text[0])
checkNoEncodings(num, text)
return "", nil
if d == 2 {
name = text[1].S
text = text[2:]
} else if d == 1 {
m := childRE.FindStringSubmatch(text[0].S)
name = m[1]
text = text[1:]
for len(text) > 0 && match(text[0], "Helvetica-Bold", 10, "") {
name += " " + text[0].S
text = text[1:]
// Skip description.
for len(text) > 0 && (match(text[0], "Times-Roman", 9, "") || match(text[0], "LucidaSansTypewriteX", 6.48, "") || match(text[0], "Times-Bold", 10, "Note")) {
text = text[1:]
// Encodings follow.
warned := false
for i := 0; i < len(text); {
if match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 10, "Assembler syntax") ||
match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 9, "Modified operation in ThumbEE") ||
match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 9, "Unallocated memory hints") ||
match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 9, "Related encodings") ||
match(text[i], "Times-Roman", 9, "Figure A") ||
match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 9, "Table A") ||
match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 9, "VFP Instructions") ||
match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 9, "VFP instructions") ||
match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 9, "VFP vectors") ||
match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 9, "FLDMX") ||
match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 9, "FSTMX") ||
match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 9, "Advanced SIMD and VFP") {
checkNoEncodings(num, text[i:])
if match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 9, "Figure A") {
y := text[i].Y
for i < len(text) && math.Abs(text[i].Y-y) < 2 {
if !match(text[i], "Helvetica-Bold", 9, "Encoding") {
if !warned {
warned = true
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "page", num, ": unexpected:", text[i])
inst := Inst{
Name: name,
enc := text[i].S
x := text[i].X
// Possible subarchitecture notes.
for i < len(text) && text[i].X > x+36 {
if inst.Arch != "" {
inst.Arch += " "
inst.Arch += text[i].S
// Encoding syntaxes.
for i < len(text) && (match(text[i], "LucidaSansTypewriteX", 6.48, "") || text[i].X > x+36) {
if text[i].X < x+0.25*inch {
inst.Syntax = append(inst.Syntax, text[i].S)
} else {
s := inst.Syntax[len(inst.Syntax)-1]
if !strings.Contains(s, "\t") {
s += "\t"
} else {
s += " "
s += text[i].S
inst.Syntax[len(inst.Syntax)-1] = s
var bits, abits, aenc string
bits, i = readBitBox(inst.Name, inst.Syntax, content, text, i)
if strings.Contains(enc, " / ") {
if i < len(text) && match(text[i], "Times-Roman", 8, "") {
abits, i = readBitBox(inst.Name, inst.Syntax, content, text, i)
} else {
abits = bits
slash := strings.Index(enc, " / ")
aenc = "Encoding " + enc[slash+len(" / "):]
enc = enc[:slash]
// pseudocode
y0 := -1 * inch
tab := 0.0
for i < len(text) && match(text[i], "LucidaSansTypewriteX", 6.48, "") {
t := text[i]
if math.Abs(t.Y-y0) < 3 {
// same line as last fragment, probably just two spaces
inst.Code += " " + t.S
if inst.Code != "" {
inst.Code += "\n"
if t.X > x+0.1*inch {
if tab == 0 {
tab = t.X - x
inst.Code += strings.Repeat("\t", int((t.X-x)/tab+0.5))
} else {
tab = 0
inst.Code += t.S
y0 = t.Y
inst.ID = strings.TrimPrefix(enc, "Encoding ")
inst.Bits = bits
table = append(table, inst)
if abits != "" {
inst.ID = strings.TrimPrefix(aenc, "Encoding ")
inst.Bits = abits
table = append(table, inst)
return name, table
func readBitBox(name string, syntax []string, content pdf.Content, text []pdf.Text, i int) (string, int) {
// bit headings
y2 := 0.0
x1 := 0.0
x2 := 0.0
for i < len(text) && match(text[i], "Times-Roman", 8, "") {
if y2 == 0 {
y2 = text[i].Y
if x1 == 0 {
x1 = text[i].X
// bit fields in box
y1 := 0.0
dy1 := 0.0
for i < len(text) && match(text[i], "Times-Roman", 9, "") {
if x2 < text[i].X+text[i].W {
x2 = text[i].X + text[i].W
y1 = text[i].Y
dy1 = text[i].FontSize
if debugPage > 0 {
fmt.Println("encoding box", x1, y1, x2, y2)
// Find lines (thin rectangles) separating bit fields.
var bottom, top pdf.Rect
const (
yMargin = 0.25 * 72
xMargin = 2 * 72
for _, r := range content.Rect {
if r.Max.Y-r.Min.Y < 2 && x1-xMargin < r.Min.X && r.Min.X < x1 && x2 < r.Max.X && r.Max.X < x2+xMargin {
if y1-yMargin < r.Min.Y && r.Min.Y < y1 {
bottom = r
if y1+dy1 < r.Min.Y && r.Min.Y < y2 {
top = r
if debugPage > 0 {
fmt.Println("top", top, "bottom", bottom)
const ε = 0.1 * 72
var bars []pdf.Rect
for _, r := range content.Rect {
if r.Max.X-r.Min.X < 2 && math.Abs(r.Min.Y-bottom.Min.Y) < ε && math.Abs(r.Max.Y-top.Min.Y) < ε {
bars = append(bars, r)
// There are 16-bit and 32-bit encodings.
// In practice, they are about 2.65 and 5.3 inches wide, respectively.
// Use 4 inches as a cutoff.
nbit := 32
dx := top.Max.X - top.Min.X
if top.Max.X-top.Min.X < 4*72 {
nbit = 16
total := 0
var buf bytes.Buffer
for i := 0; i < len(bars)-1; i++ {
if i > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "|")
var sub []pdf.Text
x1, x2 := bars[i].Min.X, bars[i+1].Min.X
for _, t := range content.Text {
tx := t.X + t.W/2
ty := t.Y + t.FontSize/2
if x1 < tx && tx < x2 && y1 < ty && ty < y2 {
sub = append(sub, t)
var str []string
for _, t := range findWords(sub) {
str = append(str, t.S)
s := strings.Join(str, " ")
s = strings.Replace(s, ")(", ") (", -1)
n := len(strings.Fields(s))
b := int(float64(nbit)*(x2-x1)/dx + 0.5)
if n == b {
for j, f := range strings.Fields(s) {
if j > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "|")
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s", f)
} else {
if n != 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s - %s - multi-field %d-bit encoding: %s\n", name, syntax, n, s)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s:%d", s, b)
total += b
if total != nbit || total == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s - %s - %d-bit encoding\n", name, syntax, total)
return buf.String(), i
type RectHorizontal []pdf.Rect
func (x RectHorizontal) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
func (x RectHorizontal) Less(i, j int) bool { return x[i].Min.X < x[j].Min.X }
func (x RectHorizontal) Len() int { return len(x) }
func checkNoEncodings(num int, text []pdf.Text) {
for _, t := range text {
if match(t, "Helvetica-Bold", 9, "Encoding") {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "page %d: unexpected encoding: %s\n", num, t.S)
func match(t pdf.Text, font string, size float64, substr string) bool {
return t.Font == font && math.Abs(t.FontSize-size) < 0.1 && strings.Contains(t.S, substr)
func findWords(chars []pdf.Text) (words []pdf.Text) {
// Sort by Y coordinate and normalize.
const nudge = 1
old := -100000.0
for i, c := range chars {
if c.Y != old && math.Abs(old-c.Y) < nudge {
chars[i].Y = old
} else {
old = c.Y
// Sort by Y coordinate, breaking ties with X.
// This will bring letters in a single word together.
// Loop over chars.
for i := 0; i < len(chars); {
// Find all chars on line.
j := i + 1
for j < len(chars) && chars[j].Y == chars[i].Y {
var end float64
// Split line into words (really, phrases).
for k := i; k < j; {
ck := &chars[k]
s := ck.S
end = ck.X + ck.W
charSpace := ck.FontSize / 6
wordSpace := ck.FontSize * 2 / 3
l := k + 1
for l < j {
// Grow word.
cl := &chars[l]
if sameFont(cl.Font, ck.Font) && math.Abs(cl.FontSize-ck.FontSize) < 0.1 && cl.X <= end+charSpace {
s += cl.S
end = cl.X + cl.W
// Add space to phrase before next word.
if sameFont(cl.Font, ck.Font) && math.Abs(cl.FontSize-ck.FontSize) < 0.1 && cl.X <= end+wordSpace {
s += " " + cl.S
end = cl.X + cl.W
f := ck.Font
f = strings.TrimSuffix(f, ",Italic")
f = strings.TrimSuffix(f, "-Italic")
words = append(words, pdf.Text{f, ck.FontSize, ck.X, ck.Y, end - ck.X, s})
k = l
i = j
return words
func sameFont(f1, f2 string) bool {
f1 = strings.TrimSuffix(f1, ",Italic")
f1 = strings.TrimSuffix(f1, "-Italic")
f2 = strings.TrimSuffix(f1, ",Italic")
f2 = strings.TrimSuffix(f1, "-Italic")
return strings.TrimSuffix(f1, ",Italic") == strings.TrimSuffix(f2, ",Italic") || f1 == "Symbol" || f2 == "Symbol" || f1 == "TimesNewRoman" || f2 == "TimesNewRoman"
var jsFix = strings.NewReplacer(
// `\u003c`, `<`,
// `\u003e`, `>`,
// `\u0026`, `&`,
// `\u0009`, `\t`,
func printTable(name string, table []Inst) {
_ = strconv.Atoi