blob: 19ee694d434053f444f49a3192eb60d85c78e4e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build darwin
// Package coreanim provides access to Apple's Core Animation API
// (
// This package is in very early stages of development.
// It's a minimal implementation with scope limited to
// supporting mtldriver.
// It was copied from
package coreanim
import (
#cgo LDFLAGS: -framework QuartzCore -framework Foundation
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "coreanim.h"
import "C"
// Layer is an object that manages image-based content and
// allows you to perform animations on that content.
// Reference:
type Layer interface {
// Layer returns the underlying CALayer * pointer.
Layer() unsafe.Pointer
// MetalLayer is a Core Animation Metal layer, a layer that manages a pool of Metal drawables.
// Reference:
type MetalLayer struct {
metalLayer unsafe.Pointer
// MakeMetalLayer creates a new Core Animation Metal layer.
// Reference:
func MakeMetalLayer() MetalLayer {
return MetalLayer{C.MakeMetalLayer()}
// Layer implements the Layer interface.
func (ml MetalLayer) Layer() unsafe.Pointer { return ml.metalLayer }
// PixelFormat returns the pixel format of textures for rendering layer content.
// Reference:
func (ml MetalLayer) PixelFormat() mtl.PixelFormat {
return mtl.PixelFormat(C.MetalLayer_PixelFormat(ml.metalLayer))
// SetDevice sets the Metal device responsible for the layer's drawable resources.
// Reference:
func (ml MetalLayer) SetDevice(device mtl.Device) {
C.MetalLayer_SetDevice(ml.metalLayer, device.Device())
// SetPixelFormat controls the pixel format of textures for rendering layer content.
// The pixel format for a Metal layer must be PixelFormatBGRA8UNorm, PixelFormatBGRA8UNormSRGB,
// PixelFormatRGBA16Float, PixelFormatBGRA10XR, or PixelFormatBGRA10XRSRGB.
// SetPixelFormat panics for other values.
// Reference:
func (ml MetalLayer) SetPixelFormat(pf mtl.PixelFormat) {
e := C.MetalLayer_SetPixelFormat(ml.metalLayer, C.uint16_t(pf))
if e != nil {
// SetMaximumDrawableCount controls the number of Metal drawables in the resource pool
// managed by Core Animation.
// It can set to 2 or 3 only. SetMaximumDrawableCount panics for other values.
// Reference:
func (ml MetalLayer) SetMaximumDrawableCount(count int) {
e := C.MetalLayer_SetMaximumDrawableCount(ml.metalLayer, C.uint_t(count))
if e != nil {
// SetDisplaySyncEnabled controls whether the Metal layer and its drawables
// are synchronized with the display's refresh rate.
// Reference:
func (ml MetalLayer) SetDisplaySyncEnabled(enabled bool) {
C.MetalLayer_SetDisplaySyncEnabled(ml.metalLayer, C.bool(enabled))
// SetDrawableSize sets the size, in pixels, of textures for rendering layer content.
// Reference:
func (ml MetalLayer) SetDrawableSize(width, height int) {
C.MetalLayer_SetDrawableSize(ml.metalLayer, C.double(width), C.double(height))
// NextDrawable returns a Metal drawable.
// Reference:
func (ml MetalLayer) NextDrawable() (MetalDrawable, error) {
md := C.MetalLayer_NextDrawable(ml.metalLayer)
if md == nil {
return MetalDrawable{}, errors.New("nextDrawable returned nil")
return MetalDrawable{md}, nil
// MetalDrawable is a displayable resource that can be rendered or written to by Metal.
// Reference:
type MetalDrawable struct {
metalDrawable unsafe.Pointer
// Drawable implements the mtl.Drawable interface.
func (md MetalDrawable) Drawable() unsafe.Pointer { return md.metalDrawable }
// Texture returns a Metal texture object representing the drawable object's content.
// Reference:
func (md MetalDrawable) Texture() mtl.Texture {
return mtl.NewTexture(C.MetalDrawable_Texture(md.metalDrawable))