Experimental and deprecated packages

Clone this repo:
  1. fe59bbe all: fix function names in comment by cuishuang · 9 days ago master
  2. 93d18d7 trace: regenerate trace from go@5879bf7 by Michael Anthony Knyszek · 2 weeks ago
  3. c0f41cb go.mod: update golang.org/x dependencies by Gopher Robot · 3 weeks ago
  4. a685a6e trace: regenerate trace from go@c2b1463 by Michael Anthony Knyszek · 4 weeks ago
  5. a85f2c6 go.mod: update golang.org/x dependencies by Gopher Robot · 7 weeks ago



This subrepository holds experimental and deprecated (in the old directory) packages.

The idea for this subrepository originated as the pkg/exp directory of the main repository, but its presence there made it unavailable to users of the binary downloads of the Go installation. The subrepository has therefore been created to make it possible to go get these packages.

Warning: Packages here are experimental and unreliable. Some may one day be promoted to the main repository or other subrepository, or they may be modified arbitrarily or even disappear altogether.

In short, code in this subrepository is not subject to the Go 1 compatibility promise. (No subrepo is, but the promise is even more likely to be violated by go.exp than the others.)

Caveat emptor.