wiki: shuffle landing pages is the old landing page; make it is an automatic list of pages; make it
redirect Home to index

Change-Id: I60e28832dc932da0a0463fe2114fed9d6d3457a8
Reviewed-by: Russ Cox <>
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a72306f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+title: All Wiki Pages
+template: true
+(See [the wiki home page](/wiki/) for a less mechanical overview of the Go wiki.)
+<div id="wikiindex">
+{{- range pages "/wiki/*.md" -}}
+{{- if and .title (ne .URL "/wiki/") -}}
+<li class="wikititle">{{$short := strings.TrimPrefix .URL "/wiki/"}}<a href="{{.URL}}">{{$short}}{{if ne $short .title}} (“{{.title}}”){{end}}</a>
+{{end -}}
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/ b/
index 3d7802a..0631a54 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,252 +1,3 @@
-title: Home
+redirect: /wiki/
-Welcome to the Go wiki, a collection of information about the [Go Programming Language]( [Awesome Go]( is another great resource for Go programmers, curated by the Go community.
-## Questions about Go
-See [Questions](Questions).
-Please do not ask questions by editing or creating a wiki page.  Any such changes will be silently reverted.
-## Contributing
-- This wiki is open to editing by any member of the Go community with a GitHub account.
-- If you would like to add a new page, please first open an issue in the [Go issue tracker]( with the prefix 'wiki' to propose the addition. Clearly state why the content does not fit into any of the existing pages.
-- Because renaming of pages in the wiki can break external links, please open an issue before renaming or removing any wiki page.
-# Table of Contents
-- [Getting started with Go](#getting-started-with-go)
-- [Working with Go](#working-with-go)
-- [Learning more about Go](#learning-more-about-go)
-- [The Go Community](#the-go-community)
-- [Using the go toolchain](#using-the-go-toolchain)
-- [Additional Go Programming Wikis](#additional-go-programming-wikis)
-- [Online Services that work with Go](#online-services-that-work-with-go)
-- [Troubleshooting Go Programs in Production](#troubleshooting-go-programs-in-production)
-- [Contributing to the Go Project](#contributing-to-the-go-project)
-- [Platform Specific Information](#platform-specific-information)
-- [Release Specific Information](#release-specific-information)
-- [Questions](Questions)
-## Getting started with Go
-- [The Go Tour]( is the best place to start.
-- [Effective Go]( will help you learn how to write idiomatic Go code.
-- [Go standard library documentation]( to familiarize yourself with the standard library.
-- [Use the Go Playground]( to test out Go programs in your browser.
-- Still not convinced? Check out this list of [Go Users](GoUsers) and a few of their [Success stories](SuccessStories). We've also assembled a long list of reasons [why you should give Go a try](whygo).
-- Read about the companies which have [switched from other languages to Go](/wiki/FromXToGo).
-## Working with Go
-Ready to write some Go code of your own? Here are a few links to help you get started.
-- Install and Setup your Environment
-  - Start here: [Official Installation Documentation](
-  - If you prefer to install from source, [read this first](
-  - [InstallFromSource](InstallFromSource) - Additional tips on source installs.
-  - Windows user? [Install and configure Go, Git, and Visual Studio Code for Windows](
-  - Mac user? [How I start - Go]( - A step-by-step guide to installing Go and building your first web service.
-  - Having installation problems? [InstallTroubleShooting](InstallTroubleShooting)
-  - Make sure you have your [$GOPATH environment variable set correctly](
-    - If you need additional tips on using [$GOPATH, go here](GOPATH).
-  - [MultipleGoRoots](MultipleGoRoots) - More advanced information on working with multiple go installations and the `$GOROOT` variable.
-- [Go IDEs and Editors](IDEsAndTextEditorPlugins) - Information on how to use your favorite editor with Go.
-- [Tools for working with Go code](CodeTools) - Formatting, linting, vetting, refactoring, navigation, and visualization.
-- Finding Go Libraries and Packages
-  - Start here: [Go open source projects](Projects).
-  - Search for Go packages: [](
-  - Visualization of the [Go open-source package graph](
-- [Modules](Modules) - documentation on the dependency management system built into the Go command, added in 1.11.
-- [Managing your dependencies](PackageManagementTools) - An overview of the tools you can use to manage third-party packages (vendoring).
-- Publishing Go Packages as Open Source
-  - Getting ready to publish your package? [Start here.](PackagePublishing)
-  - [The Go Checklist]( - A comprehensive guide for publishing a project.
-  - [How to layout your GitHub repo](GitHubCodeLayout) to make it easy for other Go programmers to use with the `go get` command.
-  - [Go Package, Go]( - A few recommendations for making Go packages easy to use.
-## Learning more about Go
-Once you have an overview of the language, here are resources you can use to learn more.
-- [Learning Go](Learn) - A collection of resources for learning Go - beginner to advanced.
-  - [Best Practices for a New Go Developer]( - Insights from Go community members.
-  - [Server programming](LearnServerProgramming) - Building web, mobile, and API servers.
-  - [More on concurrency](LearnConcurrency)
-  - [More on error handling](LearnErrorHandling)
-  - [More on testing](LearnTesting)
-  - [More on mobile - Android and iOS](Mobile)
-- [Books](Books) - A list of Go books that have been published (ebook, paper).
-- [Blogs](Blogs) - Blogs about Go.
-  - [Podcasts](Podcasts) - Podcasts and episodes featuring Go.
-- Videos, Talks, and Presentations
-  - [GopherVids]( (currently unreachable) is a searchable index of videos about Go.
-  - [GoTalks](GoTalks) - A collection of talks from Go conferences and meetups.
-  - [Livestreams](Livestreams) - live interactive Go project streams with members of the community.
-  - [Screencasts](Screencasts)
-- [Articles](Articles) - A collection of articles to help you learn more about Go.
-- [Training](Training) - Free and commercial, online, and classroom training for Go.
-- [University Courses](Courses) - A list of CS programs and classes using Go.
-- [Resources for non-English speakers](NonEnglish)
-## The Go Community
-Here are some of the places where you can find Gophers online. To get a sense of what it means to be a member of the Go community, read [Damian Gryski's keynote from the GolangUK 2015 conference]( or watch [Andrew Gerrand's closing keynote from GopherCon 2015](
-- Where Gophers hangout online:
-  - [The Go Forum]( - An all-purpose discussion forum for the Go community.
-  - [Gophers Slack Channel]( - For real-time chat ([request membership](
-  - [Golang News]( - For curated links about Go Programming.
-  - There is also a [/r/golang]( sub-reddit.
-  - On Twitter, follow the [@golang]( account and keep tabs on the [#golang]( hashtag.
-  - We've also got a landing page on [Stack Overflow]( for Go Q&A.
-  - Matrix enthusiasts are invited to join [](
-  - Discord users are welcome at the [Discord Gophers]( server.
-  - Hashnode users talk and write about Go in [Hashnode Go community](
-- Mailing Lists
-  - The mailing list for Go users is [golang-nuts](!forum/golang-nuts) - very high traffic.
-    - Before you post, [check to see if it's already been answered](, then read [these tips on how to ask a good question](HowToAsk)
-  - For discussions about the core Go open source project, join [golang-dev](!forum/golang-dev).
-  - To get just our release announcements, join [golang-announce](!forum/golang-announce)
-- User Groups & Meetups - There are [Go Meetups in many cities](
-  - [GoBridge]( - Volunteers helping underrepresented communities to teach technical skills and to foster diversity in Go.
-  - [Women Who Go](
-  - See here for [additional information GoUserGroups](GoUserGroups)
-  - [GoDiscourse]( - Go Discourse is an open-source Go-based forum from `hello world`.
-- [Conferences](Conferences) - A list of upcoming and past Go conferences and major events.
-- [Companies using Go](GoUsers) - A comprehensive list of companies using Go throughout the world.
-- Learn more about the [Go Gopher images](Gopher) by Renee French.
-## Using the Go Toolchain
-- Start with the standard documentation for the `go` command [available here](
-- Start here to learn about [vendoring](
-- See also [PackageManagementTools](PackageManagementTools) for package management tools.
-- [Cross Compilation](
-- Shared libraries and Go (buildmode)
-  - [Go Shared Libraries]( - Examples for creating and using shared libraries from Go and Python.
-  - [Sharing Go Packages with C]( - by [@ralch](
-  - [Calling Go libraries from Python]( - by Filippo Valsorda
-  - [Calling Go libraries from Ruby]( - by Peter Hellberg
-  - [Calling Go libraries from Swift]( - by Jaana Burcu Dogan
-  - [Build a Ruby Gem with a Go native extension]( - by @jondot
-  - [gohttplib]( - An experiment in using Go 1.5 buildmode=c-shared.
-- See the wikis below for additional details:
-  - [GoGetTools](GoGetTools)
-  - [GoGetProxyConfig](GoGetProxyConfig)
-  - [cgo](cgo)
-  - [CompilerOptimizations](CompilerOptimizations)
-  - [GccgoCrossCompilation](GccgoCrossCompilation)
-  - [GcToolchainTricks](GcToolchainTricks)
-  - [GoGenerateTools](GoGenerateTools)
-  - [Go Tooling Essentials]( - by Jaana Burcu Dogan
-## Additional Go Programming Wikis
-- Concurrency
-  - [Timeouts](Timeouts) - Abandon async calls that take too long
-  - [LockOSThread](LockOSThread)
-  - [MutexOrChannel](MutexOrChannel) - When to use one vs the other
-  - [RaceDetector](RaceDetector) - How to detect and fix race conditions
-- Working with Databases
-  - [database/sql]( - Online tutorial for working with the database/sql package.
-  - [SQLDrivers](SQLDrivers)
-  - [SQLInterface](SQLInterface)
-- From other languages
-  - [Go for Java Programmers](
-  - [Go for C++ Programmers](GoForCPPProgrammers)
-- Strings
-  - [GoStrings](GoStrings)
-  - [String Matching](
-- [Comments](Comments)
-- [CommonMistakes](CommonMistakes)
-- [Errors](Errors)
-- [GcToolchainTricks](GcToolchainTricks)
-- [InterfaceSlice](InterfaceSlice)
-- [Iota](Iota)
-- [MethodSets](MethodSets)
-- [PanicAndRecover](PanicAndRecover)
-- [Range](Range)
-- [RateLimiting](RateLimiting)
-- [SignalHandling](SignalHandling)
-- [SimultaneousAssignment](SimultaneousAssignment)
-- [SliceTricks](SliceTricks)
-- [Switch](Switch)
-- [TableDrivenTests](TableDrivenTests)
-## Online Services that work with Go
-If you're looking for services that support Go, here's a list to get you started.
-- Cloud Computing - Go is well supported by most cloud service providers.
-  - [Amazon Web Services](
-  - [Azure](
-  - [DigitalOcean](
-  - [GE Predix](
-  - [Google Cloud Platform for Go](
-  - [Heroku](
-  - [IBM Bluemix](
-  - [OpenStack](
-  - [Vscale](
-  - [Aliyun](
-  - [Tencent](
-  - See here for [information on additional providers](ProviderIntegration)
-- [Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment](HostedContinuousIntegration) - Go is well supported by most CI/CD frameworks
-- Monitoring/Logging
-  - [OpsDash]( - Go-based cluster monitoring platform.
-- Package and Dependency Management
-  - []( is a source for stable Go libraries, provided by Gustavo Niemeyer.
-## Troubleshooting Go Programs in Production
-- Understand the performance of your Go apps using the [pprof package](
-- Heap Dumps
-  - [heapdump13](heapdump13)
-  - [heapdump14](heapdump14)
-  - [heapdump15-through-heapdump17](heapdump15-through-heapdump17)
-## Contributing to the Go Project
-- Start by reading the [Go Contribution Guidelines](
-- If you'd like to propose a change to the Go project, start by reading the [Go Change Proposal Process](
-  - An archive of [design documents is also available](DesignDocuments)
-- Go releases happen at ~6-month intervals. [See here for more information](Go-Release-Cycle)
-- Want to know more about how the [Go source X-repositories are structured?](X-Repositories)
-- The Go project requires that all code be reviewed before it is submitted.
-  - Read more about our [code review practices](CodeReview)
-  - If you're commenting on code under review, please read [these guidelines](CodeReviewComments)
-- Issues
-  - Bug reports and feature requests should be filed using the [GitHub issue tracker](
-  - Want to understand how we [handle issues that are reported?](HandlingIssues)
-- Project Dashboards
-  - [Go Builds Dashboard info](DashboardBuilders)
-  - [Performance Dashboard info](PerfDashboard)
-  - [Download failed logs and debugging](/wiki/Download-build-farm-failed-logs-and-debugging)
-## Platform Specific Information
-See [MinimumRequirements](MinimumRequirements) for minimum platform requirements of current Go ports. Considering porting Go to a new platform? [Read our porting policy first](PortingPolicy).
-- [ChromeOS](ChromeOS)
-- [Darwin](Darwin)
-- [DragonFly BSD](DragonFly-BSD)
-- [FreeBSD](FreeBSD)
-- [Go on ARM](GoArm)
-- [Linux](Linux)
-  - [Ubuntu](Ubuntu)
-- [Mobile](Mobile)
-- [NetBSD](NetBSD)
-- [OpenBSD](OpenBSD)
-- [Plan 9](Plan9)
-- [Solaris](Solaris)
-- [Windows](Windows)
-  - [WindowsBuild](WindowsBuild)
-  - [WindowsCrossCompiling](WindowsCrossCompiling)
-  - [WindowsDLLs](WindowsDLLs)
-- Please refrain from changing the title of the wiki pages, as some of them might be linked to from []( or other websites
diff --git a/ b/
index b269c36..9be475b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,16 +1,255 @@
-title: Index
-template: true
+title: Home
-<div id="wikiindex">
+Welcome to the Go wiki, a collection of information about the [Go Programming Language]( [Awesome Go]( is another great resource for Go programmers, curated by the Go community.
-{{- range pages "/wiki/*.md" -}}
-{{- if and .title (ne .URL "/wiki/") -}}
-<li class="wikititle">{{$short := strings.TrimPrefix .URL "/wiki/"}}<a href="{{.URL}}">{{$short}}{{if ne $short .title}} (“{{.title}}”){{end}}</a>
-{{end -}}
-{{- end -}}
+If you can't find what you need on this page, see the [list of all pages](All).
+## Questions about Go
+See [Questions](Questions).
+Please do not ask questions by editing or creating a wiki page.  Any such changes will be silently reverted.
+## Contributing
+- This wiki is open to editing by any member of the Go community with a GitHub account.
+- If you would like to add a new page, please first open an issue in the [Go issue tracker]( with the prefix 'wiki' to propose the addition. Clearly state why the content does not fit into any of the existing pages.
+- Because renaming of pages in the wiki can break external links, please open an issue before renaming or removing any wiki page.
+# Table of Contents
+- [Getting started with Go](#getting-started-with-go)
+- [Working with Go](#working-with-go)
+- [Learning more about Go](#learning-more-about-go)
+- [The Go Community](#the-go-community)
+- [Using the go toolchain](#using-the-go-toolchain)
+- [Additional Go Programming Wikis](#additional-go-programming-wikis)
+- [Online Services that work with Go](#online-services-that-work-with-go)
+- [Troubleshooting Go Programs in Production](#troubleshooting-go-programs-in-production)
+- [Contributing to the Go Project](#contributing-to-the-go-project)
+- [Platform Specific Information](#platform-specific-information)
+- [Release Specific Information](#release-specific-information)
+- [Questions](Questions)
+## Getting started with Go
+- [The Go Tour]( is the best place to start.
+- [Effective Go]( will help you learn how to write idiomatic Go code.
+- [Go standard library documentation]( to familiarize yourself with the standard library.
+- [Use the Go Playground]( to test out Go programs in your browser.
+- Still not convinced? Check out this list of [Go Users](GoUsers) and a few of their [Success stories](SuccessStories). We've also assembled a long list of reasons [why you should give Go a try](whygo).
+- Read about the companies which have [switched from other languages to Go](/wiki/FromXToGo).
+## Working with Go
+Ready to write some Go code of your own? Here are a few links to help you get started.
+- Install and Setup your Environment
+  - Start here: [Official Installation Documentation](
+  - If you prefer to install from source, [read this first](
+  - [InstallFromSource](InstallFromSource) - Additional tips on source installs.
+  - Windows user? [Install and configure Go, Git, and Visual Studio Code for Windows](
+  - Mac user? [How I start - Go]( - A step-by-step guide to installing Go and building your first web service.
+  - Having installation problems? [InstallTroubleShooting](InstallTroubleShooting)
+  - Make sure you have your [$GOPATH environment variable set correctly](
+    - If you need additional tips on using [$GOPATH, go here](GOPATH).
+  - [MultipleGoRoots](MultipleGoRoots) - More advanced information on working with multiple go installations and the `$GOROOT` variable.
+- [Go IDEs and Editors](IDEsAndTextEditorPlugins) - Information on how to use your favorite editor with Go.
+- [Tools for working with Go code](CodeTools) - Formatting, linting, vetting, refactoring, navigation, and visualization.
+- Finding Go Libraries and Packages
+  - Start here: [Go open source projects](Projects).
+  - Search for Go packages: [](
+  - Visualization of the [Go open-source package graph](
+- [Modules](Modules) - documentation on the dependency management system built into the Go command, added in 1.11.
+- [Managing your dependencies](PackageManagementTools) - An overview of the tools you can use to manage third-party packages (vendoring).
+- Publishing Go Packages as Open Source
+  - Getting ready to publish your package? [Start here.](PackagePublishing)
+  - [The Go Checklist]( - A comprehensive guide for publishing a project.
+  - [How to layout your GitHub repo](GitHubCodeLayout) to make it easy for other Go programmers to use with the `go get` command.
+  - [Go Package, Go]( - A few recommendations for making Go packages easy to use.
+## Learning more about Go
+Once you have an overview of the language, here are resources you can use to learn more.
+- [Learning Go](Learn) - A collection of resources for learning Go - beginner to advanced.
+  - [Best Practices for a New Go Developer]( - Insights from Go community members.
+  - [Server programming](LearnServerProgramming) - Building web, mobile, and API servers.
+  - [More on concurrency](LearnConcurrency)
+  - [More on error handling](LearnErrorHandling)
+  - [More on testing](LearnTesting)
+  - [More on mobile - Android and iOS](Mobile)
+- [Books](Books) - A list of Go books that have been published (ebook, paper).
+- [Blogs](Blogs) - Blogs about Go.
+  - [Podcasts](Podcasts) - Podcasts and episodes featuring Go.
+- Videos, Talks, and Presentations
+  - [GopherVids]( (currently unreachable) is a searchable index of videos about Go.
+  - [GoTalks](GoTalks) - A collection of talks from Go conferences and meetups.
+  - [Livestreams](Livestreams) - live interactive Go project streams with members of the community.
+  - [Screencasts](Screencasts)
+- [Articles](Articles) - A collection of articles to help you learn more about Go.
+- [Training](Training) - Free and commercial, online, and classroom training for Go.
+- [University Courses](Courses) - A list of CS programs and classes using Go.
+- [Resources for non-English speakers](NonEnglish)
+## The Go Community
+Here are some of the places where you can find Gophers online. To get a sense of what it means to be a member of the Go community, read [Damian Gryski's keynote from the GolangUK 2015 conference]( or watch [Andrew Gerrand's closing keynote from GopherCon 2015](
+- Where Gophers hangout online:
+  - [The Go Forum]( - An all-purpose discussion forum for the Go community.
+  - [Gophers Slack Channel]( - For real-time chat ([request membership](
+  - [Golang News]( - For curated links about Go Programming.
+  - There is also a [/r/golang]( sub-reddit.
+  - On Twitter, follow the [@golang]( account and keep tabs on the [#golang]( hashtag.
+  - We've also got a landing page on [Stack Overflow]( for Go Q&A.
+  - Matrix enthusiasts are invited to join [](
+  - Discord users are welcome at the [Discord Gophers]( server.
+  - Hashnode users talk and write about Go in [Hashnode Go community](
+- Mailing Lists
+  - The mailing list for Go users is [golang-nuts](!forum/golang-nuts) - very high traffic.
+    - Before you post, [check to see if it's already been answered](, then read [these tips on how to ask a good question](HowToAsk)
+  - For discussions about the core Go open source project, join [golang-dev](!forum/golang-dev).
+  - To get just our release announcements, join [golang-announce](!forum/golang-announce)
+- User Groups & Meetups - There are [Go Meetups in many cities](
+  - [GoBridge]( - Volunteers helping underrepresented communities to teach technical skills and to foster diversity in Go.
+  - [Women Who Go](
+  - See here for [additional information GoUserGroups](GoUserGroups)
+  - [GoDiscourse]( - Go Discourse is an open-source Go-based forum from `hello world`.
+- [Conferences](Conferences) - A list of upcoming and past Go conferences and major events.
+- [Companies using Go](GoUsers) - A comprehensive list of companies using Go throughout the world.
+- Learn more about the [Go Gopher images](Gopher) by Renee French.
+## Using the Go Toolchain
+- Start with the standard documentation for the `go` command [available here](
+- Start here to learn about [vendoring](
+- See also [PackageManagementTools](PackageManagementTools) for package management tools.
+- [Cross Compilation](
+- Shared libraries and Go (buildmode)
+  - [Go Shared Libraries]( - Examples for creating and using shared libraries from Go and Python.
+  - [Sharing Go Packages with C]( - by [@ralch](
+  - [Calling Go libraries from Python]( - by Filippo Valsorda
+  - [Calling Go libraries from Ruby]( - by Peter Hellberg
+  - [Calling Go libraries from Swift]( - by Jaana Burcu Dogan
+  - [Build a Ruby Gem with a Go native extension]( - by @jondot
+  - [gohttplib]( - An experiment in using Go 1.5 buildmode=c-shared.
+- See the wikis below for additional details:
+  - [GoGetTools](GoGetTools)
+  - [GoGetProxyConfig](GoGetProxyConfig)
+  - [cgo](cgo)
+  - [CompilerOptimizations](CompilerOptimizations)
+  - [GccgoCrossCompilation](GccgoCrossCompilation)
+  - [GcToolchainTricks](GcToolchainTricks)
+  - [GoGenerateTools](GoGenerateTools)
+  - [Go Tooling Essentials]( - by Jaana Burcu Dogan
+## Additional Go Programming Wikis
+- Concurrency
+  - [Timeouts](Timeouts) - Abandon async calls that take too long
+  - [LockOSThread](LockOSThread)
+  - [MutexOrChannel](MutexOrChannel) - When to use one vs the other
+  - [RaceDetector](RaceDetector) - How to detect and fix race conditions
+- Working with Databases
+  - [database/sql]( - Online tutorial for working with the database/sql package.
+  - [SQLDrivers](SQLDrivers)
+  - [SQLInterface](SQLInterface)
+- From other languages
+  - [Go for Java Programmers](
+  - [Go for C++ Programmers](GoForCPPProgrammers)
+- Strings
+  - [GoStrings](GoStrings)
+  - [String Matching](
+- [Comments](Comments)
+- [CommonMistakes](CommonMistakes)
+- [Errors](Errors)
+- [GcToolchainTricks](GcToolchainTricks)
+- [InterfaceSlice](InterfaceSlice)
+- [Iota](Iota)
+- [MethodSets](MethodSets)
+- [PanicAndRecover](PanicAndRecover)
+- [Range](Range)
+- [RateLimiting](RateLimiting)
+- [SignalHandling](SignalHandling)
+- [SimultaneousAssignment](SimultaneousAssignment)
+- [SliceTricks](SliceTricks)
+- [Switch](Switch)
+- [TableDrivenTests](TableDrivenTests)
+## Online Services that work with Go
+If you're looking for services that support Go, here's a list to get you started.
+- Cloud Computing - Go is well supported by most cloud service providers.
+  - [Amazon Web Services](
+  - [Azure](
+  - [DigitalOcean](
+  - [GE Predix](
+  - [Google Cloud Platform for Go](
+  - [Heroku](
+  - [IBM Bluemix](
+  - [OpenStack](
+  - [Vscale](
+  - [Aliyun](
+  - [Tencent](
+  - See here for [information on additional providers](ProviderIntegration)
+- [Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment](HostedContinuousIntegration) - Go is well supported by most CI/CD frameworks
+- Monitoring/Logging
+  - [OpsDash]( - Go-based cluster monitoring platform.
+- Package and Dependency Management
+  - []( is a source for stable Go libraries, provided by Gustavo Niemeyer.
+## Troubleshooting Go Programs in Production
+- Understand the performance of your Go apps using the [pprof package](
+- Heap Dumps
+  - [heapdump13](heapdump13)
+  - [heapdump14](heapdump14)
+  - [heapdump15-through-heapdump17](heapdump15-through-heapdump17)
+## Contributing to the Go Project
+- Start by reading the [Go Contribution Guidelines](
+- If you'd like to propose a change to the Go project, start by reading the [Go Change Proposal Process](
+  - An archive of [design documents is also available](DesignDocuments)
+- Go releases happen at ~6-month intervals. [See here for more information](Go-Release-Cycle)
+- Want to know more about how the [Go source X-repositories are structured?](X-Repositories)
+- The Go project requires that all code be reviewed before it is submitted.
+  - Read more about our [code review practices](CodeReview)
+  - If you're commenting on code under review, please read [these guidelines](CodeReviewComments)
+- Issues
+  - Bug reports and feature requests should be filed using the [GitHub issue tracker](
+  - Want to understand how we [handle issues that are reported?](HandlingIssues)
+- Project Dashboards
+  - [Go Builds Dashboard info](DashboardBuilders)
+  - [Performance Dashboard info](PerfDashboard)
+  - [Download failed logs and debugging](/wiki/Download-build-farm-failed-logs-and-debugging)
+## Platform Specific Information
+See [MinimumRequirements](MinimumRequirements) for minimum platform requirements of current Go ports. Considering porting Go to a new platform? [Read our porting policy first](PortingPolicy).
+- [ChromeOS](ChromeOS)
+- [Darwin](Darwin)
+- [DragonFly BSD](DragonFly-BSD)
+- [FreeBSD](FreeBSD)
+- [Go on ARM](GoArm)
+- [Linux](Linux)
+  - [Ubuntu](Ubuntu)
+- [Mobile](Mobile)
+- [NetBSD](NetBSD)
+- [OpenBSD](OpenBSD)
+- [Plan 9](Plan9)
+- [Solaris](Solaris)
+- [Windows](Windows)
+  - [WindowsBuild](WindowsBuild)
+  - [WindowsCrossCompiling](WindowsCrossCompiling)
+  - [WindowsDLLs](WindowsDLLs)
+- Please refrain from changing the title of the wiki pages, as some of them might be linked to from []( or other websites