blob: 7b3ba9cb48c9bddccddc687c324b293d4f4c5737 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gitfs
import (
// unpack parses data, which is a Git pack-formatted archive,
// writing every object it contains to the store s.
// See for format documentation.
func unpack(s *store, data []byte) error {
// If the store is empty, pre-allocate the length of data.
// This should be about the right order of magnitude for the eventual data,
// avoiding many growing steps during append.
if len( == 0 { = make([]byte, 0, len(data))
// Pack data starts with 12-byte header: "PACK" version[4] nobj[4].
if len(data) < 12+20 {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed git pack: too short")
hdr := data[:12]
vers := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(hdr[4:8])
nobj := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(hdr[8:12])
if string(hdr[:4]) != "PACK" || vers != 2 && vers != 3 || len(data) < 12+20 || int64(nobj) >= int64(len(data)) {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed git pack")
if vers == 3 {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot read git pack v3")
// Pack data ends with SHA1 of the entire pack.
sum := sha1.Sum(data[:len(data)-20])
if !bytes.Equal(sum[:], data[len(data)-20:]) {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed git pack: bad checksum")
// Object data is everything between hdr and ending SHA1.
// Unpack every object into the store.
objs := data[12 : len(data)-20]
off := 0
for i := 0; i < int(nobj); i++ {
_, _, _, encSize, err := unpackObject(s, objs, off)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unpack: malformed git pack: %v", err)
off += encSize
if off != len(objs) {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed git pack: junk after objects")
return nil
// unpackObject unpacks the object at objs[off:] and writes it to the store s.
// It returns the type, hash, and content of the object, as well as the encoded size,
// meaning the number of bytes at the start of objs[off:] that this record occupies.
func unpackObject(s *store, objs []byte, off int) (typ objType, h Hash, content []byte, encSize int, err error) {
fail := func(err error) (objType, Hash, []byte, int, error) {
return 0, Hash{}, nil, 0, err
if off < 0 || off >= len(objs) {
return fail(fmt.Errorf("invalid object offset"))
// Object starts with varint-encoded type and length n.
// (The length n is the length of the compressed data that follows,
// not the length of the actual object.)
u, size := binary.Uvarint(objs[off:])
if size <= 0 {
return fail(fmt.Errorf("invalid object: bad varint header"))
typ = objType((u >> 4) & 7)
n := int(u&15 | u>>7<<4)
// Git often stores objects that differ very little (different revs of a file).
// It can save space by encoding one as "start with this other object and apply these diffs".
// There are two ways to specify "this other object": an object ref (20-byte SHA1)
// or as a relative offset to an earlier position in the objs slice.
// For either of these, we need to fetch the other object's type and data (deltaTyp and deltaBase).
// The Git docs call this the "deltified representation".
var deltaTyp objType
var deltaBase []byte
switch typ {
case objRefDelta:
if len(objs)-(off+size) < 20 {
return fail(fmt.Errorf("invalid object: bad delta ref"))
// Base block identified by SHA1 of an already unpacked hash.
var h Hash
copy(h[:], objs[off+size:])
size += 20
deltaTyp, deltaBase = s.object(h)
if deltaTyp == 0 {
return fail(fmt.Errorf("invalid object: unknown delta ref %v", h))
case objOfsDelta:
i := off + size
if len(objs)-i < 20 {
return fail(fmt.Errorf("invalid object: too short"))
// Base block identified by relative offset to earlier position in objs,
// using a varint-like but not-quite-varint encoding.
// Look for "offset encoding:" in
d := int64(objs[i] & 0x7f)
for objs[i]&0x80 != 0 {
if i-(off+size) > 10 {
return fail(fmt.Errorf("invalid object: malformed delta offset"))
d = d<<7 | int64(objs[i]&0x7f)
d += 1 << 7
size = i - off
// Re-unpack the object at the earlier offset to find its type and content.
if d == 0 || d > int64(off) {
return fail(fmt.Errorf("invalid object: bad delta offset"))
var err error
deltaTyp, _, deltaBase, _, err = unpackObject(s, objs, off-int(d))
if err != nil {
return fail(fmt.Errorf("invalid object: bad delta offset"))
// The main encoded data is a zlib-compressed stream.
br := bytes.NewReader(objs[off+size:])
zr, err := zlib.NewReader(br)
if err != nil {
return fail(fmt.Errorf("invalid object deflate: %v", err))
data, err := io.ReadAll(zr)
if err != nil {
return fail(fmt.Errorf("invalid object: bad deflate: %v", err))
if len(data) != n {
return fail(fmt.Errorf("invalid object: deflate size %d != %d", len(data), n))
encSize = len(objs[off:]) - br.Len()
// If we fetched a base object above, the stream is an encoded delta.
// Otherwise it is the raw data.
switch typ {
return fail(fmt.Errorf("invalid object: unknown object type"))
case objCommit, objTree, objBlob, objTag:
// ok
case objRefDelta, objOfsDelta:
// Actual object type is the type of the base object.
typ = deltaTyp
// Delta encoding starts with size of base object and size of new object.
baseSize, s := binary.Uvarint(data)
data = data[s:]
if baseSize != uint64(len(deltaBase)) {
return fail(fmt.Errorf("invalid object: mismatched delta src size"))
targSize, s := binary.Uvarint(data)
data = data[s:]
// Apply delta to base object, producing new object.
targ := make([]byte, targSize)
if err := applyDelta(targ, deltaBase, data); err != nil {
return fail(fmt.Errorf("invalid object: %v", err))
data = targ
h, data = s.add(typ, data)
return typ, h, data, encSize, nil
// applyDelta applies the delta encoding to src, producing dst,
// which has already been allocated to the expected final size.
// See for docs.
func applyDelta(dst, src, delta []byte) error {
for len(delta) > 0 {
// Command byte says what comes next.
cmd := delta[0]
delta = delta[1:]
switch {
case cmd == 0:
// cmd == 0 is reserved.
return fmt.Errorf("invalid delta cmd")
case cmd&0x80 != 0:
// Copy from base object, 4-byte offset, 3-byte size.
// But any zero byte in the offset or size can be omitted.
// The bottom 7 bits of cmd say which offset/size bytes are present.
var off, size int64
for i := uint(0); i < 4; i++ {
if cmd&(1<<i) != 0 {
off |= int64(delta[0]) << (8 * i)
delta = delta[1:]
for i := uint(0); i < 3; i++ {
if cmd&(0x10<<i) != 0 {
size |= int64(delta[0]) << (8 * i)
delta = delta[1:]
// Size 0 means size 0x10000 for some reason. (!)
if size == 0 {
size = 0x10000
copy(dst[:size], src[off:off+size])
dst = dst[size:]
// Up to 0x7F bytes of literal data, length in bottom 7 bits of cmd.
n := int(cmd)
copy(dst[:n], delta[:n])
dst = dst[n:]
delta = delta[n:]
if len(dst) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("delta encoding too short")
return nil