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Playground v3
Brad Fitzpatrick
* Overview
- This is talk about
- What it does
- History of implementations
- Latest incarnation
* What does it does
- Lets users run untrusted code in browser
- Used by,, godoc example snippets, etc.
.image hello.png
* Time
- time is faked, cacheable
- starts in Nov 2009, when Go was announced publicly
.image time.png
* Sleep replays
- sleeps are emulated server-side (special runtime support)
- stdout/stderr writes prefixed with binary header containing virtual time
- sandbox parses output, simulates passage of time in browser
- doesn't tie up server resources
* Fun: clear screen with \f
.link /play/p/lrSX-aXEOMe animation example
func main() {
const x = `.oOo`
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
fmt.Printf("\f%c", x[i%len(x)])
time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
* Fun: images
.link /play/p/t9ECgoq0XSD image example
.image pic.png _ 600
* History
Caveat: fake, retroactive version numbers follow for ease of discussion.
In reality, v0.0.0-20141209125517-dba9ba1953c6
* Native Client (NaCl)
- July 2009, four months before Go
- GOOS=nacl, GOARCH={386,amd64p32,arm}
- restricted, verifiable subset of {386,amd64,arm}
- some had ambitions to add it to Chrome, web
- most people opposed
- "Portable NativeClient" (PNaCl) later proposed, opposed
- GOARCH=amd64p32: amd64, but 32-bit pointers
* Playground ~v1
- App Engine frontend, in Python, made RPC calls to pass source to:
- C++ Borg backend, compiled Go to NaCl, ran under ptrace syscall filter
- standard two layers of paranoia; either sufficient in theory alone, ptrace layer logs/alerts hard on any violation
* Playground ~v1.1
- GAE frontend rewritten from Python to Go
- backend still C++ running NaCl on Borg
* Playground ~v2
- move to App Engine Flex, where we can do more stuff
- unify frontend + backend
- run Native Client sel_ldr (NaCl runner binary) ourselves
- no more C++
- no more Borg
* 2017
- May 30, 2017: Portable Native Client (PNaCl) deprecated
- Go never even implemented PNaCl (fortunately, in retrospect)
- Go still implements the doubly deprecated arch-specific NaCl variants
* 2018, 2019...
- WebAssembly rise continues
- NaCl looking increasingly odd, high maintenance cost relative to its worth
- maintenance: builder resources
- maintenance: hoping runtime faketime patches still apply at every release
- maintenance: amd64p32
- but still depends on it
* How to sandbox without NaCl?
* Plan: Playground v3
- delete nacl/*
- move Nacl's funky faketime support to linux/amd64 at least...
- +build faketime (in master for Go 1.14; thanks, Austin!)
- run otherwise regular linux/amd64 binaries in some sandbox
* gVisor
- gVisor is a mostly complete re-implementation of the Linux system call interface, in Go
- runs under various modes ("platforms"): KVM, ptrace
- everything is hookable: ~FUSE on steroids
- performance pretty good, especially with KVM, not that we really need performance
- was Google-internal, open source May 2018
* Who uses gVisor?
- App Engine 2nd gen runtimes (all new ones)
- Cloud Run
- Cloud Functions
- GKE Sandbox (opt-in hardened containers)
- ...
* How to use gVisor?
- tricky, ~unsupported to use directly
- comes with a "runsc" wrapper command that team recommends
* runsc woes
- runsc ("run secure container") is an OCI "runc"-compatible frontend to gVisor
- runc interface itself is tricky
- kinda gross to use directly
- syzkaller fuzzer does, though, so Go driver code exists
- but ...
* root
- runsc requires root
- without networking and ptrace instead of kvm, it _almost_ doesn't require root, but gvisor team isn't quite done with rootless
- App Engine, etc doesn't give us real root (uid=0, but fake, not enough caps, under gVisor itself)
- gvisor can't run nested under gvisor (can't run on Cloud Run, for example)
* Docker
- But Docker supports runsc easily:
docker run --runtime=runsc ...
- So we can just run a dynamically scaled pool of VMs running Docker + a backend HTTP server driving Docker, with a load balancer in front of the pool of VMs.
* v3 architecture
- existing HTTP frontend takes source, compiles binary (for now)
- HTTP PUTs compiled binary to backend HTTP server
* v3 architecture
.image arch.png _ 700
* On each VM
- one privileged container that speaks HTTP
- has bind-mounted /var/run/docker.dock, to control its parent docker
- creates sibling-but-gvisor'ed containers for each play
- HTTP server reads PUT'ed binary, pipes into secure container, reads stdout/stderr response & exit status
- replies over HTTP to frontend
* VM view
.image cos.png _ 900
* Transition plan
* Today
- Frontend compiles to nacl/amd64p32, runs binary
* Today+1
- Frontend compiles to nacl/amd64p32, runs binary
- opt-in support for using new backend (in either linux/amd64 or nacl/amd64p32 mode)
- temporary support in new backend to understand how to wrap nacl with sel_ldr binary
* Today+2:
- Frontend compiles to nacl/amd64p2, PUTs all requests to new backend
- gets us operational experience with backend before Go 1.14 release day chaos
* Go 1.14 release day
- flip a bit in frontend that forces linux/amd64
- NaCl no longer allowed
- can delete all its playground code (minimal)
* Future possibilities
- stop shipping compiled binaries around the network?
- ... minimal win, might not be worth it
- unify compilation & running in the backend?
- 0, 1, or 2 sandbox services to update per Go release?
- 2 is too many
- 1 is today, acceptable
- 0 might be too risky
* Alternatives
* Cloud Run?
- Almost perfect
- but doesn't let you disable network (yet? Cloud Functions has VPC connectors, can route traffic to Linux VM that drops packets)
- if root-less runsc happens, can run in ptrace mode under Cloud Run
* GKE Sandbox?
- not obviously any simpler, faster than this setup
- but might be alternative later
- worry about node pool elasticity latency? COS boots quickly.
* WebAssembly?
- large binaries for users
- still experimental support, but improving
- use WebAssembly for x/tools/cmd/present?
- ... because this Docker runsc contraption is too complicated for casual users giving talks on laptops
- or just run unsandboxes in cmd/present