blob: 3a518bcb954b9d647e9ef8f8e52b2044b0a7762a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gitfs
import (
hashpkg "hash"
// A Hash is a SHA-1 Hash identifying a particular Git object.
type Hash [20]byte
func (h Hash) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%x", h[:]) }
// parseHash parses the (full-length) Git hash text.
func parseHash(text string) (Hash, error) {
x, err := hex.DecodeString(text)
if err != nil || len(x) != 20 {
return Hash{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid hash")
var h Hash
copy(h[:], x)
return h, nil
// An objType is an object type indicator.
// The values are the ones used in Git pack encoding
// (
type objType int
const (
objNone objType = 0
objCommit objType = 1
objTree objType = 2
objBlob objType = 3
objTag objType = 4
// 5 undefined
objOfsDelta objType = 6
objRefDelta objType = 7
var objTypes = [...]string{
objCommit: "commit",
objTree: "tree",
objBlob: "blob",
objTag: "tag",
func (t objType) String() string {
if t < 0 || int(t) >= len(objTypes) || objTypes[t] == "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("objType(%d)", int(t))
return objTypes[t]
// A dirEntry is a Git directory entry parsed from a tree object.
type dirEntry struct {
mode int
name []byte
hash Hash
// parseDirEntry parses the next directory entry from data,
// returning the entry and the number of bytes it occupied.
// If data is malformed, parseDirEntry returns dirEntry{}, 0.
func parseDirEntry(data []byte) (dirEntry, int) {
// Unclear where or if this format is documented by Git.
// Each directory entry is an octal mode, then a space,
// then a file name, then a NUL byte, then a 20-byte binary hash.
// Note that 'git cat-file -p <treehash>' shows a textual representation
// of this data, not the actual binary data. To see the binary data,
// use 'echo <treehash> | git cat-file --batch | hexdump -C'.
mode := 0
i := 0
for i < len(data) && data[i] != ' ' {
c := data[i]
if c < '0' || '7' < c {
return dirEntry{}, 0
mode = mode*8 + int(c) - '0'
j := i
for j < len(data) && data[j] != 0 {
if len(data)-j < 1+20 {
return dirEntry{}, 0
name := data[i:j]
var h Hash
copy(h[:], data[j+1:])
return dirEntry{mode, name, h}, j + 1 + 20
// treeLookup looks in the tree object data for the directory entry with the given name,
// returning the mode and hash associated with the name.
func treeLookup(data []byte, name string) (mode int, h Hash, ok bool) {
// Note: The tree object directory entries are sorted by name,
// but the directory entry data is not self-synchronizing,
// so it's not possible to be clever and use a binary search here.
for len(data) > 0 {
e, size := parseDirEntry(data)
if size == 0 {
if string( == name {
return e.mode, e.hash, true
data = data[size:]
return 0, Hash{}, false
// commitKeyValue parses the commit object data
// looking for the first header line "key: value" matching the given key.
// It returns the associated value.
// (Try 'git cat-file -p <commithash>' to see the commit data format.)
func commitKeyValue(data []byte, key string) ([]byte, bool) {
for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ {
if i == 0 || data[i-1] == '\n' {
if data[i] == '\n' {
if len(data)-i >= len(key)+1 && data[len(key)] == ' ' && string(data[:len(key)]) == key {
val := data[len(key)+1:]
for j := 0; j < len(val); j++ {
if val[j] == '\n' {
val = val[:j]
return val, true
return nil, false
// A store is a collection of Git objects, indexed for lookup by hash.
type store struct {
sha1 hashpkg.Hash // reused hash state
index map[Hash]stored // lookup index
data []byte // concatenation of all object data
// A stored describes a single stored object.
type stored struct {
typ objType // object type
off int // object data is[off:off+len]
len int
// add adds an object with the given type and content to s, returning its Hash.
// If the object is already stored in s, add succeeds but doesn't store a second copy.
func (s *store) add(typ objType, data []byte) (Hash, []byte) {
if s.sha1 == nil {
s.sha1 = sha1.New()
// Compute Git hash for object.
fmt.Fprintf(s.sha1, "%s %d\x00", typ, len(data))
var h Hash
s.sha1.Sum(h[:0]) // appends into h
e, ok := s.index[h]
if !ok {
if s.index == nil {
s.index = make(map[Hash]stored)
e = stored{typ, len(, len(data)}
s.index[h] = e = append(, data...)
return h,[ :]
// object returns the type and data for the object with hash h.
// If there is no object with hash h, object returns 0, nil.
func (s *store) object(h Hash) (typ objType, data []byte) {
d, ok := s.index[h]
if !ok {
return 0, nil
return d.typ,[ :]
// commit returns a treeFS for the file system tree associated with the given commit hash.
func (s *store) commit(h Hash) (*treeFS, error) {
// The commit object data starts with key-value pairs
typ, data := s.object(h)
if typ == objNone {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("commit %s: no such hash", h)
if typ != objCommit {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("commit %s: unexpected type %s", h, typ)
treeHash, ok := commitKeyValue(data, "tree")
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("commit %s: no tree", h)
h, err := parseHash(string(treeHash))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("commit %s: invalid tree %q", h, treeHash)
return &treeFS{s, h}, nil
// A treeFS is an fs.FS serving a Git file system tree rooted at a given tree object hash.
type treeFS struct {
s *store
tree Hash // root tree
// Open opens the given file or directory, implementing the fs.FS Open method.
func (t *treeFS) Open(name string) (f fs.File, err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
f = nil
err = fmt.Errorf("gitfs panic: %v\n%s", e, debug.Stack())
// Process each element in the slash-separated path, producing hash identified by name.
h := t.tree
start := 0 // index of start of final path element in name
if name != "." {
for i := 0; i <= len(name); i++ {
if i == len(name) || name[i] == '/' {
// Look up name in current tree object h.
typ, data := t.s.object(h)
if typ != objTree {
return nil, &fs.PathError{Path: name, Op: "open", Err: fs.ErrNotExist}
_, th, ok := treeLookup(data, name[start:i])
if !ok {
return nil, &fs.PathError{Path: name, Op: "open", Err: fs.ErrNotExist}
h = th
if i < len(name) {
start = i + 1
// The hash h is the hash for name. Load its object.
typ, data := t.s.object(h)
info := fileInfo{name, name[start:], 0, 0}
if typ == objBlob {
// Regular file.
info.mode = 0444
info.size = int64(len(data))
return &blobFile{info, bytes.NewReader(data)}, nil
if typ == objTree {
// Directory.
info.mode = fs.ModeDir | 0555
return &dirFile{t.s, info, data, 0}, nil
return nil, &fs.PathError{Path: name, Op: "open", Err: fmt.Errorf("unexpected git object type %s", typ)}
// fileInfo implements fs.FileInfo.
type fileInfo struct {
path string
name string
mode fs.FileMode
size int64
func (i *fileInfo) Name() string { return }
func (i *fileInfo) Type() fs.FileMode { return i.mode & fs.ModeType }
func (i *fileInfo) Mode() fs.FileMode { return i.mode }
func (i *fileInfo) Sys() interface{} { return nil }
func (i *fileInfo) IsDir() bool { return i.mode&fs.ModeDir != 0 }
func (i *fileInfo) Size() int64 { return i.size }
func (i *fileInfo) Info() (fs.FileInfo, error) { return i, nil }
func (i *fileInfo) ModTime() time.Time { return time.Time{} }
func (i *fileInfo) err(op string, err error) error {
return &fs.PathError{Path: i.path, Op: op, Err: err}
// A blobFile implements fs.File for a regular file.
// The embedded bytes.Reader provides Read, Seek and other I/O methods.
type blobFile struct {
info fileInfo
func (f *blobFile) Close() error { return nil }
func (f *blobFile) Stat() (fs.FileInfo, error) { return &, nil }
// A dirFile implements fs.File for a directory.
type dirFile struct {
s *store
info fileInfo
data []byte
off int
func (f *dirFile) Close() error { return nil }
func (f *dirFile) Read([]byte) (int, error) { return 0,"read", fs.ErrInvalid) }
func (f *dirFile) Stat() (fs.FileInfo, error) { return &, nil }
func (f *dirFile) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
if offset == 0 && whence == 0 {
// Allow rewind to start of directory. = 0
return 0, nil
return 0,"seek", fs.ErrInvalid)
func (f *dirFile) ReadDir(n int) (list []fs.DirEntry, err error) {
defer func() {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
list = nil
err = fmt.Errorf("gitfs panic: %v\n%s", e, debug.Stack())
for (n <= 0 || len(list) < n) && < len( {
e, size := parseDirEntry([])
if size == 0 {
} += size
typ, data := f.s.object(e.hash)
mode := fs.FileMode(0444)
if typ == objTree {
mode = fs.ModeDir | 0555
infoSize := int64(0)
if typ == objBlob {
infoSize = int64(len(data))
name := string(
list = append(list, &fileInfo{name, name, mode, infoSize})
if len(list) == 0 && n > 0 {
return list, io.EOF
return list, nil