_content/blog: add deconstructing type parameters

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diff --git a/_content/blog/deconstructing-type-parameters.md b/_content/blog/deconstructing-type-parameters.md
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+++ b/_content/blog/deconstructing-type-parameters.md
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+title: Deconstructing Type Parameters
+date: 2023-09-26
+- Ian Lance Taylor
+summary: Why the function signatures in the slices packages are so complicated.
+## slices package function signatures
+The [`slices.Clone`](https://pkg.go.dev/slices#Clone) function is
+pretty simple: it makes a copy of a slice of any type.
+func Clone[S ~[]E, E any](s S) S {
+	return append(s[:0:0], s...)
+This works because appending to a slice with zero capacity will
+allocate a new backing array.
+The function body winds up being shorter than the function signature,
+which is in part because the body is short, but also because the
+signature is long.
+In this blog post we'll explain why the signature is written the way
+that it is.
+## Simple Clone
+We'll start by writing a simple generic `Clone` function.
+This is not the one in the `slices` package.
+We want to take a slice of any element type, and return a new slice.
+func Clone1[E any](s []E) []E {
+	// body omitted
+The generic function `Clone1` has a single type parameter `E`.
+It takes a single argument `s` which is a slice of type `E`, and it
+returns a slice of the same type.
+This signature is straightforward for anybody familiar with generics
+in Go.
+However, there is a problem.
+Named slice types are not common in Go, but people do use them.
+// MySlice is a slice of strings with a special String method.
+type MySlice []string
+// String returns the printable version of a MySlice value.
+func (s MySlice) String() string {
+	return strings.Join(s, "+")
+Let's say that we want to make a copy of a `MySlice` and then get the
+printable version, but with the strings in sorted order.
+func PrintSorted(ms MySlice) string {
+	c := Clone1(ms)
+	slices.Sort(c)
+	return c.String() // FAILS TO COMPILE
+Unfortunately, this doesn't work.
+The compiler reports an error:
+c.String undefined (type []string has no field or method String)
+We can see the problem if we manually instantiate `Clone1` by
+replacing the type parameter with the type argument.
+func InstantiatedClone1(s []string) []string
+The [Go assignment rules](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Assignability) allow
+us to pass a value of type `MySlice` to a parameter of type
+`[]string`, so calling `Clone1` is fine.
+But `Clone1` will return a value of type `[]string`, not a value of
+type `MySlce`.
+The type `[]string` doesn't have a `String` method, so the compiler
+reports an error.
+## Flexible Clone
+To fix this problem, we have to write a version of `Clone` that
+returns the same type as its argument.
+If we can do that, then when we call `Clone` with a value of type
+`MySlice`, it will return a result of type `MySlice`.
+We know that it has to look something like this.
+func Clone2[S ?](s S) S // INVALID
+This `Clone2` function returns a value that is the same type as its
+Here I've written the constraint as `?`, but that's just a
+To make this work we need to write a constraint that will let us write
+the body of the function.
+For `Clone1` we could just use a constraint of `any` for the element
+For `Clone2` that won't work: we want to require that `s` be a slice
+Since we know we want a slice, the constraint of `S` has to be a
+We don't care what the slice element type is, so let's just call it
+`E`, as we did with `Clone1`.
+func Clone3[S []E](s S) S // INVALID
+This is still invalid, because we haven't declared `E`.
+The type argument for `E` can be any type, which means it also has to
+be a type parameter itself.
+Since it can be any type, its constraint is `any`.
+func Clone4[S []E, E any](s S) S
+This is getting close, and at least it will compile, but we're not
+quite there yet.
+If we compile this version, we get an error when we call `Clone4(ms)`.
+MySlice does not satisfy []string (possibly missing ~ for []string in []string)
+The compiler is telling us that we can't use the type argument
+`MySlice` for the type parameter `S`, because `MySlice` does not
+satisfy the constraint `[]E`.
+That's because `[]E` as a constraint only permits a slice type
+literal, like `[]string`.
+It doesn't permit a named type like `MySlice`.
+## Underlying type constraints
+As the error message hints, the answer is to add a `~`.
+func Clone5[S ~[]E, E any](s S) S
+To repeat, writing type parameters and constraints `[S []E, E any]`
+means that the type argument for `S` can be any unnamed slice type,
+but it can't be a named type defined as a slice literal.
+Writing `[S ~[]E, E any]`, with a `~`, means that the type argument
+for `S` can be any type whose underlying type is a slice type.
+For any named type `type T1 T2` the underlying type of `T1` is the
+underlying type of `T2`.
+The underlying type of a predeclared type like `int` or a type literal
+like `[]string` is just the type itself.
+For the exact details, [see the language
+In our example, the underlying type of `MySlice` is `[]string`.
+Since the underlying type of `MySlice` is a slice, we can pass an
+argument of type `MySlice` to `Clone5`.
+As you may have noticed, the signature of `Clone5` is the same as the
+signature of `slices.Clone`.
+We've finally gotten to where we want to be.
+Before we move on, let's discuss why the Go syntax requires a `~`.
+It might seem that we would always want to permit passing `MySlice`,
+so why not make that the default?
+Or, if we need to support exact matching, why not flip things around,
+so that a constraint of `[]E` permits a named type while a constraint
+of, say, `=[]E` only permits slice type literals?
+To explain this, let's first observe that a type parameter list like
+`[T ~MySlice]` doesn't make sense.
+That's because `MySlice` is not the underlying type of any other type.
+For instance, if we have a definition like `type MySlice2 MySlice`,
+the underlying type of `MySlice2` is `[]string`, not `MySlice`.
+So either `[T ~MySlice]` would permit no types at all, or it would be
+the same as `[T MySlice]` and only match `MySlice`.
+Either way, `[T ~MySlice]` isn't useful.
+To avoid this confusion, the language prohibits `[T ~MySlice]`, and
+the compiler produces an error like
+invalid use of ~ (underlying type of MySlice is []string)
+If Go didn't require the tilde, so that `[S []E]` would match any type
+whose underlying type is `[]E`, then we would have to define the
+meaning of `[S MySlice]`.
+We could prohibit `[S MySlice]`, or we could say that `[S MySlice]`
+only matches `MySlice`, but either approach runs into trouble with
+predeclared types.
+A predeclared type, like `int` is its own underlying type.
+We want to permit people to be able to write constraints that accept
+any type argument whose underlying type is `int`.
+In the language today, they can do that by writing `[T ~int]`.
+If we don't require the tilde we would still need a way to say "any
+type whose underlying type is `int`".
+The natural way to say that would be `[T int]`.
+That would mean that `[T MySlice]` and `[T int]` would behave
+differently, although they look very similar.
+We could perhaps say that `[S MySlice]` matches any type whose
+underlying type is the underlying type of `MySlice`, but that makes
+`[S MySlice]` unnecessary and confusing.
+We think it's better to require the `~` and be very clear about when
+we are matching the underlying type rather than the type itself.
+## Type inference
+Now that we've explained the signature of `slices.Clone`, let's see
+how actually using `slices.Clone` is simplified by type inference.
+Remember, the signature of `Clone` is
+func Clone[S ~[]E, E any](s S) S
+A call of `slices.Clone` will pass a slice to the parameter `s`.
+Simple type inference will let the compiler infer that the type
+argument for the type parameter `S` is the type of the slice being
+passed to `Clone`.
+Type inference is then powerful enough to see that the type argument
+for `E` is the element type of the type argument passed to `S`.
+This means that we can write
+	c := Clone(ms)
+without having to write
+	c := Clone[MySlice, string](ms)
+If we refer to `Clone` without calling it, we do have to specify a
+type argument for `S`, as the compiler has nothing it can use to infer
+Fortunately, in that case, type inference is able to infer the type
+argument for `E` from the argument for `S`, and we don't have to
+specify it separately.
+That is, we can write
+	myClone := Clone[MySlice]
+without having to write
+	myClone := Clone[MySlice, string]
+## Deconstructing type parameters
+The general technique we've used here, in which we define one type
+parameter `S` using another type parameter `E`, is a way to
+deconstruct types in generic function signatures.
+By deconstructing a type, we can name, and constrain, all aspects of
+the type.
+For example, here is the signature for `maps.Clone`.
+func Clone[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](m M) M
+Just as with `slices.Clone`, we use a type parameter for the type of
+the parameter `m`, and then deconstruct the type using two other type
+parameters `K` and `V`.
+In `maps.Clone` we constrain `K` to be comparable, as is required for
+a map key type.
+We can constrain the component types any way we like.
+func WithStrings[S ~[]E, E interface { String() string }](s S) (S, []string)
+This says that the argument of `WithStrings` must be a slice type for
+which the element type has a `String` method.
+Since all Go types can be built up from component types, we can always
+use type parameters to deconstruct those types and constrain them as
+we like.