_content/blog: Adding blog post for gonew command

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+title: Experimenting with project templates
+date: 2023-07-31
+- Cameron Balahan
+summary: Announcing golang.org/x/tools/cmd/gonew, an experimental tool for starting new Go projects from predefined templates
+When you start a new project in Go, you might begin by cloning an existing project.
+That way, you can start with something that already works,
+making incremental changes instead of starting from scratch.
+For a long time now, we have heard from Go developers that getting started
+is often the hardest part.
+New developers coming from other languages expect guidance on a default project layout,
+experienced developers working on teams expect consistency in their projects’ dependencies,
+and developers of all kinds expect an easy way to try new products and services
+without having to copy and paste from samples on the web.
+To that end, today we published `gonew`, an experimental tool for instantiating
+new projects in Go from predefined templates.
+Anyone can write templates, which are packaged and distributed as modules,
+leveraging the Go module proxy and checksum database for better security and availability.
+The prototype `gonew` is intentionally minimal:
+what we have released today is an extremely limited prototype meant to provide
+a base from which we can gather feedback and community direction.
+Try it out, [tell us what you think](https://go.dev/s/gonew-feedback),
+and help us build a more useful tool for everyone.
+## Getting started
+Start by installing `gonew` using [`go install`](https://pkg.go.dev/cmd/go#hdr-Compile_and_install_packages_and_dependencies):
+$ go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/gonew@latest
+To copy an existing template, run `gonew` in your new project’s parent
+directory with two arguments:
+first, the path to the template you wish to copy,
+and second, the module name of the project you are creating. For example:
+$ gonew golang.org/x/example/helloserver example.com/myserver
+$ cd ./myserver
+And then you can read and edit the files in `./myserver` to customize.
+We’ve written two templates to get you started:
+- [hello](https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/example/hello):
+  A command line tool that prints a greeting,
+  with customization flags.
+- [helloserver](https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/example/helloserver): An HTTP server that serves greetings.
+## Write your own templates
+Writing your own template is as easy as [creating any other module](/doc/tutorial/create-module) in Go.
+Check out the examples we linked above to get started.
+There are also examples available from the [Google Cloud](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/go-templates)
+and [Service Weaver](https://github.com/ServiceWeaver/template) teams.
+## Next steps
+Please try out `gonew` and let us know how we can make it better and more useful.
+Remember, `gonew` is just an experiment for now;
+we need your [feedback to get it right](https://go.dev/s/gonew-feedback).