blob: 892e4958806239f5c045cc7742e7e74645986fc4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
const (
// eventLimit is the maximum number of events that will be output.
eventLimit = 15
// groupsSummaryPath is an API endpoint that returns global Go groups.
// Fetching from this API path allows to sort groups by next upcoming event.
groupsSummaryPath = "/pro/go/es_groups_summary?location=global&order=next_event&desc=false"
// eventsHeader is a header comment for the output content.
eventsHeader = `# DO NOT EDIT: Autogenerated from cmd/events.
# To update, run:
# go run ./cmd/events > _content/events.yaml`
func main() {
c := &meetupAPI{
baseURL: "",
ue, err := getUpcomingEvents(c)
if err != nil {
type client interface {
getGroupsSummary() (*GroupsSummary, error)
getGroup(urlName string) (*Group, error)
// getUpcomingEvents returns upcoming events globally.
func getUpcomingEvents(c client) (*UpcomingEvents, error) {
summary, err := c.getGroupsSummary()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p := bluemonday.NewPolicy()
// Work around messy newlines in content.
r := strings.NewReplacer("\n", "<br/>\n", "&lt;br&gt;", "<br/>\n")
var events []EventData
for _, chapter := range summary.Chapters {
if len(events) >= eventLimit {
group, err := c.getGroup(chapter.URLName)
if err != nil || group.NextEvent == nil {
tz, err := time.LoadLocation(group.Timezone)
if err != nil {
tz = time.UTC
// group.NextEvent.Time is in milliseconds since UTC epoch.
nextEventTime := time.Unix(group.NextEvent.Time/1000, 0).In(tz)
events = append(events, EventData{
City: chapter.City,
Country: chapter.Country,
Description: r.Replace(p.Sanitize(chapter.Description)), // Event descriptions are often blank, use Group description.
ID: group.NextEvent.ID,
LocalDate: nextEventTime.Format("Jan 2, 2006"),
LocalTime: nextEventTime.Format(time.RFC3339),
LocalizedCountry: group.LocalizedCountryName,
LocalizedLocation: group.LocalizedLocation,
Name: group.NextEvent.Name,
PhotoURL: chapter.GroupPhoto.PhotoLink,
State: chapter.State,
ThumbnailURL: chapter.GroupPhoto.ThumbLink,
URL: "" + path.Join(chapter.URLName, "events", group.NextEvent.ID),
return &UpcomingEvents{All: events}, nil
type meetupAPI struct {
baseURL string
func (c *meetupAPI) getGroupsSummary() (*GroupsSummary, error) {
resp, err := http.Get(c.baseURL + groupsSummaryPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get events from %q: %v", groupsSummaryPath, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get events from %q: %v", groupsSummaryPath, resp.Status)
var summary *GroupsSummary
d := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
if err := d.Decode(&summary); err != nil {
return summary, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode events from %q: %w", groupsSummaryPath, err)
return summary, nil
// getGroup fetches group details, which are useful for getting details of the next upcoming event, and timezones.
func (c *meetupAPI) getGroup(urlName string) (*Group, error) {
u := c.baseURL + "/" + urlName
resp, err := http.Get(u)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch group details from %q: %w", u, err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch group details from %q: %v", u, resp.Status)
var group Group
d := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body)
if err := d.Decode(&group); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode group from %q: %w", u, err)
return &group, nil
func printYAML(v interface{}) {
e := yaml.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
defer e.Close()
if err := e.Encode(v); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to encode event yaml: %v", err)
// UpcomingEvents is a list of EventData written out to YAML for rendering in Hugo.
type UpcomingEvents struct {
All []EventData
// EventData is the structure written out to YAML for rendering in Hugo.
type EventData struct {
City string
Country string
Description string
ID string
LocalDate string `yaml:"local_date"`
LocalTime string `yaml:"local_time"`
LocalizedCountry string
LocalizedLocation string
Name string
PhotoURL string
State string
ThumbnailURL string
URL string
// GroupsSummary is the structure returned from /pro/go/es_groups_summary.
type GroupsSummary struct {
Chapters []*Chapter
type Event struct {
Created int `json:"created"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Duration int `json:"duration"`
Fee *Fee `json:"fee"`
Group *Group `json:"group"`
LocalDate string `json:"local_date"`
LocalTime string `json:"local_time"`
ID string `json:"id"`
Link string `json:"link"`
Name string `json:"name"`
RSVPLimit int `json:"rsvp_limit"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Time int64 `json:"time"`
UTCOffset int `json:"utc_offset"`
Updated int `json:"updated"`
Venue *Venue `json:"venue"`
WaitlistCount int `json:"waitlist_count"`
YesRSVPCount int `json:"yes_rsvp_count"`
type Venue struct {
Address1 string `json:"address_1"`
Address2 string `json:"address_2"`
Address3 string `json:"address_3"`
City string `json:"city"`
Country string `json:"country"`
ID int `json:"id"`
Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
LocalizedCountryName string `json:"localized_country_name"`
Lon float64 `json:"lon"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Repinned bool `json:"repinned"`
State string `json:"state"`
Zip string `json:"zip"`
type Group struct {
Country string `json:"country"`
Created int `json:"created"`
Description string `json:"description"`
ID int `json:"id"`
JoinMode string `json:"join_mode"`
Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
LocalizedLocation string `json:"localized_location"`
LocalizedCountryName string `json:"localized_country_name"`
Lon float64 `json:"lon"`
Name string `json:"name"`
NextEvent *Event `json:"next_event"`
Region string `json:"region"`
Timezone string `json:"timezone"`
URLName string `json:"urlname"`
Who string `json:"who"`
type Fee struct {
Accepts string `json:"accepts"`
Amount float64 `json:"amount"`
Currency string `json:"currency"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Label string `json:"label"`
Required bool `json:"required"`
type Chapter struct {
AverageAge float64 `json:"average_age"`
Category []Category `json:"category"`
City string `json:"city"`
Country string `json:"country"`
Description string `json:"description"`
FoundedDate int64 `json:"founded_date"`
GenderFemale float64 `json:"gender_female"`
GenderMale float64 `json:"gender_male"`
GenderOther float64 `json:"gender_other"`
GenderUnknown float64 `json:"gender_unknown"`
GroupPhoto GroupPhoto `json:"group_photo"`
ID int `json:"id"`
LastEvent int64 `json:"last_event"`
Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
Lon float64 `json:"lon"`
MemberCount int `json:"member_count"`
Name string `json:"name"`
NextEvent int64 `json:"next_event"`
OrganizerPhoto OrganizerPhoto `json:"organizer_photo"`
Organizers []Organizer `json:"organizers"`
PastEvents int `json:"past_events"`
PastRSVPs int `json:"past_rsvps"`
ProJoinDate int64 `json:"pro_join_date"`
RSVPsPerEvent float64 `json:"rsvps_per_event"`
RepeatRSVPers int `json:"repeat_rsvpers"`
State string `json:"state"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Topics []Topic `json:"topics"`
URLName string `json:"urlname"`
UpcomingEvents int `json:"upcoming_events"`
type Topic struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
URLkey string `json:"urlkey"`
Lang string `json:"lang"`
type Category struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Shortname string `json:"shortname"`
SortName string `json:"sort_name"`
type Organizer struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
MemberID int `json:"member_id"`
Permission string `json:"permission"`
type OrganizerPhoto struct {
BaseURL string `json:"base_url"`
HighresLink string `json:"highres_link"`
ID int `json:"id"`
PhotoLink string `json:"photo_link"`
ThumbLink string `json:"thumb_link"`
Type string `json:"type"`
type GroupPhoto struct {
BaseURL string `json:"base_url"`
HighresLink string `json:"highres_link"`
ID int `json:"id"`
PhotoLink string `json:"photo_link"`
ThumbLink string `json:"thumb_link"`
Type string `json:"type"`