_content: add section on integration test code coverage

Add a landing page with material on how to gather coverage
profiles from integration tests.

Updates golang/go#51430.

Change-Id: I79aed14a3a2f87ed15ed8c603f26dd2b1a1fb508
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/website/+/455496
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <gobot@golang.org>
Reviewed-by: David Chase <drchase@google.com>
Run-TryBot: Than McIntosh <thanm@google.com>
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 Main documentation page for Go fuzzing.
+<h3 id="coverage"><a href="/testing/coverage">Coverage for Go applications</a></h3>
+Main documentation page for coverage testing of Go applications.
 <h3 id="data-access">Accessing databases</h3>
 <h4 id="data-access-tutorial"><a href="/doc/tutorial/database-access">Tutorial: Accessing a relational database</a></h4>
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+title: Coverage profiling support for integration tests
+layout: article
+[Back to Go Testing](/testing)
+Beginning in Go 1.20, Go supports collection of coverage profiles from applications and from integration tests, larger and more complex tests for Go programs.
+## Overview
+Go provides easy-to-use support for collecting coverage profiles at the level of package unit tests via the "`go test -cover <pkg_target>`" command.
+Starting with Go 1.20, users can now collect coverage profiles for larger [integration tests](#glos-integration-test): more heavy-weight, complex tests that perform multiple runs of a given application binary.
+For unit tests, collecting a coverage profile and generating a report requires two steps: a `go test -coverprofile=...` run, followed by an invocation of `go tool cover {-func,-html}` to generate a report.
+For integration tests, three steps are needed: a [build](#build) step, a [run](#running) step (which may involve multiple invocations of the binary from the build step), and and finally a [reporting](#reporting) step, as described below.
+## Building a binary for coverage profiling
+To build an application for collecting coverage profiles, pass the `-cover` flag at the top level (package `main`) build:
+$ cd cmd/myprogram
+$ go build -cover -o myprogram.exe .
+The resulting binary can then be run using an environment variable setting to capture coverage profiles (see the next section on [running](#running)).
+### How packages are selected for instrumentation
+During a given "`go build -cover`" invocation, the Go command will select packages in the main module for coverage profiling; other packages that feed into the build (dependencies listed in go.mod, or packages that are part of the Go standard library) will not be included by default.
+For example, here is a toy program containing a local main-module package `greetings` and a set of dependent packages that include (among others) `rsc.io/quote` and `fmt` ([link](https://go.dev/play/p/VSQJN8xkkf-?v=gotip)).
+$ cat go.mod
+module mydomain.com
+go 1.20
+require rsc.io/quote v1.5.2
+require (
+	golang.org/x/text v0.0.0-20170915032832-14c0d48ead0c // indirect
+	rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0 // indirect
+$ cat myprogram.go
+package main
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"mydomain.com/greetings"
+	"rsc.io/quote"
+func main() {
+	fmt.Printf("I say %q and %q\n", quote.Hello(), greetings.Goodbye())
+$ cat greetings/greetings.go
+package greetings
+func Goodbye() string {
+	return "see ya"
+If you build this program with the "`-cover`" command line flag and run it, exactly two packages will be included in the profile: `main` and `mydomain.com/greetings`; the other dependent packages will be excluded.
+Users who want to have more control over which packages are included for coverage can build with the "`-coverpkg`" flag. Example:
+$ go build -cover -o prog2.exe -coverpkg=io,mydomain.com,rsc.io/quote .
+In the build above, the main package from `mydomain.com` as well as the `rsc.io/quote` and `io` packages are selected for profiling; since  `mydomain.com/greetings` isn't specifically listed, it will be excluded from the profile, even though it resides in the main module.
+# Running a coverage-instrumented binary {#running}
+Binaries built with "`-cover`" write out profile data files at the end of their execution to a directory specified via the environment variable `GOCOVERDIR`. Example:
+$ go build -cover -o myprogram.exe myprogram.go
+$ mkdir somedata
+$ GOCOVERDIR=somedata ./myprogram.exe
+I say "Hello, world." and "see ya"
+$ ls somedata
+Note the two files that were written to the directory `somedata`: these (binary) files contain the coverage results.  See the following section on [reporting](#reporting) for more on how to produce human-readable results from these data files.
+If the `GOCOVERDIR` environment variable is not set, a coverage-instrumented binary will still execute correctly, but will issue a warning.
+$ ./myprogram.exe
+warning: GOCOVERDIR not set, no coverage data emitted
+I say "Hello, world." and "see ya"
+## Tests involving multiple runs
+Integration tests can in many cases involve multiple program runs; when the program is built with "`-cover`", each run will produce a new data file. Example
+$ mkdir
+$ GOCOVERDIR=somedata2 ./myprogram.exe          // first run
+I say "Hello, world." and "see ya"
+$ GOCOVERDIR=somedata2 ./myprogram.exe -flag    // second run
+I say "Hello, world." and "see ya"
+$ ls somedata2
+Coverage data output files come in two flavors: meta-data files (containing the items that are invariant from run to run, such as source file names and function names), and counter data files (which record the parts of the program that executed).
+In the example above, the first run produced two files (counter and meta), whereas the second run generated only a counter data file: since meta-data doesn't change from run to run, it only needs to be written once.
+# Working with coverage data files
+Go 1.20 introduces a new tool, '`covdata`', that can be used to read and manipulate coverage data files from a `GOCOVERDIR` directory.
+Go's `covdata` tool runs in a variety of modes. The general form of a `covdata` tool invocation takes the form
+$ go tool covdata <mode> -i=<dir1,dir2,...> ...flags...
+where the "`-i`" flag provides a list of directories to read, where each directories is derived from an execution of a coverage-instrumented binary (via `GOCOVERDIR`).
+## Reporting {#reporting}
+This section discusses how to use "`go tool covdata`" to produce human-readable reports from coverage data files.
+### Reporting percent statements covered
+To report a "percent statements covered" metric for each instrumented package, use the command "`go tool covdata -i=<directory> percent`".
+Using the example from the [running](#running) section above:
+$ ls somedata
+$ go tool covdata percent -i=somedata
+	main	coverage: 100.0% of statements
+	mydomain.com/greetings	coverage: 100.0% of statements
+The "statements covered" percentages here correspond directly to those reported by `go test -cover`.
+## Converting to legacy text format
+You can convert binary coverage data files into the legacy textual format generated by "`go test -coverprofile=<outfile>`" using the covdata `textfmt` selector. The resulting text file can then be used with "`go tool cover -func`" or "`go tool cover -html`" to create additional reports. Example:
+$ ls somedata
+$ go tool covdata textfmt -i=somedata -o profile.txt
+$ cat profile.txt
+mode: set
+mydomain.com/myprogram.go:10.13,12.2 1 1
+mydomain.com/greetings/greetings.go:3.23,5.2 1 1
+$ go tool cover -func=profile.txt
+mydomain.com/greetings/greetings.go:3:	Goodbye		100.0%
+mydomain.com/myprogram.go:10:		main		100.0%
+total:					(statements)	100.0%
+## Merging
+The `merge` subcommand of "`go tool covdata`" can be used to merge together profiles from multiple data directories.
+For example, consider a program that runs on both macOS and on Windows.
+The author of this program might want to combine coverage profiles from separate
+runs on each operating system into a single profile corpus, so as to produce a
+cross-platform coverage summary.
+For example:
+$ ls windows_datadir
+$ ls macos_datadir
+$ ls macos_datadir
+$ mkdir merged
+$ go tool covdata merge -i=windows_datadir,macos_datadir -o merged
+The merge operation above will combine the data from the specified input directories and write a new set of merged data files to the directory "merged".
+## Package selection
+Most "`go tool covdata`" commands support a "`-pkg`" flag to perform package selection as part of the operation; the argument to "`-pkg`" takes the same form as that used by the Go command's "`-coverpkg`" flag.
+$ ls somedata
+$ go tool covdata percent -i=somedata -pkg=rsc.io/quote
+	rsc.io/quote	coverage: 100.0% of statements
+The "`-pkg`" flag can be used to select out the specific subset of packages of interest for a given report.
+## Resources
+- **Blog post introducing unit test coverage in Go 1.2**:
+  - Coverage profiling for unit tests was introduced as part of the
+    Go 1.2 release; see [this blog post](https://go.dev/blog/cover) for details.
+- **Documentation**:
+  - The [`cmd/go`](https://pkg.go.dev/cmd/go) package docs describe the
+    build and test flags associated with coverage.
+- **Technical details**:
+  - [Design draft](https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/master/design/51430-revamp-code-coverage.md)
+  - [Proposal](https://golang.org/issue/51430)
+## Glossary {#glossary}
+<a id="glos-unit-test"></a>
+**unit test:** Tests within a `*_test.go` file associated with a specific Go package, utilizing Go's `testing` package.
+<a id="glos-integration-test"></a>
+**integration test:** A more comprehensive, heavier weight test for a given application or binary. Integration tests typically involve building a program or set of programs, then performing a series of runs of the programs using multiple inputs and scenarios, under control of a test harness that may or may not be based on Go's `testing` package.
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+title: Go Testing
+layout: article
+## Overview
+This page provides selected topics related to testing Go code.
+## Go Testing
+### Go Coverage Testing
+[Coverage testing for integration tests in Go](/testing/coverage) shows how to use Go to collect coverage profiles for larger programs (applications, integrations tests), starting in Go 1.20.