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| <text x='277.33' y='253.11' style='font-size: 14.23px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='32.41px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>12 %</text> |
| <text x='506.26' y='163.04' style='font-size: 14.23px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='32.41px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>66 %</text> |
| <text x='316.67' y='208.07' style='font-size: 14.23px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='32.41px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>22 %</text> |
| <text x='274.23' y='232.84' style='font-size: 14.23px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='32.41px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>12 %</text> |
| <text x='516.13' y='142.78' style='font-size: 14.23px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='32.41px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>68 %</text> |
| <text x='309.89' y='187.81' style='font-size: 14.23px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='32.41px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>20 %</text> |
| <text x='95.75' y='235.34' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='100.39px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>I identify with an</text> |
| <text x='45.91' y='250.46' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='150.22px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>underrepresented group</text> |
| <text x='63.84' y='197.86' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='132.29px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>I prefer not to answer</text> |
| <text x='52.93' y='145.27' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='143.20px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>I do not identify with an</text> |
| <text x='45.91' y='160.39' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='150.22px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>underrepresented group</text> |
| <text x='208.01' y='279.86' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='20.23px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>0%</text> |
| <text x='289.40' y='279.86' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='28.02px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>20%</text> |
| <text x='374.69' y='279.86' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='28.02px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>40%</text> |
| <text x='459.98' y='279.86' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='28.02px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>60%</text> |
| <text x='545.26' y='279.86' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='28.02px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>80%</text> |
| <text x='326.44' y='308.44' style='font-size: 16.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='124.52px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>% of respondents</text> |
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| <text x='618.02' y='192.78' style='font-size: 12.80px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='28.47px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>2020</text> |
| <text x='618.02' y='210.06' style='font-size: 12.80px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='28.47px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>2019</text> |
| <text x='201.07' y='111.95' style='font-size: 16.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='67.17px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>n = 5560</text> |
| <text x='201.07' y='39.80' style='font-size: 16.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='417.97px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>We want the Go community to be inclusive; we want to see</text> |
| <text x='201.07' y='57.08' style='font-size: 16.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='404.16px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>how we're doing and how to improve. If you would like to,</text> |
| <text x='201.07' y='74.36' style='font-size: 16.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='380.65px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>you can tell us whether you identify with a traditionally</text> |
| <text x='201.07' y='91.64' style='font-size: 16.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='247.27px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>underrepresented group: (optional)</text> |
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