[x/go.dev] all: replace Page-level custom data with inline data

The idea of providing YAML-based data to Page rendering is
very powerful, so keep it. But move the data itself to the place
where it is used, which is much clearer.

Change-Id: I264484ae82b7003f1fb375911b9d2f6b692e51f0
X-GoDev-Commit: 96beef81258f0df3621c436fa6e6b7b19711906c
diff --git a/go.dev/content/solutions/clis/index.md b/go.dev/content/solutions/clis/index.md
index e91c947..fcd6c42 100644
--- a/go.dev/content/solutions/clis/index.md
+++ b/go.dev/content/solutions/clis/index.md
@@ -4,19 +4,6 @@
 description: "With popular open source packages and a robust standard library, use Go to create fast and elegant CLIs."
 date: 2019-10-04T15:26:31-04:00
 series: Use Cases
-  - title: Powerful Command-Line Applications in Go
-    url: https://www.amazon.com/Powerful-Command-Line-Applications-Go-Maintainable/dp/168050696X
-    thumbnail: /images/books/powerful-command-line-applications-in-go.jpg
-  - title: Go in Action
-    url: https://www.amazon.com/Go-Action-William-Kennedy/dp/1617291781
-    thumbnail: /images/books/go-in-action.jpg
-  - title: The Go Programming Language
-    url: https://www.gopl.io/
-    thumbnail: /images/learn/go-programming-language-book.png
-  - title: Go Programming Blueprints
-    url: https://github.com/matryer/goblueprints
-    thumbnail: /images/learn/go-programming-blueprints.png
 - name: icon
   src: CLI-green.svg
@@ -26,7 +13,54 @@
   src: cli-white.svg
     alt: CLI icon
+## Overview {#overview .sectionHeading}
+### CLI developers prefer Go for portability, performance, and ease of creation
+Command line interfaces (CLIs), unlike graphical user interfaces (GUIs), are text-only. Cloud and infrastructure applications are primarily CLI-based due to their easy automation and remote capabilities.
+## Key benefits {#key-benefits .sectionHeading}
+### Leverage fast compile times to build programs that start quickly and run on any system
+Developers of CLIs find Go to be ideal for designing their applications. Go compiles very quickly into a single binary, works across platforms with a consistent style, and brings a strong development community. From a single Windows or Mac laptop, developers can build a Go program for every one of the dozens of architectures and operating systems Go supports in a matter of seconds, no complicated build farms are needed. No other compiled language can be built as portably or quickly. Go applications are built into a single self contained binary making installing Go applications trivial.
+Specifically, **programs written in Go run on any system without requiring any existing libraries, runtimes, or dependencies**. And **programs written in Go have an immediate startup time**—similar to C or C++ but unobtainable with other programming languages.
+## Use Case {#use-case .sectionHeading}
+### Use Go for building elegant CLIs
+{{backgroundquote `
+  author: Steve Domino
+  title: senior engineer and architect at Strala
+  link: https://medium.com/@skdomino/writing-better-clis-one-snake-at-a-time-d22e50e60056
+  quote: |
+    I was tasked with building our CLI tool and found two really great projects, Cobra and Viper, which make building CLI’s easy. Individually they are very powerful, very flexible and very good at what they do. But together they will help you show your next CLI who is boss!
+{{backgroundquote `
+  author: Francesc Campoy
+  title: VP of product at DGraph Labs and producer of Just For Func videos
+  link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvWPGVKLvR4
+  quote: |
+    Cobra is a great product to write small tools or even large ones. It’s more of a framework than a library, because when you call the binary that would create a skeleton, then you would be adding code in between.”
+When developing CLIs in Go, two tools are widely used: Cobra & Viper.
+{{pkg "github.com/spf13/cobra" "Cobra"}} is both a library for creating powerful modern CLI applications and a program to generate applications and CLI applications in Go. Cobra powers most of the popular Go applications including CoreOS, Delve, Docker, Dropbox, Git Lfs, Hugo, Kubernetes, and [many more](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/spf13/cobra?tab=importedby). With integrated command help, autocomplete and documentation “[it] makes documenting each command really simple,” says [Alex Ellis](https://blog.alexellis.io/5-keys-to-a-killer-go-cli/), founder of OpenFaaS.
+{{pkg "github.com/spf13/viper" "Viper"}} is a complete configuration solution for Go applications, designed to work within an app to handle configuration needs and formats. Cobra and Viper are designed to work together.
+Viper [supports nested structures](https://scene-si.org/2017/04/20/managing-configuration-with-viper/) in the configuration, allowing CLI developers to manage the configuration for multiple parts of a large application. Viper also provides all of the tooling need to easily build twelve factor apps.
+"If you don’t want to pollute your command line, or if you’re working with sensitive data which you don’t want to show up in the history, it’s a good idea to work with environment variables. To do this, you can use Viper," [suggests Geudens](https://ordina-jworks.github.io/development/2018/10/20/make-your-own-cli-with-golang-and-cobra.html).
+{{projects `
   - company: Comcast
     url: https://xfinity.com/
     logoSrc: comcast.svg
@@ -85,7 +119,28 @@
       - text: CLI API for Jaeger
         url: https://www.jaegertracing.io/docs/1.14/cli/
+## Get Started {#get-started .sectionHeading}
+### Go books for creating CLIs
+{{books `
+  - title: Powerful Command-Line Applications in Go
+    url: https://www.amazon.com/Powerful-Command-Line-Applications-Go-Maintainable/dp/168050696X
+    thumbnail: /images/books/powerful-command-line-applications-in-go.jpg
+  - title: Go in Action
+    url: https://www.amazon.com/Go-Action-William-Kennedy/dp/1617291781
+    thumbnail: /images/books/go-in-action.jpg
+  - title: The Go Programming Language
+    url: https://www.gopl.io/
+    thumbnail: /images/learn/go-programming-language-book.png
+  - title: Go Programming Blueprints
+    url: https://github.com/matryer/goblueprints
+    thumbnail: /images/learn/go-programming-blueprints.png
+{{libraries `
   - title: CLI Libraries
     viewMoreUrl: https://pkg.go.dev/search?q=command%20line%20OR%20CLI
@@ -116,58 +171,4 @@
       - text: go-prompt
         url: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/c-bata/go-prompt?tab=overview
         desc: A library for building powerful interactive prompts, making it easier to build cross-platform command line tools using Go.
-## Overview {#overview .sectionHeading}
-### CLI developers prefer Go for portability, performance, and ease of creation
-Command line interfaces (CLIs), unlike graphical user interfaces (GUIs), are text-only. Cloud and infrastructure applications are primarily CLI-based due to their easy automation and remote capabilities.
-## Key benefits {#key-benefits .sectionHeading}
-### Leverage fast compile times to build programs that start quickly and run on any system
-Developers of CLIs find Go to be ideal for designing their applications. Go compiles very quickly into a single binary, works across platforms with a consistent style, and brings a strong development community. From a single Windows or Mac laptop, developers can build a Go program for every one of the dozens of architectures and operating systems Go supports in a matter of seconds, no complicated build farms are needed. No other compiled language can be built as portably or quickly. Go applications are built into a single self contained binary making installing Go applications trivial.
-Specifically, **programs written in Go run on any system without requiring any existing libraries, runtimes, or dependencies**. And **programs written in Go have an immediate startup time**—similar to C or C++ but unobtainable with other programming languages.
-## Use Case {#use-case .sectionHeading}
-### Use Go for building elegant CLIs
-{{backgroundquote `
-  author: Steve Domino
-  title: senior engineer and architect at Strala
-  link: https://medium.com/@skdomino/writing-better-clis-one-snake-at-a-time-d22e50e60056
-  quote: |
-    I was tasked with building our CLI tool and found two really great projects, Cobra and Viper, which make building CLI’s easy. Individually they are very powerful, very flexible and very good at what they do. But together they will help you show your next CLI who is boss!
-{{backgroundquote `
-  author: Francesc Campoy
-  title: VP of product at DGraph Labs and producer of Just For Func videos
-  link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvWPGVKLvR4
-  quote: |
-    Cobra is a great product to write small tools or even large ones. It’s more of a framework than a library, because when you call the binary that would create a skeleton, then you would be adding code in between.”
-When developing CLIs in Go, two tools are widely used: Cobra & Viper.
-{{pkg "github.com/spf13/cobra" "Cobra"}} is both a library for creating powerful modern CLI applications and a program to generate applications and CLI applications in Go. Cobra powers most of the popular Go applications including CoreOS, Delve, Docker, Dropbox, Git Lfs, Hugo, Kubernetes, and [many more](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/spf13/cobra?tab=importedby). With integrated command help, autocomplete and documentation “[it] makes documenting each command really simple,” says [Alex Ellis](https://blog.alexellis.io/5-keys-to-a-killer-go-cli/), founder of OpenFaaS.
-{{pkg "github.com/spf13/viper" "Viper"}} is a complete configuration solution for Go applications, designed to work within an app to handle configuration needs and formats. Cobra and Viper are designed to work together.
-Viper [supports nested structures](https://scene-si.org/2017/04/20/managing-configuration-with-viper/) in the configuration, allowing CLI developers to manage the configuration for multiple parts of a large application. Viper also provides all of the tooling need to easily build twelve factor apps.
-"If you don’t want to pollute your command line, or if you’re working with sensitive data which you don’t want to show up in the history, it’s a good idea to work with environment variables. To do this, you can use Viper," [suggests Geudens](https://ordina-jworks.github.io/development/2018/10/20/make-your-own-cli-with-golang-and-cobra.html).
-{{projects $}}
-## Get Started {#get-started .sectionHeading}
-### Go books for creating CLIs
-{{books $}}
-{{libraries $}}
diff --git a/go.dev/content/solutions/cloud/index.md b/go.dev/content/solutions/cloud/index.md
index 8ff57a2..46c8867 100644
--- a/go.dev/content/solutions/cloud/index.md
+++ b/go.dev/content/solutions/cloud/index.md
@@ -4,19 +4,6 @@
 description: "With a strong ecosystem of tools and APIs on major cloud providers, it is easier than ever to build services with Go."
 date: 2019-10-04T15:26:31-04:00
 series: Use Cases
-  - title: Building Microservices with Go
-    url: https://www.amazon.com/Building-Microservices-Go-efficient-microservices/dp/1786468662/
-    thumbnail: /images/books/building-microservices-with-go.jpg
-  - title: Hands-On Software Architecture with Golang
-    url: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1788622596/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_-aZWDbS8PD7R4
-    thumbnail: /images/books/hands-on-software-architecture-with-golang.jpg
-  - title: Building RESTful Web services with Go
-    url: https://www.amazon.com/Building-RESTful-Web-services-gracefully-ebook/dp/B072QB8KL1
-    thumbnail: /images/books/building-restful-web-services-with-go.jpg
-  - title: Mastering Go Web Services
-    url: https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Web-Services-Nathan-Kozyra-ebook/dp/B00W5GUKL6
-    thumbnail: /images/books/mastering-go-web-services.jpg
   - name: icon
     src: cloud-green.svg
@@ -26,7 +13,62 @@
     src: cloud-white.svg
       alt: cloud icon
+## Overview {#overview .sectionHeading}
+<div class="UseCase-halfColumn">
+    <h3>Go helps enterprises build and scale cloud computing systems</h3>
+    <p>As applications and processing move to the cloud, concurrency becomes a very big issue. Cloud computing systems, by their very nature, share and scale resources. Coordinating access to shared resources is an issue that impacts every application processing in the cloud, and requires programming languages “explicitly geared to develop highly reliable concurrent applications.”</p>
+  </div>
+{{quote `
+  author: Ruchi Malik
+  title: developer at Choozle
+  link: https://builtin.com/software-engineering-perspectives/golang-advantages
+  quote: |
+    Go makes it very easy to scale as a company. This is very important because, as our engineering team grows, each service can be managed by a different unit.
+## Key Benefits {#key-benefits .sectionHeading}
+### Address tradeoff between development cycle time and server performance
+Go was created to address exactly these concurrency needs for scaled applications, microservices, and cloud development. In fact, over 75 percent of projects in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation are written in Go.
+Go helps reduce the need to make this tradeoff, with its fast build times that enable iterative development, lower memory and CPU utilization. Servers built with Go experience instant start up times and are cheaper to run in pay-as-you-go and serverless deployments.
+### Address challenges with the modern cloud, delivering standard idiomatic APIs
+Go addresses many challenges developers face with the modern cloud, delivering standard idiomatic APIs, and built in concurrency to take advantage of multicore processors. Go’s low-latency and “no knob” tuning make Go a great balance between performance and productivity - granting engineering teams the power to choose and the power to move.
+## Use Case {#use-case .sectionHeading}
+### Use Go for Cloud Computing
+Go's strengths shine when it comes to building services. Its speed and built-in support for concurrency results in fast and efficient services, while static typing, robust tooling, and emphasis on simplicity and readability help build reliable and maintainable code.
+Go has a strong ecosystem supporting service development. The [standard library](https://golang.org/pkg/) includes packages for common needs like HTTP servers and clients, JSON/XML parsing, SQL databases, and a range of security/encryption functionality, while the Go runtime includes tools for [race detection](https://golang.org/doc/articles/race_detector.html), [benchmarking](https://golang.org/pkg/testing/#hdr-Benchmarks)/profiling, code generation, and static code analysis.
+The major Cloud providers ([GCP](https://cloud.google.com/go/home), [AWS](https://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/), [Azure](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/go/)) have Go APIs for their services, and popular open source libraries provide support for API tooling ([Swagger](https://github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger)), transport ([protocol buffers](https://github.com/golang/protobuf), [gRPC](https://grpc.io/docs/quickstart/go/)), monitoring ([OpenCensus](https://godoc.org/go.opencensus.io)), Object-Relational Mapping ([gORM](https://gorm.io/)), and authentication ([JWT](https://github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go)). The open source community has also provided several service frameworks, including [Go Kit](https://gokit.io/[), [Go Micro](https://micro.mu/docs/go-micro.html), and [Gizmo](https://github.com/nytimes/gizmo), which can be a great way to get started quickly.
+### Go tools for Cloud Computing
+{{toolsblurbs `
+  - title: Docker
+    url: https://www.docker.com/
+    iconSrc: /images/logos/docker.svg
+    paragraphs:
+      - Docker is a platform-as-a-service that delivers software in containers. Containers bundle software, libraries, and config files, are hosted by a Docker Engine, and are run by a single operating-system kernel (utilizing less system resources than virtual machines).
+      - Cloud developers use Docker to manage their Go code and support multiple platforms, as Docker supports the development workflow and deployment process.
+  - title: Kubernetes
+    url: https://kubernetes.io/
+    iconSrc: /images/logos/kubernetes.svg
+    paragraphs:
+      - Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system, written in Go, for automating web app deployment. Web apps are often built using containers (as noted above) packaged with their dependencies and configurations. Kubernetes helps deploying and managing those containers at scale. Cloud programmers use Kubernetes to build, deliver, and scale containerized apps quickly—managing the growing complexity via APIs that controls how the containers will run.
+{{projects `
   - company: Google
     url: http://cloud.google.com/go
     logoSrc: google-cloud.svg
@@ -82,20 +124,28 @@
         url: https://eng.uber.com/go-geofence/
       - text: Peloton
         url:  https://eng.uber.com/open-sourcing-peloton/
-  - text: go-kit
-    url: https://github.com/go-kit/kit
-    desc: A programming toolkit for building microservices (or elegant monoliths) in Go
-  - text: go-micro
-    url: https://github.com/nytimes/gizmo
-    desc: A framework for microservice development
-  - text: nytimes/gizmo
-    url: https://go.uber.org/yarpc
-    desc: A microservice framework from The New York Times
-  - text: go.uber.org/yarpc
-    url: https://pkg.go.dev/search?q=service+framework
-    desc: A microservice framework from Uber
+## Get Started {#get-started .sectionHeading}
+### Go books for cloud computing
+{{books `
+  - title: Building Microservices with Go
+    url: https://www.amazon.com/Building-Microservices-Go-efficient-microservices/dp/1786468662/
+    thumbnail: /images/books/building-microservices-with-go.jpg
+  - title: Hands-On Software Architecture with Golang
+    url: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1788622596/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_-aZWDbS8PD7R4
+    thumbnail: /images/books/hands-on-software-architecture-with-golang.jpg
+  - title: Building RESTful Web services with Go
+    url: https://www.amazon.com/Building-RESTful-Web-services-gracefully-ebook/dp/B072QB8KL1
+    thumbnail: /images/books/building-restful-web-services-with-go.jpg
+  - title: Mastering Go Web Services
+    url: https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Web-Services-Nathan-Kozyra-ebook/dp/B00W5GUKL6
+    thumbnail: /images/books/mastering-go-web-services.jpg
+{{libraries `
   - title: Web frameworks
     viewMoreUrl: https://pkg.go.dev/search?q=web+framework
@@ -176,66 +226,4 @@
       - text: gopherjs
         url: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs?tab=overview
         desc: A compiler from Go to JavaScript allowing developers to write front-end code in Go which will run in all browsers.
-  - title: Docker
-    url: https://www.docker.com/
-    iconSrc: /images/logos/docker.svg
-    paragraphs:
-      - Docker is a platform-as-a-service that delivers software in containers. Containers bundle software, libraries, and config files, are hosted by a Docker Engine, and are run by a single operating-system kernel (utilizing less system resources than virtual machines).
-      - Cloud developers use Docker to manage their Go code and support multiple platforms, as Docker supports the development workflow and deployment process.
-  - title: Kubernetes
-    url: https://kubernetes.io/
-    iconSrc: /images/logos/kubernetes.svg
-    paragraphs:
-      - Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system, written in Go, for automating web app deployment. Web apps are often built using containers (as noted above) packaged with their dependencies and configurations. Kubernetes helps deploying and managing those containers at scale. Cloud programmers use Kubernetes to build, deliver, and scale containerized apps quickly—managing the growing complexity via APIs that controls how the containers will run.
-## Overview {#overview .sectionHeading}
-<div class="UseCase-halfColumn">
-    <h3>Go helps enterprises build and scale cloud computing systems</h3>
-    <p>As applications and processing move to the cloud, concurrency becomes a very big issue. Cloud computing systems, by their very nature, share and scale resources. Coordinating access to shared resources is an issue that impacts every application processing in the cloud, and requires programming languages “explicitly geared to develop highly reliable concurrent applications.”</p>
-  </div>
-{{quote `
-  author: Ruchi Malik
-  title: developer at Choozle
-  link: https://builtin.com/software-engineering-perspectives/golang-advantages
-  quote: |
-    Go makes it very easy to scale as a company. This is very important because, as our engineering team grows, each service can be managed by a different unit.
-## Key Benefits {#key-benefits .sectionHeading}
-### Address tradeoff between development cycle time and server performance
-Go was created to address exactly these concurrency needs for scaled applications, microservices, and cloud development. In fact, over 75 percent of projects in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation are written in Go.
-Go helps reduce the need to make this tradeoff, with its fast build times that enable iterative development, lower memory and CPU utilization. Servers built with Go experience instant start up times and are cheaper to run in pay-as-you-go and serverless deployments.
-### Address challenges with the modern cloud, delivering standard idiomatic APIs
-Go addresses many challenges developers face with the modern cloud, delivering standard idiomatic APIs, and built in concurrency to take advantage of multicore processors. Go’s low-latency and “no knob” tuning make Go a great balance between performance and productivity - granting engineering teams the power to choose and the power to move.
-## Use Case {#use-case .sectionHeading}
-### Use Go for Cloud Computing
-Go's strengths shine when it comes to building services. Its speed and built-in support for concurrency results in fast and efficient services, while static typing, robust tooling, and emphasis on simplicity and readability help build reliable and maintainable code.
-Go has a strong ecosystem supporting service development. The [standard library](https://golang.org/pkg/) includes packages for common needs like HTTP servers and clients, JSON/XML parsing, SQL databases, and a range of security/encryption functionality, while the Go runtime includes tools for [race detection](https://golang.org/doc/articles/race_detector.html), [benchmarking](https://golang.org/pkg/testing/#hdr-Benchmarks)/profiling, code generation, and static code analysis.
-The major Cloud providers ([GCP](https://cloud.google.com/go/home), [AWS](https://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/), [Azure](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/go/)) have Go APIs for their services, and popular open source libraries provide support for API tooling ([Swagger](https://github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger)), transport ([protocol buffers](https://github.com/golang/protobuf), [gRPC](https://grpc.io/docs/quickstart/go/)), monitoring ([OpenCensus](https://godoc.org/go.opencensus.io)), Object-Relational Mapping ([gORM](https://gorm.io/)), and authentication ([JWT](https://github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go)). The open source community has also provided several service frameworks, including [Go Kit](https://gokit.io/[), [Go Micro](https://micro.mu/docs/go-micro.html), and [Gizmo](https://github.com/nytimes/gizmo), which can be a great way to get started quickly.
-### Go tools for Cloud Computing
-{{toolsblurbs $}}
-{{projects $}}
-## Get Started {#get-started .sectionHeading}
-### Go books for cloud computing
-{{books $}}
-{{libraries $}}
diff --git a/go.dev/content/solutions/devops/index.md b/go.dev/content/solutions/devops/index.md
index 584661b..e5d60b5 100644
--- a/go.dev/content/solutions/devops/index.md
+++ b/go.dev/content/solutions/devops/index.md
@@ -5,18 +5,6 @@
 date: 2019-10-03T17:16:43-04:00
 series: Use Cases
-  - title: Go Programming for Network Operations
-    url: https://www.amazon.com/Go-Programming-Network-Operations-Automation-ebook/dp/B07JKKN34L/ref=sr_1_16
-    thumbnail: /images/books/go-programming-for-network-operations.jpg
-  - title: Go Programming Blueprints
-    url: https://github.com/matryer/goblueprints
-    thumbnail: /images/learn/go-programming-blueprints.png
-  - title: Go in Action
-    url: https://www.amazon.com/Go-Action-William-Kennedy/dp/1617291781
-    thumbnail: /images/books/go-in-action.jpg
-  - title: The Go Programming Language
-    url: https://www.gopl.io/
-    thumbnail: /images/learn/go-programming-language-book.png
 - name: icon
   src: ops-green.svg
@@ -26,7 +14,41 @@
   src: ops-white.svg
     alt: ops icon
+## Overview {#overview .sectionHeading}
+### Go helps enterprises automate and scale
+Development Operations (DevOps) teams help engineering organizations automate tasks and improve their continuous
+integration and continuous delivery and deployment (CI/CD) process. DevOps can topple developmental silos and implement
+tooling and automation to enhance software development, deployment, and support.
+Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) was born at Google to make the company’s “large-scale sites more reliable, efficient,
+and scalable,”[ writes Silvia Fressard](https://opensource.com/article/18/10/what-site-reliability-engineer), an
+independent DevOps consultant. “And the practices they developed responded so well to Google’s needs that other big tech
+companies, such as Amazon and Netflix, also adopted them.” SRE requires a mix of development and operations skills, and
+“[empowers software developers](https://stackify.com/site-reliability-engineering/) to own the ongoing daily operation
+of their applications in production.”
+Go serves both siblings, DevOps and SRE, from its fast build times and lean syntax to its security and reliability support. Go's concurrency and networking features also make it ideal for tools that manage cloud deployment—readily supporting automation while
+scaling for speed and code maintainability as development infrastructure grows over time.
+DevOps/SRE teams write software ranging from small scripts, to command-line interfaces (CLI), to complex automation and services, and Go’s feature set has benefits for every situation.
+## Key Benefits {#key-benefits .sectionHeading}
+### Easily build small scripts with Go’s robust standard library and static typing
+Go’s fast build and startup times. Go’s extensive standard library—including packages for
+common needs like HTTP, file I/O, time, regular expressions, exec, and JSON/CSV formats—lets DevOps/SREs get right into their business logic. Plus, Go’s static type system and explicit error handling make even small scripts more robust.
+### Quickly deploy CLIs with Go’s fast build times
+Every site reliability engineer has written “one-time use” scripts that turned into CLIs used by dozens of other engineers every day. And small deployment automation scripts turn into rollout management services. With Go, DevOps/SREs are in a great position to be successful when software scope inevitably creeps. Starting with Go puts you in a great position to be successful when that happens.
+### Scale and maintain larger applications with Go’s low memory footprint and doc generator
+Go’s garbage collector means DevOps/SRE teams don’t have to worry about memory management. And Go’s automatic documentation generator (godoc) makes code self-documenting–lowering maintenance overhead and establishing best practices from the get-go.
+{{projects `
   - company: Docker
     url: https://docker.com/
     logoSrc: docker.svg
@@ -92,7 +114,28 @@
       - text: Vitess
         url: https://github.com/vitessio/vitess
+## Get Started {#get-started .sectionHeading}
+### Go books on DevOps & SRE
+{{books `
+  - title: Go Programming for Network Operations
+    url: https://www.amazon.com/Go-Programming-Network-Operations-Automation-ebook/dp/B07JKKN34L/ref=sr_1_16
+    thumbnail: /images/books/go-programming-for-network-operations.jpg
+  - title: Go Programming Blueprints
+    url: https://github.com/matryer/goblueprints
+    thumbnail: /images/learn/go-programming-blueprints.png
+  - title: Go in Action
+    url: https://www.amazon.com/Go-Action-William-Kennedy/dp/1617291781
+    thumbnail: /images/books/go-in-action.jpg
+  - title: The Go Programming Language
+    url: https://www.gopl.io/
+    thumbnail: /images/learn/go-programming-language-book.png
+{{libraries `
   - title: Monitoring and tracing
     viewMoreUrl: https://pkg.go.dev/search?q=tracing
@@ -125,45 +168,4 @@
       - text: golang-migrate/migrate
         url: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/golang-migrate/migrate?tab=overview
         desc: A database migration tool written in Go
-## Overview {#overview .sectionHeading}
-### Go helps enterprises automate and scale
-Development Operations (DevOps) teams help engineering organizations automate tasks and improve their continuous
-integration and continuous delivery and deployment (CI/CD) process. DevOps can topple developmental silos and implement
-tooling and automation to enhance software development, deployment, and support.
-Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) was born at Google to make the company’s “large-scale sites more reliable, efficient,
-and scalable,”[ writes Silvia Fressard](https://opensource.com/article/18/10/what-site-reliability-engineer), an
-independent DevOps consultant. “And the practices they developed responded so well to Google’s needs that other big tech
-companies, such as Amazon and Netflix, also adopted them.” SRE requires a mix of development and operations skills, and
-“[empowers software developers](https://stackify.com/site-reliability-engineering/) to own the ongoing daily operation
-of their applications in production.”
-Go serves both siblings, DevOps and SRE, from its fast build times and lean syntax to its security and reliability support. Go's concurrency and networking features also make it ideal for tools that manage cloud deployment—readily supporting automation while
-scaling for speed and code maintainability as development infrastructure grows over time.
-DevOps/SRE teams write software ranging from small scripts, to command-line interfaces (CLI), to complex automation and services, and Go’s feature set has benefits for every situation.
-## Key Benefits {#key-benefits .sectionHeading}
-### Easily build small scripts with Go’s robust standard library and static typing
-Go’s fast build and startup times. Go’s extensive standard library—including packages for
-common needs like HTTP, file I/O, time, regular expressions, exec, and JSON/CSV formats—lets DevOps/SREs get right into their business logic. Plus, Go’s static type system and explicit error handling make even small scripts more robust.
-### Quickly deploy CLIs with Go’s fast build times
-Every site reliability engineer has written “one-time use” scripts that turned into CLIs used by dozens of other engineers every day. And small deployment automation scripts turn into rollout management services. With Go, DevOps/SREs are in a great position to be successful when software scope inevitably creeps. Starting with Go puts you in a great position to be successful when that happens.
-### Scale and maintain larger applications with Go’s low memory footprint and doc generator
-Go’s garbage collector means DevOps/SRE teams don’t have to worry about memory management. And Go’s automatic documentation generator (godoc) makes code self-documenting–lowering maintenance overhead and establishing best practices from the get-go.
-{{projects $}}
-## Get Started {#get-started .sectionHeading}
-### Go books on DevOps & SRE
-{{books $}}
-{{libraries $}}
diff --git a/go.dev/content/solutions/webdev/index.md b/go.dev/content/solutions/webdev/index.md
index eaf0b54..695c262 100644
--- a/go.dev/content/solutions/webdev/index.md
+++ b/go.dev/content/solutions/webdev/index.md
@@ -5,21 +5,6 @@
 date: 2019-10-04T15:26:31-04:00
 series: Use Cases
-  - title: Web Development with Go
-    url: https://www.amazon.com/Web-Development-Go-Building-Scalable-ebook/dp/B01JCOC6Z6
-    thumbnail: /images/books/web-development-with-go.jpg
-  - title: Go Web Programming
-    url: https://www.amazon.com/Web-Programming-Sau-Sheong-Chang/dp/1617292567
-    thumbnail: /images/books/go-web-programming.jpg
-  - title: "Web Development Cookbook: Build full-stack web applications with Go"
-    url: https://www.amazon.com/Web-Development-Cookbook-full-stack-applications-ebook/dp/B077TVQ28W
-    thumbnail: /images/books/go-web-development-cookbook.jpg
-  - title: Building RESTful Web services with Go
-    url: https://www.amazon.com/Building-RESTful-Web-services-gracefully-ebook/dp/B072QB8KL1
-    thumbnail: /images/books/building-restful-web-services-with-go.jpg
-  - title: Mastering Go Web Services
-    url: https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Web-Services-Nathan-Kozyra-ebook/dp/B00W5GUKL6
-    thumbnail: /images/books/mastering-go-web-services.jpg
 - name: icon
   src: webdev-green.svg
@@ -29,7 +14,36 @@
   src: webdev-white.svg
     alt: web dev icon
+## Overview {#overview .sectionHeading}
+### Go delivers speed, security, and developer-friendly tools for Web Applications
+Go is designed to enable developers to rapidly develop scalable and secure web applications. Go ships with an easy to use, secure and performant web server and includes it own web templating library. Go has excellent support for all of the latest technologies from [HTTP/2](https://pkg.go.dev/net/http), to databases like [MySQL](https://pkg.go.dev/mod/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql), [MongoDB](https://pkg.go.dev/mod/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver) and [ElasticSearch](https://pkg.go.dev/mod/github.com/elastic/go-elasticsearch/v7), to the latest encryption standards including [TLS 1.3](https://pkg.go.dev/crypto/tls). Go web applications run natively on [Google App Engine](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/) and [Google Cloud Run](https://cloud.google.com/run/) (for easy scaling) or on any environment, cloud, or operating system thanks to Go’s extreme portability.
+## Key Benefits {#key-benefits .sectionHeading}
+### Deploy across platforms in record speed
+For enterprises, Go is preferred for providing rapid cross-platform deployment. With its goroutines, native compilation, and the URI-based package namespacing, Go code compiles to a single, small binary—with zero dependencies—making it very fast.
+### Leverage Go’s out-of-the-box performance to scale with ease
+Tigran Bayburtsyan, Co-Founder and CTO at Hexact Inc., summarizes five key reasons his company switched to Go:
+-   **Compiles into a single binary** — “Using static linking, Go actually combining all dependency libraries and modules into one single binary file based on OS type and architecture.”
+-   **Static type system** — “Type system is really important for large scale applications.”
+-   **Performance** — “Go performed better because of its concurrency model and CPU scalability. Whenever we need to process some internal request, we are doing it with separate Goroutines which are 10x cheaper in resources than Python Threads.”
+-   **No need for a web framework** — “In most of the cases you really don’t need any third-party library.”
+-   **Great IDE support and debugging** — “After rewriting all projects to Go, we got 64 percent less code than we had earlier.”
+{{projects `
   - company: Caddy
     url: https://caddyserver.com/
     logoSrc: caddy.svg
@@ -81,7 +95,31 @@
       - text: The Economist's Go microservices
         url: https://www.infoq.com/articles/golang-the-economist/
+## Get Started {#get-started .sectionHeading}
+### Go books on web development
+{{books `
+  - title: Web Development with Go
+    url: https://www.amazon.com/Web-Development-Go-Building-Scalable-ebook/dp/B01JCOC6Z6
+    thumbnail: /images/books/web-development-with-go.jpg
+  - title: Go Web Programming
+    url: https://www.amazon.com/Web-Programming-Sau-Sheong-Chang/dp/1617292567
+    thumbnail: /images/books/go-web-programming.jpg
+  - title: "Web Development Cookbook: Build full-stack web applications with Go"
+    url: https://www.amazon.com/Web-Development-Cookbook-full-stack-applications-ebook/dp/B077TVQ28W
+    thumbnail: /images/books/go-web-development-cookbook.jpg
+  - title: Building RESTful Web services with Go
+    url: https://www.amazon.com/Building-RESTful-Web-services-gracefully-ebook/dp/B072QB8KL1
+    thumbnail: /images/books/building-restful-web-services-with-go.jpg
+  - title: Mastering Go Web Services
+    url: https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Web-Services-Nathan-Kozyra-ebook/dp/B00W5GUKL6
+    thumbnail: /images/books/mastering-go-web-services.jpg
+{{libraries `
   - title: Web frameworks
     viewMoreUrl: https://pkg.go.dev/search?q=web+framework
@@ -162,43 +200,7 @@
       - text: gopherjs
         url: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/gopherjs/gopherjs?tab=overview
         desc: A compiler from Go to JavaScript allowing developers to write front-end code in Go which will run in all browsers.
-## Overview {#overview .sectionHeading}
-### Go delivers speed, security, and developer-friendly tools for Web Applications
-Go is designed to enable developers to rapidly develop scalable and secure web applications. Go ships with an easy to use, secure and performant web server and includes it own web templating library. Go has excellent support for all of the latest technologies from [HTTP/2](https://pkg.go.dev/net/http), to databases like [MySQL](https://pkg.go.dev/mod/github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql), [MongoDB](https://pkg.go.dev/mod/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver) and [ElasticSearch](https://pkg.go.dev/mod/github.com/elastic/go-elasticsearch/v7), to the latest encryption standards including [TLS 1.3](https://pkg.go.dev/crypto/tls). Go web applications run natively on [Google App Engine](https://cloud.google.com/appengine/) and [Google Cloud Run](https://cloud.google.com/run/) (for easy scaling) or on any environment, cloud, or operating system thanks to Go’s extreme portability.
-## Key Benefits {#key-benefits .sectionHeading}
-### Deploy across platforms in record speed
-For enterprises, Go is preferred for providing rapid cross-platform deployment. With its goroutines, native compilation, and the URI-based package namespacing, Go code compiles to a single, small binary—with zero dependencies—making it very fast.
-### Leverage Go’s out-of-the-box performance to scale with ease
-Tigran Bayburtsyan, Co-Founder and CTO at Hexact Inc., summarizes five key reasons his company switched to Go:
--   **Compiles into a single binary** — “Using static linking, Go actually combining all dependency libraries and modules into one single binary file based on OS type and architecture.”
--   **Static type system** — “Type system is really important for large scale applications.”
--   **Performance** — “Go performed better because of its concurrency model and CPU scalability. Whenever we need to process some internal request, we are doing it with separate Goroutines which are 10x cheaper in resources than Python Threads.”
--   **No need for a web framework** — “In most of the cases you really don’t need any third-party library.”
--   **Great IDE support and debugging** — “After rewriting all projects to Go, we got 64 percent less code than we had earlier.”
-{{projects $}}
-## Get Started {#get-started .sectionHeading}
-### Go books on web development
-{{books $}}
-{{libraries $}}
 ### Courses
 * [Learn to Create Web Applications using Go](https://www.usegolang.com), a paid online course
diff --git a/go.dev/templates/books.tmpl b/go.dev/templates/books.tmpl
index 14eac39..1587006 100644
--- a/go.dev/templates/books.tmpl
+++ b/go.dev/templates/books.tmpl
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 {{define "books"}}
-{{$books := .Param "books"}}
+{{with (yaml .)}}
 <ul class="Learn-tileList">
-    {{range $books}}
+    {{range .}}
     <li class="Learn-tile">
         <a href="{{.url}}">
             {{if .thumbnail}}
@@ -18,3 +17,4 @@
diff --git a/go.dev/templates/libraries.tmpl b/go.dev/templates/libraries.tmpl
index f13b10b..219369a 100644
--- a/go.dev/templates/libraries.tmpl
+++ b/go.dev/templates/libraries.tmpl
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 {{define "libraries"}}
-{{$goLibraries := .Param "goLibraries"}}
-{{range $goLibraries}}
+{{range (yaml .)}}
 <div class="WhoUsesCaseStudy-librariesWrapper">
   <div class="headerWithLink">
diff --git a/go.dev/templates/projects.tmpl b/go.dev/templates/projects.tmpl
index 2f9d07e..50f55d9 100644
--- a/go.dev/templates/projects.tmpl
+++ b/go.dev/templates/projects.tmpl
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
 {{define "projects"}}
-{{$featuredProjects := .Param "featuredProjects"}}
 <div class="FeaturedUsers">
 <h2 id="featured-users" class="sectionHeading">Featured users</h2>
@@ -14,7 +12,7 @@
-    {{- range $index, $project := $featuredProjects}}
+    {{- range $index, $project := (yaml .)}}
       class="js-featuredUsersRow FeaturedUsers-row"
       {{- if (gt $index 2) }}
diff --git a/go.dev/templates/toolsblurbs.tmpl b/go.dev/templates/toolsblurbs.tmpl
index 443c608..299858c 100644
--- a/go.dev/templates/toolsblurbs.tmpl
+++ b/go.dev/templates/toolsblurbs.tmpl
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 {{define "toolsblurbs"}}
-{{$toolsBlurbs := .Param "toolsBlurbs"}}
 <div class="ToolsBlurbs">
-  {{- range $toolsBlurbs}}
+  {{- range (yaml .)}}
   <div class="ToolsBlurbs-blurb">
     <a class="ToolsBlurbs-blurbHeader" href="{{.url}}">
       <img class="ToolsBlurbs-blurbIcon" src="{{.iconSrc}}" alt="{{.title}}">