blob: 4b83422a071db39341c6ceb1139fe4b474861331 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package web
import (
type file struct {
// Copied from document metadata directives
Title string
Subtitle string
Template bool
Path string // URL path
FilePath string // filesystem path relative to goroot
Body []byte // content after metadata
type fileJSON struct {
Title string
Subtitle string
Template bool
Redirect string // if set, redirect to other URL
// open returns the *file for a given relative path or nil if none exists.
func open(fsys fs.FS, relpath string) *file {
// Strip trailing .html or .md or /; it all names the same page.
if strings.HasSuffix(relpath, ".html") {
relpath = strings.TrimSuffix(relpath, ".html")
} else if strings.HasSuffix(relpath, ".md") {
relpath = strings.TrimSuffix(relpath, ".md")
} else if strings.HasSuffix(relpath, "/") {
relpath = strings.TrimSuffix(relpath, "/")
// Check md before html to work correctly when x/website is layered atop Go 1.15 goroot during Go 1.15 tests.
// Want to find x/website's not Go 1.15's debuging_with_gdb.html.
files := []string{relpath + ".md", relpath + ".html", path.Join(relpath, ""), path.Join(relpath, "index.html")}
var filePath string
var b []byte
var err error
for _, filePath = range files {
b, err = fs.ReadFile(fsys, filePath)
if err == nil {
// Special case for memory model and spec, which live
// in the main Go repo's doc directory and therefore have not
// been renamed to their serving relpaths.
// We wait until the ReadFiles above have failed so that the
// code works if these are ever moved to /ref/spec and /ref/mem.
if err != nil && relpath == "ref/spec" {
return open(fsys, "doc/go_spec")
if err != nil && relpath == "ref/mem" {
return open(fsys, "doc/go_mem")
if err != nil {
return nil
// Special case for memory model and spec, continued.
switch relpath {
case "doc/go_spec":
relpath = "ref/spec"
case "doc/go_mem":
relpath = "ref/mem"
// If we read an or index.html, the canonical relpath is without the suffix.
if name := path.Base(filePath); name == "index.html" || name == "" {
relpath, _ = path.Split(filePath)
js, body, err := parseFile(b)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("extractMetadata %s: %v", relpath, err)
return nil
f := &file{
Title: js.Title,
Subtitle: js.Subtitle,
Template: js.Template,
Path: "/" + relpath,
FilePath: filePath,
Body: body,
if js.Redirect != "" {
// Allow (placeholder) documents to declare a redirect.
f.Path = js.Redirect
return f
var (
jsonStart = []byte("<!--{")
jsonEnd = []byte("}-->")
// parseFile extracts the metaJSON from a byte slice.
// It returns the metadata and the remaining text.
// If no metadata is present, it returns an empty metaJSON and the original text.
func parseFile(b []byte) (meta fileJSON, tail []byte, err error) {
tail = b
if !bytes.HasPrefix(b, jsonStart) {
end := bytes.Index(b, jsonEnd)
if end < 0 {
b = b[len(jsonStart)-1 : end+1] // drop leading <!-- and include trailing }
if err = json.Unmarshal(b, &meta); err != nil {
tail = tail[end+len(jsonEnd):]