blob: d3b1f163bebc4a5f5274e81e73719b4796b8c150 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package texthtml formats text files to HTML.
package texthtml
import (
// A Span describes a text span [start, end).
// The zero value of a Span is an empty span.
type Span struct {
Start, End int
func (s *Span) isEmpty() bool { return s.Start >= s.End }
// A Selection is an "iterator" function returning a text span.
// Repeated calls to a selection return consecutive, non-overlapping,
// non-empty spans, followed by an infinite sequence of empty
// spans. The first empty span marks the end of the selection.
type Selection func() Span
// A Config configures how to format text as HTML.
type Config struct {
Line int // if >= 1, number lines beginning with number Line, with <span class="ln">
GoComments bool // mark comments in Go text with <span class="comment">
Playground bool // format for playground sample
Highlight string // highlight matches for this regexp with <span class="highlight">
HL string // highlight lines that end with // HL (x/tools/present convention)
Selection Selection // mark selected spans with <span class="selection">
AST ast.Node // link uses to declarations, assuming text is formatting of AST
OldDocs bool // emit links to ?m=old docs
// Format formats text to HTML according to the configuration cfg.
func Format(text []byte, cfg Config) (html []byte) {
var comments, highlights Selection
if cfg.GoComments {
comments = tokenSelection(text, token.COMMENT)
if cfg.Highlight != "" {
highlights = regexpSelection(text, cfg.Highlight)
if cfg.HL != "" {
highlights = hlSelection(text, cfg.HL)
var buf bytes.Buffer
var idents Selection = Spans()
var goLinks []goLink
if cfg.AST != nil {
idents = tokenSelection(text, token.IDENT)
goLinks = goLinksFor(cfg.AST)
if cfg.OldDocs {
for i := range goLinks {
goLinks[i].oldDocs = true
formatSelections(&buf, text, goLinks, comments, highlights, cfg.Selection, idents)
if cfg.AST != nil {
postFormatAST(&buf, cfg.AST)
if cfg.Line > 0 {
// Add line numbers in a separate pass.
old := buf.Bytes()
buf = bytes.Buffer{}
n := cfg.Line
for _, line := range bytes.Split(old, []byte("\n")) {
// The line numbers are inserted into the document via a CSS ::before
// pseudo-element. This prevents them from being copied when users
// highlight and copy text.
// ::before is supported in 98% of browsers:
// This is also the trick Github uses to hide line numbers.
// The first tab for the code snippet needs to start in column 9, so
// it indents a full 8 spaces, hence the two nbsp's. Otherwise the tab
// character only indents a short amount.
// Due to rounding and font width Firefox might not treat 8 rendered
// characters as 8 characters wide, and subsequently may treat the tab
// character in the 9th position as moving the width from (7.5 or so) up
// to 8. See
// for a fuller explanation. The solution is to add a CSS class to
// explicitly declare the width to be 8 characters.
if cfg.Playground {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, `<span class="number">%2d&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>`, n)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, `<span id="L%d" class="ln">%6d&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>`, n, n)
return buf.Bytes()
// formatSelections takes a text and writes it to w using link and span
// writers lw and sw as follows: lw is invoked for consecutive span starts
// and ends as specified through the links selection, and sw is invoked for
// consecutive spans of text overlapped by the same selections as specified
// by selections.
func formatSelections(w io.Writer, text []byte, goLinks []goLink, selections ...Selection) {
// compute the sequence of consecutive span changes
changes := newMerger(selections)
// The i'th bit in bitset indicates that the text
// at the current offset is covered by selections[i].
bitset := 0
lastOffs := 0
// Text spans are written in a delayed fashion
// such that consecutive spans belonging to the
// same selection can be combined (peephole optimization).
// last describes the last span which has not yet been written.
var last struct {
begin, end int // valid if begin < end
bitset int
// flush writes the last delayed text span
flush := func() {
if last.begin < last.end {
selectionTag(w, text[last.begin:last.end], last.bitset)
last.begin = last.end // invalidate last
// span runs the span [lastOffs, end) with the selection
// indicated by bitset through the span peephole optimizer.
span := func(end int) {
if lastOffs < end { // ignore empty spans
if last.end != lastOffs || last.bitset != bitset {
// the last span is not adjacent to or
// differs from the new one
// start a new span
last.begin = lastOffs
last.end = end
last.bitset = bitset
linkEnd := ""
for {
// get the next span change
index, offs, start :=
if index < 0 || offs > len(text) {
// no more span changes or the next change
// is past the end of the text - we're done
// format the previous selection span, determine
// the new selection bitset and start a new span
if index == 3 { // Go link
if start {
if len(goLinks) > 0 {
start, end := goLinks[0].tags()
io.WriteString(w, start)
linkEnd = end
goLinks = goLinks[1:]
} else {
if linkEnd != "" {
io.WriteString(w, linkEnd)
linkEnd = ""
} else {
mask := 1 << uint(index)
if start {
bitset |= mask
} else {
bitset &^= mask
lastOffs = offs
// A merger merges a slice of Selections and produces a sequence of
// consecutive span change events through repeated next() calls.
type merger struct {
selections []Selection
spans []Span // spans[i] is the next span of selections[i]
const infinity int = 2e9
func newMerger(selections []Selection) *merger {
spans := make([]Span, len(selections))
for i, sel := range selections {
spans[i] = Span{infinity, infinity}
if sel != nil {
if seg := sel(); !seg.isEmpty() {
spans[i] = seg
return &merger{selections, spans}
// next returns the next span change: index specifies the Selection
// to which the span belongs, offs is the span start or end offset
// as determined by the start value. If there are no more span changes,
// next returns an index value < 0.
func (m *merger) next() (index, offs int, start bool) {
// find the next smallest offset where a span starts or ends
offs = infinity
index = -1
for i, seg := range m.spans {
switch {
case seg.Start < offs:
offs = seg.Start
index = i
start = true
case seg.End < offs:
offs = seg.End
index = i
start = false
if index < 0 {
// no offset found => all selections merged
// offset found - it's either the start or end offset but
// either way it is ok to consume the start offset: set it
// to infinity so it won't be considered in the following
// next call
m.spans[index].Start = infinity
if start {
// end offset found - consume it
m.spans[index].End = infinity
// advance to the next span for that selection
seg := m.selections[index]()
if !seg.isEmpty() {
m.spans[index] = seg
// lineSelection returns the line spans for text as a Selection.
func lineSelection(text []byte) Selection {
i, j := 0, 0
return func() (seg Span) {
// find next newline, if any
for j < len(text) {
if text[j-1] == '\n' {
if i < j {
// text[i:j] constitutes a line
seg = Span{i, j}
i = j
// tokenSelection returns, as a selection, the sequence of
// consecutive occurrences of token sel in the Go src text.
func tokenSelection(src []byte, sel token.Token) Selection {
var s scanner.Scanner
fset := token.NewFileSet()
file := fset.AddFile("", fset.Base(), len(src))
s.Init(file, src, nil, scanner.ScanComments)
return func() (seg Span) {
for {
pos, tok, lit := s.Scan()
if tok == token.EOF {
offs := file.Offset(pos)
if tok == sel {
seg = Span{offs, offs + len(lit)}
// Spans is a helper function to make a Selection from a slice of spans.
// Empty spans are discarded.
func Spans(spans ...Span) Selection {
i := 0
return func() Span {
for i < len(spans) {
s := spans[i]
if s.Start < s.End {
// non-empty
return s
return Span{}
var hlRE = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)\s*(.+)(\s+// (HL[a-zA-Z0-9_]*))$`)
// hlSelection returns the Selection for lines ending in // hl in text,
// also removing any // HLxxx from the text (overwriting with spaces)
func hlSelection(text []byte, hl string) Selection {
lines := bytes.SplitAfter(text, []byte("\n"))
off := 0
var spans []Span
for _, line := range lines {
if m := hlRE.FindSubmatchIndex(line); m != nil {
if string(line[m[6]:m[7]]) == hl {
spans = append(spans, Span{off + m[2], off + m[3]})
for i := m[4]; i < m[5]; i++ {
line[i] = ' '
off += len(line)
return Spans(spans...)
// regexpSelection computes the Selection for the regular expression expr in text.
func regexpSelection(text []byte, expr string) Selection {
var matches [][]int
if rx, err := regexp.Compile(expr); err == nil {
matches = rx.FindAllIndex(text, -1)
var spans []Span
for _, m := range matches {
spans = append(spans, Span{m[0], m[1]})
return Spans(spans...)
// Span tags for all the possible selection combinations that may
// be generated by FormatText. Selections are indicated by a bitset,
// and the value of the bitset specifies the tag to be used.
// bit 0: comments
// bit 1: highlights
// bit 2: selections
var startTags = [][]byte{
/* 000 */ []byte(``),
/* 001 */ []byte(`<span class="comment">`),
/* 010 */ []byte(`<span class="highlight">`),
/* 011 */ []byte(`<span class="highlight-comment">`),
/* 100 */ []byte(`<span class="selection">`),
/* 101 */ []byte(`<span class="selection-comment">`),
/* 110 */ []byte(`<span class="selection-highlight">`),
/* 111 */ []byte(`<span class="selection-highlight-comment">`),
var endTag = []byte(`</span>`)
func selectionTag(w io.Writer, text []byte, selections int) {
if selections < len(startTags) {
if tag := startTags[selections]; len(tag) > 0 {
template.HTMLEscape(w, text)
template.HTMLEscape(w, text)
// trimSpaces removes trailing spaces at the end of each line in buf.
func trimSpaces(buf *bytes.Buffer) {
data := buf.Bytes()
out := data[:0]
for len(data) > 0 {
j := bytes.IndexByte(data, '\n')
if j < 0 {
j = len(data)
var line []byte
line, data = data[:j], data[j:]
for len(line) > 0 && (line[len(line)-1] == ' ' || line[len(line)-1] == '\t') {
line = line[:len(line)-1]
out = append(out, line...)
if len(data) > 0 {
out = append(out, '\n')
data = data[1:]