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+title: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Type Inference - And a Little Bit More
+date: 2023-10-06
+- Robert Griesemer
+summary: A description of how type inference for Go works.
+Based on the GopherCon 2023 talk with the same title.
+This is the blog version of my talk on type inference at GopherCon 2023 in San Diego,
+slightly expanded and edited for clarity.
+## What is type inference?
+Wikipedia defines type inference as follows:
+> Type inference is the ability to automatically deduce, either partially or fully,
+the type of an expression at compile time.
+The compiler is often able to infer the type of a variable or the type signature of
+a function, without explicit type annotations having been given.
+The key phrase here is "automatically deduce ... the type of an expression".
+Go supported a basic form of type inference from the start:
+const x = expr  // the type of x is the type of expr
+var x = expr
+x := expr
+No explicit types are given in these declarations,
+and therefore the types of the constant and variables `x` on the left of `=` and `:=`
+are the types of the respective initialization expressions, on the right.
+We say that the types are _inferred_ from (the types of) their initialization expressions.
+With the introduction of generics in Go 1.18, Go's type inference abilities
+were significantly expanded.
+### Why type inference?
+In non-generic Go code, the effect of leaving away types is most pronounced in a short variable declaration.
+Such a declaration combines type inference and a little bit of syntactic
+sugar&mdash;the ability to leave away the `var` keyword&mdash;into one very compact statement.
+Consider the following map variable declaration:
+var m map[string]int = map[string]int{}
+m := map[string]int{}
+Omitting the type on the left of `:=` removes repetition and at the same time increases readability.
+Generic Go code has the potential to significantly increase the number of types appearing in code:
+without type inference, each generic function and type instantiation requires type arguments.
+Being able to omit them becomes even more important.
+Consider using the following two functions from the new
+[slices package](https://pkg.go.dev/slices):
+package slices
+func BinarySearch[S ~[]E, E cmp.Ordered](x S, target E) (int, bool)
+func Sort[S ~[]E, E cmp.Ordered](x S)
+Without type inference, calling `BinarySearch` and `Sort` requires explicit type arguments:
+type List []int
+var list List
+slices.Sort[List, int](list)
+index, found := slices.BinarySearch[List, int](list, 42)
+We'd rather not repeat `[List, int]` with each such generic function call.
+With type inference the code simplifies to:
+type List []int
+var list List
+index, found := slices.BinarySearch(list, 42)
+This is both cleaner and more compact.
+In fact it looks exactly like non-generic code,
+and type inference makes this possible.
+Importantly, type inference is an optional mechanism:
+if type arguments make code clearer, by all means, write them down.
+## Type inference is a form of type pattern matching
+Inference compares type patterns,
+where a type pattern is a type containing type parameters.
+For reasons that will become obvious in a bit, type parameters
+are sometimes also called _type variables_.
+Type pattern matching allows us to infer the types that need
+to go into these type variables.
+Let's consider a short example:
+// From the slices package
+// func Sort[S ~[]E, E cmp.Ordered](x S)
+type List []int
+var list List
+The `Sort` function call passes the `list` variable as function argument for the parameter `x`
+of [`slices.Sort`](https://pkg.go.dev/slices#Sort).
+Therefore the type of `list`, which is `List`, must match the type of `x`, which is type parameter `S`.
+If `S` has the type `List`, this assignment becomes valid.
+In reality, the [rules for assignments](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Assignability) are complicated,
+but for now it's good enough to assume that the types must be identical.
+Once we have inferred the type for `S`, we can look at the
+[type constraint](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Type_constraints) for `S`.
+It says&mdash;because of the tilde `~` symbol&mdash;that the
+[underlying type](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Underlying_types) of `S`
+must be the slice `[]E`.
+The underlying type of `S` is `[]int`, therefore `[]int` must match `[]E`,
+and with that we can conclude that `E` must be `int`.
+We've been able to find types for `S` and `E` such that corresponding types match.
+Inference has succeeded!
+Here's a more complicated scenario where we have a lot of type parameters:
+`S1`, `S2`, `E1`, and `E2` from `slices.EqualFunc`, and `E1` and `E2` from the generic function `equal`.
+The local function `foo` calls `slices.EqualFunc` with the `equal` function as an argument:
+// From the slices package
+// func EqualFunc[S1 ~[]E1, S2 ~[]E2, E1, E2 any](s1 S1, s2 S2, eq func(E1, E2) bool) bool
+// Local code
+func equal[E1, E2 comparable](E1, E2) bool { … }
+func foo(list1 []int, list2 []float64) {
+	…
+	if slices.EqualFunc(list1, list2, equal) {
+		…
+	}
+	…
+This is an example where type inference really shines as we can potentially leave away six type arguments,
+one for each of the type parameters.
+The type pattern matching approach still works, but we can see how it may get complicated quickly
+because the number of type relationships is proliferating.
+We need a systematic approach to determine which type parameters and which types get involved with which patterns.
+It helps to look at type inference in a slightly different way.
+## Type equations
+We can reframe type inference as a problem of solving type equations.
+Solving equations is something that we are all familiar with from high school algebra.
+Luckily, solving type equations is a simpler problem as we will see shortly.
+Let's look again at our earlier example:
+// From the slices package
+// func Sort[S ~[]E, E cmp.Ordered](x S)
+type List []int
+var list List
+Inference succeeds if the type equations below can be solved.
+Here `≡` stands for [_is identical to_](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Type_identity),
+and `under(S)` represents
+the [_underlying type_](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Underlying_types)
+of `S`:
+	S ≡ List        // find S such that S ≡ List is true
+	under(S) ≡ []E  // find E such that under(S) ≡ []E is true
+The type parameters are the _variables_ in the equations.
+Solving the equations means finding values (type arguments) for these variables
+(type parameters), such that the equations become true.
+This view makes the type inference problem more tractable because
+it gives us a formal framework that allows us to write down the information that
+flows into inference.
+### Being precise with type relations
+Until now we have simply talked about types having to be
+But for actual Go code that is too strong a requirement.
+In the previous example, `S` need not be identical to `List`,
+rather `List` must be [assignable](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Assignability) to `S`.
+Similarly, `S` must [satisfy](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Satisfying_a_type_constraint)
+its corresponding type constraint.
+We can formulate our type equations more precisely by using specific operators that
+we write as `:≡` and `∈`:
+	S :≡ List         // List is assignable to S
+	S ∈ ~[]E          // S satisfies constraint ~[]E
+	E ∈ cmp.Ordered   // E satisfies constraint cmp.Ordered
+Generally, we can say that type equations come in three forms:
+two types must be identical, one type must be assignable to the other type,
+or one type must satisfy a type constraint.
+We use the following notation to express these type relations:
+	X ≡ Y             // X and Y must be identical
+	X :≡ Y            // Y is assignable to X
+	X ∈ Y             // X satisfies constraint Y
+(Note: In the GopherCon talk we used the symbols `≡`<sub>A</sub> for `:≡` and
+`≡`<sub>C</sub> for `∈`.
+We believe `:≡` more clearly evokes an assignment relation;
+and `∈` directly expresses that the type represented by a type parameter must
+be an element of its constraint's [type set](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Interface_types).)
+### Sources of type equations
+In a generic function call we may have explicit type arguments,
+though most of the time we hope that they can be inferred.
+Typically we also have ordinary function arguments.
+Each explicit type argument contributes a (trivial) type equation:
+the type parameter must be identical to the type argument because the code says so.
+Each ordinary function argument contributes another type equation:
+the function argument must be assignable to its corresponding function parameter.
+And finally, each type constraint provides a type equation as well
+by constraining what types satisfy the constraint.
+Altogether, this produces `n` type parameters and `m` type equations.
+In contrast to basic high school algebra, `n` and `m` don't have to be the same for
+type equations to be solvable.
+For instance, the single equation below allows us to infer the type arguments for
+two type parameters:
+map[K]V ≡ map[int]string  // K ➞ int, V ➞ string (n = 2, m = 1)
+Let's look at each of these sources of type equations in turn:
+#### 1. Type equations from type arguments
+For each type parameter declaration
+func f[…, P constraint, …]…
+and explicitly provided type argument
+f[…, A, …]…
+we get the type equation
+	P ≡ A
+We can trivially solve this for `P`: `P` must be `A` and we write `P ➞ A`.
+In other words, there is nothing to do here.
+We could still write down the respective type equation for completeness,
+but in this case, the Go compiler simply substitutes the type arguments
+for their type parameters throughout and then those type parameters are
+gone and we can forget about them.
+#### 2. Type equations from assignments
+For each function argument `x` passed to a function parameter `p`
+f(…, x, …)
+where `p` or `x` contain type parameters,
+the type of `x` must be assignable to the type of the parameter `p`.
+We can express this with the equation
+	𝑻(p) :≡ 𝑻(x)
+where `𝑻(x)` means "the type of `x`".
+If neither `p` nor `x` contains type parameters, there is no type variable to solve for:
+the equation is either true because the assignment is valid Go code,
+or false if the code is invalid.
+For this reason, type inference only considers types that contain type parameters of the
+involved function (or functions).
+Starting with Go 1.21, an uninstantiated or partially instantiated function
+(but not a function call) may also be assigned to a function-typed variable, as in:
+var intSort func([]int) = slices.Sort
+Analogous to parameter passing, such assignments lead to a corresponding
+type equation. For this example it would be
+	𝑻(intSort) :≡ 𝑻(slices.Sort)
+or simplified
+	func([]int) :≡ func[S ~[]E, E cmp.Ordered](S)
+#### 3. Type equations from constraints
+Finally, for each type parameter `P` for which we want to infer a type argument,
+we can extract a type equation from its constraint because the type parameter
+must satisfy the constraint. Given the declaration
+func f[…, P constraint, …]…
+we can write down the equation
+	P ∈ constraint
+Here, the `∈` means "must satisfy constraint" which is (almost) the same as
+being a type element of the constraint's type set.
+We will see later that some constraints (such as `any`) are not useful or
+currently cannot be used due to limitations of the implementation.
+Inference simply ignores the respective equations in those cases.
+### Type parameters and equations may be from multiple functions
+In Go 1.18, inferred type parameters had to all be from the same function.
+Specifically, it was not possible to pass a generic, uninstantiated or partially instantiated
+function as a function argument,
+or assign it to a (function-typed) variable.
+As mentioned earlier, in Go 1.21 type inference also works in these cases.
+For instance, the generic function
+func myEq[P comparable](x, y P) bool { return x == y }
+can be assigned to a variable of function type
+var strEq func(x, y string) bool = myEq  // same as using myEq[string]
+without being fully instantiated,
+and type inference will infer that the type argument for `P` must be `string`.
+Furthermore, a generic function may be used uninstantiated or partially instantiated as
+an argument to another, possibly generic function:
+// From the slices package
+// func CompactFunc[S ~[]E, E any](s S, eq func(E, E) bool) S
+type List []int
+var list List
+result := slices.CompactFunc(list, myEq)  // same as using slices.CompactFunc[List, int](list, myEq[int])
+In this last example, type inference determines the type arguments for `CompactFunc`
+and `myEq`.
+More generally, type parameters from arbitrarily many functions may need to be inferred.
+With multiple functions involved, type equations may also be from or involve multiple functions.
+In the `CompactFunc` example we end up with three type parameters and five type equations:
+	Type parameters and constraints:
+		S ~[]E
+		E any
+		P comparable
+	Explicit type arguments:
+		none
+	Type equations:
+		S :≡ List
+		func(E, E) bool :≡ func(P, P) bool
+		S ∈ ~[]E
+		E ∈ any
+		P ∈ comparable
+	Solution:
+		S ➞ List
+		E ➞ int
+		P ➞ int
+### Bound vs free type parameters
+At this point we have a clearer understanding of the various source of type equations,
+but we have not been very precise about which type parameters to solve the equations for.
+Let's consider another example.
+In the code below, the function body of `sortedPrint` calls `slices.Sort` for the sorting part.
+`sortedPrint` and `slices.Sort` are generic functions as both declare type parameters.
+// From the slices package
+// func Sort[S ~[]E, E cmp.Ordered](x S)
+// sortedPrint prints the elements of the provided list in sorted order.
+func sortedPrint[F any](list []F) {
+	slices.Sort(list)  // 𝑻(list) is []F
+	…                  // print list
+We want to infer the type argument for the `slices.Sort` call.
+Passing `list` to parameter `x` of `slices.Sort` gives rise to the equation
+	𝑻(x) :≡ 𝑻(list)
+which is the same as
+	S :≡ []F
+In this equation we have two type parameters, `S` and `F`.
+Which one do we need to solve the type equation for?
+Because the invoked function is `Sort`, we care about its type parameter `S`,
+not the type parameter `F`.
+We say that `S` is _bound_ to `Sort` because it is declared by `Sort`.
+`S` is the relevant type variable in this equation.
+By contrast, `F` is bound to (declared by) `sortedPrint`.
+We say that `F` is _free_ with respect to `Sort`.
+It has its own, already given type.
+That type is `F`, whatever that is (determined at instantiation time).
+In this equation, `F` is already given, it is a _type constant_.
+When solving type equations we always solve for the type parameters
+bound to the function we are calling
+(or assigning in case of a generic function assignment).
+## Solving type equations
+The missing piece, now that we have established how to collect the relevant
+type parameters and type equations, is of course the algorithm that allows
+us to solve the equations.
+After the various examples, it probably has become obvious that solving
+`X ≡ Y` simply means comparing the types `X` and `Y` recursively against
+each other, and in the process determining suitable type arguments for
+type parameters that may occur in `X` and `Y`.
+The goal is to make the types `X` and `Y` _identical_.
+This matching process is called [_unification_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unification_(computer_science)).
+The rules for [type identity](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Type_identity) tell
+us how to compare types.
+Since _bound_ type parameters play the role of type variables, we need
+to specify how they are matched against other types.
+The rules are as follows:
+- If type parameter `P` has an inferred type, `P` stands for that type.
+- If type parameter `P` doesn't have an inferred type and is matched against another type
+`T`, `P` is set to that type: `P ➞ T`.
+We say that the type `T` was inferred for `P`.
+- If `P` matches against another type parameter `Q`, and neither `P` nor `Q`
+have an inferred type yet, `P` and `Q` are _unified_.
+Unification of two type parameters means that they are joined together such
+that going forward they both denote the same type parameter value:
+if one of `P` or `Q` is matched against a type `T`, both `P` and `Q` are
+set to `T` simultaneously
+(in general, any number of type parameters may be unified this way).
+Finally, if two types `X` and `Y` are different, the equation cannot be made
+true and solving it fails.
+### Unifying types for type identity
+A few concrete examples should make this algorithm clear.
+Consider two types `X` and `Y` containing three bound type parameters `A`, `B`, and `C`,
+all appearing in the type equation `X ≡ Y`.
+The goal is to the solve this equation for the type parameters; i.e., find suitable
+type arguments for them such that `X` and `Y` become identical and thus the equation
+becomes true.
+X: map[A]struct{i int; s []B}
+Y: map[string]struct{i C; s []byte}
+Unification proceeds by comparing the structure of `X` and `Y` recursively, starting at the top.
+Simply looking at the structure of the two types we have
+map[·]· ≡ map[·]·
+with the middle dot `·` representing the respective map key and value types that we're
+ignoring at this step.
+Since we have a map on both sides, the types are identical so far.
+Unification proceeds recursively, first with the key types which are `A` for the `X` map,
+and `string` for the `Y` map.
+Corresponding key types must be identical, and from that we can immediately infer that
+the type argument for `A` must be `string`
+A ≡ string => A ➞ string
+Continuing with the map element types, we arrive at
+struct{i int; s []B} ≡ struct{i C; s []byte}
+Both sides are structs so unification proceeds with the struct fields.
+They are identical if they are in the same order, with the same names, and identical types.
+The first field pair is `i int` and `i C`.
+The names match and because `int` must unify with `C` we arrive at
+int ≡ C => C ➞ int
+This recursive type matching continues until the tree structure of the two types is fully
+traversed, or until a conflict appears.
+In this example, eventually we end up at
+[]B ≡ []byte => B ≡ byte => B ➞ byte
+Everything works out fine and unification infers the type arguments
+	A ➞ string
+	B ➞ byte
+	C ➞ int
+### Unifying types with different structures
+Now, let's consider a slight variation of the previous example:
+here `X` and `Y` don't have the same type structure.
+When the type trees are compared recursively, unification still successfully infers the type argument for `A`.
+But the value types of the maps are different and unification fails.
+X: map[A]struct{i int; s []B}
+Y: map[string]bool
+Both `X` and `Y` are map types, so unification proceeds recursively as before, starting with the key types.
+We arrive at
+A ≡ string => A ➞ string
+also as before.
+But when we proceed with the map's value types we arrive at
+struct{·} ≡ bool
+The `struct` type doesn't match `bool`; we have different types and unification (and thus type inference) fails.
+### Unifying types with conflicting type arguments
+Another kind of conflict appears when different types match against the same type parameter.
+Here we have again a version of our initial example but now the type parameter `A` appears twice in `X`,
+and `C` appears twice in `Y`.
+X: map[A]struct{i int; s []A}
+Y: map[string]struct{i C; s []C}
+The recursive type unification works out fine at first and we have the following pairings of type
+parameters and types:
+A   ≡ string => A ➞ string  // map key type
+int ≡ C      => C ➞ int     // first struct field type
+When we arrive at the second struct field type we get
+[]A ≡ []C => A ≡ C
+Since both `A` and `C` have a type argument inferred for them, they stand for those type arguments,
+which are `string` and `int` respectively.
+These are different types, so `A` and `C` can't possibly match.
+Unification and thus type inference fails.
+### Other type relations
+Unification solves type equations of the form `X ≡ Y` where the goal is _type identity_.
+But what about `X :≡ Y` or `X ∈ Y`?
+A couple of observations help us out here:
+The job of type inference is solely to find the types of omitted type arguments.
+Type inference is always followed by type or function
+[instantiation](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Instantiations) which
+checks that each type argument actually satisfies its respective type constraint.
+Finally, in case of a generic function call, the compiler also checks that
+function arguments are assignable to their corresponding function parameters.
+All of these steps must succeed for the code to be valid.
+If type inference is not precise enough it may infer an (incorrect) type argument
+where no type may exist.
+If that is the case, either instantiation or argument passing will fail.
+Either way, the compiler will produce an error message.
+It's just that the error message may be slightly different.
+This insight allows us to play a bit loose with the type relations `:≡` and `∈`.
+Specifically, it allows us to simplify them such that they can be treated
+almost the same as `≡`.
+The goal of the simplifications is to extract as much type information as
+possible from a type equation, and thus to infer type arguments where a
+precise implementation may fail, because we can.
+### Simplifying X :≡ Y
+Go's assignability rules are pretty complicated, but most of the time we can actually
+get by with type identity, or a slight variation of it.
+As long as we find potential type arguments, we're happy, exactly because type inference
+is still followed by type instantiation and function invocation.
+If inference finds a type argument where it shouldn't, it'll be caught later.
+So when we match for assignability, we ignore
+- named (defined) types if they match against type literals;
+instead we compare the underlying types
+- channel directions
+- when matching against an interface, we accept any type that has all methods of the
+interface if corresponding signatures match
+These simplifications apply only at the top level of a type structure:
+for instance, per Go's [assignability rules](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Assignability),
+a named map type may be assigned to an unnamed map type, but the key and element types
+must still be identical.
+With this information in hand, unification for assignability becomes a (minor) variation
+of unification for type identity.
+A simple example will make this clear:
+Let's assume we are passing a value of our earlier `List` type to a function parameter
+of type `[]E` where `E` is a bound type parameter (i.e., `E` is declared by the generic
+function that is being called).
+This leads to the type equation `[]E :≡ List`.
+Attempting to unify these two types requires comparing `[]E` with `List`
+These two types are not identical, and without any changes to how unification works,
+it will fail.
+But because we are unifying for assignability, this initial match doesn't need to be exact.
+There's no harm in continuing with the underlying type of the named type `List`:
+in the worst case we may infer an incorrect type argument, but that will lead to an error
+later, when assignments are checked.
+In the best case, we find a useful and correct type argument.
+In our example, inexact unification succeeds and we correctly infer `int` for `E`.
+### Simplifying X ∈ Y
+Being able to simplify the constraint satisfaction relation is even more important as
+constraints can be very complex.
+Again, constraint satisfaction is checked at instantiation time, so the goal here is
+to help type inference where we can.
+These are typically situations where we know the structure of a type parameter;
+for instance we know that it must be a
+slice type and we care about the slice's element type.
+For example, a type parameter list of the form `[P ~[]E]` tells us that whatever `P` is,
+its underlying type must be of the form `[]E`.
+These are exactly the situations where the constraint has a
+[core type](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Core_types).
+Therefore, if we have an equation of the form
+	P ∈ constraint               // or
+	P ∈ ~constraint
+and if `core(constraint)` (or `core(~constraint)`, respectively) exists, the equation
+can be simplified to
+	P        ≡ core(constraint)
+	under(P) ≡ core(~constraint)  // respectively
+In all other cases, type equations involving constraints are ignored.
+### Expanding inferred types
+If unification is successful it produces a mapping from type parameters
+to inferred type arguments.
+But unification alone doesn't ensure that the inferred types are free
+of bound type parameters.
+To see why this is the case, consider the generic function `g` below
+which is invoked with a single argument `x` of type `int`:
+func g[A any, B []C, C *A](x A) { … }
+var x int
+The type constraint for `A` is `any` which doesn't have a core type, so we
+ignore it. The remaining type constraints have core types and they are `[]C`
+and `*A` respectively. Together with the argument passed to `g`, after minor
+simplifications, the type equations are:
+		A :≡ int
+		B ≡ []C
+		C ≡ *A
+Since each equation pits a type parameter against a non-type parameter type,
+unification has little to do and immediately infers
+		A ➞ int
+		B ➞ []C
+		C ➞ *A
+But that leaves the type parameters `A` and `C` in the inferred types, which
+is not helpful.
+Like in high school algebra, once an equation is solved for a variable `x`,
+we need to substitute `x` with its value throughout the remaining equations.
+In our example, in a first step, the `C` in `[]C` is substituted with the
+inferred type (the "value") for `C`, which is `*A`, and we arrive at
+		A ➞ int
+		B ➞ []*A    // substituted *A for C
+		C ➞ *A
+In two more steps we replace the `A` in the inferred types `[]*A` and `*A`
+with the inferred type for `A`, which is `int`:
+		A ➞ int
+		B ➞ []*int  // substituted int for A
+		C ➞ *int    // substituted int for A
+Only now inference is done.
+And like in high school algebra, sometimes this doesn't work.
+It's possible to arrive at a situation such as
+		X ➞ Y
+		Y ➞ *X
+After one round of substitutions we have
+		X ➞ *X
+If we keep going, the inferred type for `X` keeps growing:
+		X ➞ **X	    // substituted *X for X
+		X ➞ ***X    // substituted *X for X
+		etc.
+Type inference detects such cycles during expansion and reports
+an error (and thus fails).
+## Untyped constants
+By now we have seen how type inference works by solving type equations
+with unification, followed by expansion of the result.
+But what if there are no types?
+What if the function arguments are untyped constants?
+Another example helps us shed light on this situation.
+Let's consider a function `foo` which takes an arbitrary number of arguments,
+all of which must have the same type.
+`foo` is called with a variety of untyped constant arguments, including a variable
+`x` of type `int`:
+func foo[P any](...P) {}
+var x int
+foo(x)         // P ➞ int, same as foo[int](x)
+foo(x, 2.0)    // P ➞ int, 2.0 converts to int without loss of precision
+foo(x, 2.1)    // P ➞ int, but parameter passing fails: 2.1 is not assignable to int
+For type inference, typed arguments take precedence over untyped arguments.
+An untyped constant is considered for inference only if the type parameter it's assigned
+to doesn't yet have an inferred type yet.
+In these first three calls to `foo`, the variable `x` determines the inferred type for `P`:
+it's the type of `x` which is `int`.
+Untyped constants are ignored for type inference in this case and the calls behave exactly
+as if `foo` was explicitly instantiated with `int`.
+It gets more interesting if `foo` is called with untyped constant arguments only.
+In this case, type inference considers the [default types](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Constants)
+of the untyped constants.
+As a quick reminder, here are the possible default types in Go:
+Example     Constant kind              Default type    Order
+true        boolean constant           bool
+42          integer constant           int             earlier in list
+'x'         rune constant              rune               |
+3.1416      floating-point constant    float64            v
+-1i         complex constant           complex128      later in list
+"gopher"    string constant            string
+With this information in hand, let's consider the function call
+foo(1, 2)    // P ➞ int (default type for 1 and 2)
+The untyped constant arguments `1` and `2` are both integer constants, their default type is
+`int` and thus it's `int` that is inferred for the type parameter `P` of `foo`.
+If different constants&mdash;say untyped integer and floating-point constants&mdash;compete
+for the same type variable, we have different default types.
+Before Go 1.21, this was considered a conflict and led to an error:
+foo(1, 2.0)    // Go 1.20: inference error: default types int, float64 don't match
+This behavior was not very ergonomic in use and also different from the behavior of untyped constants
+in expressions. For instance, Go permits the constant expression `1 + 2.0`;
+the result is the floating-point constant `3.0` with default type `float64`.
+In Go 1.21 the behavior was changed accordingly.
+Now, if multiple untyped numeric constants are matched against the same type parameter,
+the default type that appears later in the list of `int`, `rune`, `float64`, `complex` is
+selected, matching the rules for [constant expressions](https://go.dev/ref/spec#Constant_expressions):
+foo(1, 2.0)    // Go 1.21: P ➞ float64 (larger default type of 1 and 2.0; behavior like in 1 + 2.0)
+## Special situations
+By now we've got the big picture about type inference.
+But there are a couple of important special situations that deserve some attention.
+### Parameter order dependencies
+The first one has to do with parameter order dependencies.
+An important property we want from type inference is that the same types are inferred
+irrespective of the order of the function parameters (and corresponding argument
+order in each call of that function).
+Let's reconsider our variadic `foo` function:
+the type inferred for `P` should be the same irrespective of the order in which
+we pass the arguments `s` and `t` ([playground](https://go.dev/play/p/sOlWutKnDFc)).
+func foo[P any](...P) (x P) {}
+type T struct{}
+func main() {
+	var s struct{}
+	var t T
+	fmt.Printf("%T\n", foo(s, t))
+	fmt.Printf("%T\n", foo(t, s)) // expect same result independent of parameter order
+From the calls to `foo` we can extract the relevant type equations:
+	𝑻(x) :≡ 𝑻(s) => P :≡ struct{}    // equation 1
+	𝑻(x) :≡ 𝑻(t) => P :≡ T           // equation 2
+Sadly, the simplified implementation for `:≡` produces an order dependency:
+If unification starts with equation 1, it matches `P` against `struct`; `P` doesn't have a type inferred for it yet
+and thus unification infers `P ➞ struct{}`.
+When unification sees type `T` later in equation 2, it proceeds with the underlying type of `T` which is `struct{}`,
+`P` and `under(T)` unify, and unification and thus inference succeeds.
+Vice versa, if unification starts with equation 2, it matches `P` against `T`; `P` doesn't have a type inferred for it yet
+and thus unification infers `P ➞ T`.
+When unification sees `struct{}` later in equation 1, it proceeds with the underlying type of the type `T` inferred for `P`.
+That underlying type is `struct{}`, which matches `struct` in equation 1, and unification and thus inference succeeds.
+As a consequence, depending on the order in which unification solves the two type equations,
+the inferred type is either `struct{}` or `T`.
+This is of course unsatisfying: a program may suddenly stop to compile simply because arguments
+may have been shuffled around during a code refactoring or cleanup.
+### Restoring order independence
+Luckily, the remedy is fairly simple.
+All we need is a small correction in some situations.
+Specifically, if unification is solving `P :≡ T` and
+- `P` is a type parameter which already has inferred a type `A`: `P ➞ A`
+- `A :≡ T` is true
+- `T` is a named type
+then set the inferred type for `P` to `T`: `P ➞ T`
+This ensures that `P` is the named type if there is choice, no matter at which point the named type
+appeared in a match against `P` (i.e., no matter in which order the type equations are solved).
+Note that if different named types match against the same type parameter, we always have a unfication
+failure because different named types are not identical by definition.
+Because we made similar simplifications for channels and interfaces, they also need similar special
+handling. For instance, we ignore channel directions when unifying for assignability and as a result
+may infer a directed or bidirectional channel depending on argument order. Similar problems occur
+with interfaces. We're not going to discuss these here.
+Going back to our example, if unification starts with equation 1, it infers `P ➞ struct{}` as before.
+When it proceeds with equation 2, as before, unification succeeds, but now we have exactly the
+condition that calls for a correction: `P` is a type parameter which already has a type (`struct{}`),
+`struct{}`, `struct{} :≡ T` is true (because `struct{} ≡ under(T)` is true), and `T` is a named type.
+Thus, unification makes the correction and sets `P ➞ T`.
+As a result, irrespective of the unification order, the result is the same (`T`) in both cases.
+### Self-recursive functions
+Another scenario that causes problems in a naive implementation of inference are self-recursive functions.
+Let's consider a generic factorial function `fact`, defined such that it also works for floating-point arguments
+Note that this is not a mathematically correct implementation of the
+[gamma function](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_function),
+it is simply a convenient example.
+func fact[P ~int | ~float64](n P) P {
+	if n <= 1 {
+		return 1
+	}
+	return fact(n-1) * n
+The point here is not the factorial function but the fact that `fact` calls itself with the
+argument `n-1` which is of the same type `P` as the incoming parameter `n`.
+In this call, the type parameter `P` is simultaneously a bound and a free type parameter:
+it is bound because it is declared by `fact`, the function that we are calling recursively.
+But it is also free because it is declared by the function enclosing the call, which happens
+to also be `fact`.
+The equation resulting from passing the argument `n-1` to parameter `n` pits `P` against itself:
+	𝑻(n) :≡ 𝑻(n-1) => P :≡ P
+Unification sees the same `P` on either side of the equation.
+Unification succeeds since both types are identical but there's no information gained and `P`
+remains without an inferred type. As a consequence, type inference fails.
+Luckily, the trick to address this is simple:
+Before type inference is invoked, and for (temporary) use by type inference only,
+the compiler renames the type parameters in the signatures (but not the bodies)
+of all functions involved in the respective call.
+This doesn't change the meaning of the function signatures:
+they denote the same generic functions irrespective of what the names of the type parameters are.
+For the purpose of this example, let's assume the `P` in the signature of `fact` got renamed to `Q`.
+The effect is as if the recursive call was done indirectly through a `helper` function
+func fact[P ~int | ~float64](n P) P {
+	if n <= 1 {
+		return 1
+	}
+	return helper(n-1) * n
+func helper[Q ~int | ~float64](n Q) Q {
+	return fact(n)
+With the renaming, or with the `helper` function, the equation resulting from passing
+`n-1` to the recursive call of `fact` (or the `helper` function, respectively) changes
+	𝑻(n) :≡ 𝑻(n-1) => Q :≡ P
+This equation has two type parameters: the bound type parameter `Q`, declared by the
+function that is being called, and the free type parameter `P`, declared by the enclosing
+function. This type equation is trivially solved for `Q` and results in the inference
+`Q ➞ P`
+which is of course what we'd expect, and which we can verify by explicitly instantiating
+the recursive call ([playground](https://go.dev/play/p/zkUFvwJ54lC)):
+func fact[P ~int | ~float64](n P) P {
+	if n <= 1 {
+		return 1
+	}
+	return fact[P](n-1) * n
+## What's missing?
+Conspicuously absent from our description is type inference for generic types:
+currently generic types must always be explicitly instantiated.
+There are a couple of reasons for this. First of all, for type instantiation, type inference
+only has type arguments to work with; there are no other arguments as is the case for
+function calls. As a consequence, at least one type argument must always be provided
+(except for pathological cases where type constraints prescribe exactly one possible
+type argument for all type parameters).
+Thus, type inference for types is only useful to complete a partially
+instantiated type where all the omitted type arguments can be inferred from the
+equations resulting from type constraints; i.e., where there are at least two type
+parameters. We believe this is not a very common scenario.
+Second, and more pertinent, type parameters allow an entirely new kind of recursive
+types. Consider this hypothetical type declaration
+type T[P T[P]] interface{ … }
+where the constraint for `P` is the type being declared.
+Combined with the ablity to have multiple type parameters that may refer to each other
+in complex recursive fashion, type inference becomes much more complicated and we don't
+fully understand all the implications of that at the moment.
+That said, we believe it shouldn't be too hard to detect cycles and proceed with
+type inference where no such cycles exist.
+Finally, there are situations where type inference is simply not strong enough to make
+an inference, typically because unification works with certain simplifying assumptions
+such as the ones described earlier in this post.
+The primary example here is constraints which have no core type,
+but where a more sophisticated approach might be able to infer type information anyway.
+These are all areas where we may see incremental improvements in future Go releases.
+Importantly, we believe that cases where inference currently fails are either rare
+or unimportant in production code, and that our current implementation covers a large
+majority of all useful code scenarios.
+That said, if you run into a situation where you believe type inference should work or
+went astray, please [file an issue](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/new/choose)!
+As always, the Go team loves to hear from you, especially when it helps us making Go
+even better.