_content/doc/fuzz: add rules/suggestions

For golang/go#48255

Change-Id: I310ec039345f2c4e3c9592ef92ae748b2b32bd3b
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/website/+/370635
Trust: Bryan Mills <bcmills@google.com>
Trust: DO NOT USE <katiehockman@google.com>
Run-TryBot: DO NOT USE <katiehockman@google.com>
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <gobot@golang.org>
Reviewed-by: Roland Shoemaker <bracewell@google.com>
diff --git a/_content/doc/fuzz/index.md b/_content/doc/fuzz/index.md
index a38bc62..dcc8209 100644
--- a/_content/doc/fuzz/index.md
+++ b/_content/doc/fuzz/index.md
@@ -25,10 +25,47 @@
 can reach edge cases which humans often miss, fuzz testing can be particularly
 valuable for finding security exploits and vulnerabilities.
-Below is an example of a fuzz test, highlighting it's main components.
+Below is an example of a [fuzz test](#glos-fuzz-test), highlighting it's main
 <img alt="Example code showing the overall fuzz test, with a fuzz target within it. Before the fuzz target is a corpus addition with f.Add, and the parameters of the fuzz target are highlighted as the fuzzing arguments." src="/doc/fuzz/example.png" style="display: block; width: 600px; height: auto;"/>
+## Writing and running fuzz tests
+### Requirements
+Below are rules that fuzz tests must follow.
+  - A fuzz test must be a function named like `FuzzXxx`, which accepts only a
+    `*testing.F`, and has no return value.
+  - Fuzz tests must be in *_test.go files to run.
+  - A [fuzz target](#glos-fuzz-target) must be a method call to
+    <code>[(*testing.F).Fuzz](https://pkg.go.dev/testing#F.Fuzz)</code> which
+    accepts a `*testing.T` as the first parameter, followed by the fuzzing
+    arguments. There is no return value.
+  - There must be exactly one fuzz target per fuzz test.
+  - All [seed corpus](#glos-seed-corpus) entries must have types which are
+    identical to the [fuzzing arguments](#fuzzing-arguments), in the same order.
+    This is true for calls to
+    <code>[(*testing.F).Add](https://pkg.go.dev/testing#F.Add)</code> and any
+    corpus files in the testdata/fuzz directory of the fuzz test.
+  - The fuzzing arguments can only be the following types:
+    - string, []byte
+    - int, int8, int16, int32/rune, int64
+    - uint, uint8/byte, uint16, uint32, uint64
+    - float32, float64
+    - bool
+### Suggestions
+Below are suggestions that will help you get the most out of fuzzing.
+  - Fuzzing should be run on a platform that supports coverage instrumentation
+    (currently AMD64 and ARM64) so that the corpus can meaningfully grow as it
+    runs, and more code can be covered while fuzzing.
+  - Fuzz targets should be fast and deterministic so the fuzzing engine can work
+    efficiently, and new failures and code coverage can be easily reproduced.
+  - Since the fuzz target is invoked in parallel across multiple workers and in
+    nondeterministic order, the state of a fuzz target should not persist past
+    the end of each call, and the behavior of a fuzz target should not depend on
+    global state.
 ## Resources
 - **Tutorial**:
@@ -70,6 +107,10 @@
 to a program to find issues such as bugs or
 [vulnerabilities](#glos-vulnerability) to which the code may be susceptible.
+<a id="glos-fuzzing-arguments"></a>
+**fuzzing arguments:** The types which will be passed to the fuzz target, and
+mutated by the [mutator](#glos-mutator).
 <a id="glos-fuzzing-engine"></a>
 **fuzzing engine:** A tool that manages fuzzing, including maintaining the
 corpus, invoking the mutator, identifying new coverage, and reporting failures.
@@ -98,4 +139,13 @@
 <a id="glos-vulnerability"></a>
 **vulnerability:** A security-sensitive weakness in code which can be exploited
-by an attacker.
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+by an attacker.
+## Feedback
+If you experience any problems or have an idea for a feature, please [file an
+For discussion and general feedback about the feature, you can also participate
+in the [#fuzzing channel](https://gophers.slack.com/archives/CH5KV1AKE) in
+Gophers Slack.
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