blob: 67ef32b3d20f579be400a8fecfa09938c60ee198 [file] [log] [blame]
# DO NOT EDIT: Autogenerated from cmd/events.
# To update, run:
# go run > data/events.yaml
- city: São Paulo
country: Brazil
description: A WWG é uma iniciativa mundial focada em todas as minorias de gênero
que tenham interesse em conhecer ou aprimorar seus conhecimentos em Golang, a
linguagem do Google.
id: "270597346"
local_date: May 20, 2020
local_time: "2020-05-20T19:30:00-03:00"
localizedcountry: Brazil
localizedlocation: São Paulo, Brazil
name: '[ONLINE] #003 Women Who Go Sampa - Oficina Exercism ft. WWG CWB'
state: ""
thumbnailurl: ""
- city: Curitiba
country: Brazil
description: |-
Esse é o chapter de Curitiba do Women Who Go, um grupo que reúne mulheres e outras minorias de gênero pra estudar a linguagem de programação chamada Go.<br/>
Queremos construir uma comunidade de Golang mais diversa. Vem, gente!<br/>
tl;dr: Women Who Go - Curitiba Chapter   <br><br/>
♥ <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter</a> <br><br/>
♥ <a href="" rel="nofollow">Instagram</a> <br><br/>
♥ <a href="" rel="nofollow">LinkedIn</a>  <br><br/>
♥ <a href="" rel="nofollow">Telegram</a> <br><br/>
♥ <a href="" rel="nofollow">hub de links</a><br/>
id: "270352999"
local_date: May 20, 2020
local_time: "2020-05-20T19:30:00-03:00"
localizedcountry: Brazil
localizedlocation: Curitiba, Brazil
name: '[ONLINE] Oficina Exercism ft. WWG Sampa'
state: ""
- city: Orlando
country: USA
description: Orlando&#39;s first meetup group dedicated to the Go Programming Language.
All skill levels are welcome - whether you&#39;re a beginner or a full-fledged
id: thpvrrybchbbc
local_date: May 20, 2020
local_time: "2020-05-20T19:00:00-04:00"
localizedcountry: USA
localizedlocation: Orlando, FL
name: Orlando Go Virtual Meetup
state: FL
- city: Minneapolis
country: USA
description: |-
A meetup group to discuss the Go Programming Language.<br><br/>
What is Go?<br><br/>
(from The Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive. Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient. Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to write programs that get the most out of multicore and networked machines, while its novel type system enables flexible and modular program construction. Go compiles quickly to machine code yet has the convenience of garbage collection and the power of run-time reflection. It&#39;s a fast, statically typed, compiled language that feels like a dynamically typed, interpreted language.
id: "270499581"
local_date: May 20, 2020
local_time: "2020-05-20T18:00:00-05:00"
localizedcountry: USA
localizedlocation: Minneapolis, MN
name: Readability in Go - Reducing Load on the Memory Stack
state: MN
- city: Eugene
country: USA
description: "All Gophers and curious software professionals are welcome to come
discuss Go and related topics.<br/>\nGo is a Google-funded language for massively-scalable
distributed systems that is statically typed and compiled. It has quickly stabilized
and is running head-to-head with C++, Java, C#, etc. (<a href=\"\"
rel=\"nofollow\">The Computer Language Benchmarks Game - Go</a>). However, a larger-than-expected
portion of new Gophers is made up of dynamic/interpreted language users who tend
to be seeking relief from the cruft in their current languages and/or a more clear
future within the horizontally-growing landscape of modern computing.<br/>\nIf
you&#39;re building web apps, designing APIs, thrive on scalability, or you&#39;re
simply curious about this fun new(ish) language, let&#39;s meetup.<br/>\n• More
resources are available at <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a> "
id: skdnrrybchbbc
local_date: May 20, 2020
local_time: "2020-05-20T17:30:00-07:00"
localizedcountry: USA
localizedlocation: Eugene, OR
name: Contribution > OpenBoard Wrap and Plan
state: OR
- city: Taipei
country: Taiwan
description: |-
At Golang Taipei, we promote Golang development and sharing the latest information about Golang.  <br/>
Join our <a href="" rel="nofollow">Facebook group</a> to connect with other 6,138 members. <br/>
Chat with us on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Telegram channel</a> with other 880 chatty members. <br/>
Find all past meetup <a href="" rel="nofollow">presentation files</a> on Github<br/>
Follow us on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Tweeeeeeter</a> for latest Golang news. <br/>
Subscribe our <a href="" rel="nofollow">Youtube channel</a> for past video records and future live streaming. <br/>
Looking for new opportunities, check the latest <a href="" rel="nofollow">Github job list</a><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and information <br/>
id: "270708366"
local_date: May 26, 2020
local_time: "2020-05-26T19:30:00+08:00"
localizedcountry: Taiwan
localizedlocation: Taipei, Taiwan
name: 'Golang Taipei Gathering #49 Webinar'
state: ""
thumbnailurl: ""
- city: Zagreb
country: Croatia
description: |-
Ovo je grupa za sve zainteresirane za Go programski jezik.<br/>
Prošli talkovi se mogu naći na:<br/>
• <a href="" rel="nofollow">github repou</a><br/>
• snimke na <a href="" rel="nofollow">YouTube kanalu</a> <br><br/>
Prati na nas <a href="" rel="nofollow">twitteru</a> i na <a href="" rel="nofollow">facebooku</a>.<br/>
Družimo se i na <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> - tamo smo u kanalu <a href="" rel="nofollow">#croatia</a>.
id: "270725353"
local_date: May 26, 2020
local_time: "2020-05-26T18:00:00+02:00"
localizedcountry: Croatia
localizedlocation: Zagreb, Croatia
name: GoTalks 26.05.2020.
state: ""
- city: Warsaw
country: Poland
description: |-
Our goal is to share our software-development experience on any level from junior to senior. It is your stage. You can always start with 10 min talk. Let us know, whether we can support you.<br/>
Our homepage with a list of previous talks and workshops:<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br><br/>
You will find us also on (linked on our github):<br/>
▪ Twitter: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br/>
Slack: #poland-warsaw<br/>
▪ FB:<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br/>
▪ LI:<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br/>
ps. The more source code the better in your talk :) It might be just few source files or --- the best --- a simple runnable project. We seek to encourage the community to go through your talk again, work with the code, and learn more on their own. We do not mind live demos :).<br/>
pps. Share your slides and code. What is there for you? Fame, github stars, FB/LI likes, and feedback.<br/>
Naszym celem jest dzielenie się wiedzą oraz doświadczeniem w zakresie programowania na każdym poziomie, od juniora do seniora. Scena należy do Ciebie! Zawsze możesz zacząć z 10 minutowym talkiem. Daj nam znać jeśli możemy Cię w jakikolwiek sposób pomóc.<br/>
Chcemy, aby ten meetup należał do społeczności, cenimy sobie niezależność i zależy nam na utrzymaniu społecznego charakteru naszych spotkań.<br/>
Nasza “strona główna” z listą poprzednich prelekcji i warsztatów jest github:<br/>
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br/>
Znajdziesz nas także na:<br/>
Slack: #poland-warsaw<br/>
▪ FB:<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br/>
▪ LI:<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br/>
ps. Im więcej kodu tym lepiej :) Może to być kilka plików źródłowych albo prosty projekt. Chcemy zachęcić społeczność do ponownego przejrzenia prelekcji oraz pracy z twoim kodem. Live Dema są mile widziane :)<br/>
pps. Nie zapomnij podzielić się z nami swoją prezentacją i kodem źródłowym. Zyskasz na tym sławę, gwiazdki na githubie, lajki na FB/LI oraz feedback.<br/>
▪  Slack (primary): #poland-warsaw: @Kamil Pyrkosz , @Arek Noster , or @Wojciech<br/>
* Email: Wojciech Barczyński -
id: "270319842"
local_date: May 26, 2020
local_time: "2020-05-26T18:05:00+02:00"
localizedcountry: Poland
localizedlocation: Warsaw, Poland
name: 'Golang Warsaw #36 - Golang Poland - Online'
state: ""
thumbnailurl: ""
- city: Newcastle Upon Tyne
country: United Kingdom
description: This is a group for anyone in the North East of England who&#39;s interested
in the Go programming language. We usually meet up in Newcastle on the fourth
Tuesday of every month at Campus North, Carliol Square.
id: qtpnmqybchbjc
local_date: May 26, 2020
local_time: "2020-05-26T18:30:00+01:00"
localizedcountry: United Kingdom
localizedlocation: Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom
name: Go meetup
state: ""
thumbnailurl: ""
- city: Boston
country: USA
description: |-
A forum for people working with Go to discuss ideas, issues and share solutions. We will start to put together meetings as the group grows and topics are suggested.<br/>
<a href="" rel="nofollow">Submit a talk proposal</a>, or come join us in #boston on Slack at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br/>
Boston Golang officially adopts the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Go Code of Conduct</a>. Harassment, bullying, and discrimination are unacceptable here and if you witness or experience those or other harmful behaviors, please let the organizers know or email us at <br>
id: "270529854"
local_date: May 26, 2020
local_time: "2020-05-26T18:30:00-04:00"
localizedcountry: USA
localizedlocation: Boston, MA
name: Virtual May meetup
state: MA
thumbnailurl: ""
- city: Tel Aviv-Yafo
country: Israel
description: |-
This is the group for programmers who are interested in the High Performance, Scalable, lightweight, cross platform development tool that also promises ease of programming, agility and the fun you don&#39;t usually get using a low-level language. Welcome to the Israeli Go language Group.<br/>
If you&#39;d like to give a talk, please add yourself to <a href="" rel="nofollow">the trello board</a>
id: kjvczlybckbcb
local_date: May 27, 2020
local_time: "2020-05-27T18:30:00+03:00"
localizedcountry: Israel
localizedlocation: Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
name: May Meetup - Online
state: ""
- city: Raleigh
country: USA
description: |-
You do not need to know Go, be a professional developer or enjoy talking to strangers in order to come hang out with us! <br/>
This group is for you if you are interested in Go, and are looking for a safe space to learn. Membership is restricted to women and gender minorities. <br/>
We would love for you to speak at Women Who Go! Contact about a short talk, demo, or whatever you have in mind!
id: "270413433"
local_date: May 27, 2020
local_time: "2020-05-27T12:00:00-04:00"
localizedcountry: USA
localizedlocation: Raleigh, NC
name: 'Women Who Go Lightning Talks: Go Developers Share Their Lessons Learned'
state: NC
thumbnailurl: ""
- city: Florianópolis
country: Brazil
description: |-
Telegram oficial da comunidade Go de SC: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br>Slack oficial (canal #floripa): <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br/>
id: "268323326"
local_date: May 27, 2020
local_time: "2020-05-27T19:00:00-03:00"
localizedcountry: Brazil
localizedlocation: Florianópolis, Brazil
name: 2º encontro de 2020
state: ""
- city: Saint Louis
country: USA
description: |-
We meet the fourth Wednesday of the month for development-oriented presentations and discussion centered on the Go Programming Language.<br/>
The basic agenda is:<br/>
6:00 - 6:20 Food and networking (Go excels at networking).<br/>
6:20 - 6:30 Announcements, intros, and so forth.<br/>
6:30 - 6:45 Short presentation of the month<br/>
6:45 - 8:00 Main presentation of the month.<br/>
Join us for the fun of sharing and learning about this programming language which is powering Cloud Native revolution.  All are welcome Any skill level We are here to help each other grow.<br/>
We also invite you to follow us on Twitter as <a href="" rel="nofollow">@StLGoMeetup</a> .
id: "270424382"
local_date: May 27, 2020
local_time: "2020-05-27T18:05:00-05:00"
localizedcountry: USA
localizedlocation: Saint Louis, MO
name: '[GMT/-5] Writing General Purpose Kubernetes Controllers in Go'
state: MO
thumbnailurl: ""
- city: Chicago
country: USA
description: |-
Welcome Gophers! Go Remote Meetup is a remote-first group for Go developers worldwide. We&#39;re part of the Go Developer Network, and we&#39;re excited to connect with you all, no matter where you&#39;re located.<br/>
About Go:<br/>
Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.<br/>
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><br/>
About Go Developer Network:<br/>
GDN is a collection of Go user groups working together with a shared mission to empower developer communities with the knowledge, experience, and wisdom to build the next generation of software in Go.<br/>
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <br/>
JetBrains User Group Support Program<br/>
JetBrains allows us to raffle a free 1-year license to attendees. This is an especially great opportunity for new developers to boost their learning and productivity with excellent tooling -- so join up and attend!<br>
id: "270632499"
local_date: May 28, 2020
local_time: "2020-05-28T09:00:00-05:00"
localizedcountry: USA
localizedlocation: Chicago, IL
name: 'GMT/-5: Integrating the Envoy gRPC API into a Dynamic Service Discovery Platform'
state: IL