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Development Operations &amp; Site reliability Engineering
<h1>Development Operations &amp; Site reliability Engineering</h1>
<div class="Article-date">3 October 2019</div>
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<h2 id="overview" class="sectionHeading">Overview</h2>
<h3 id="go-helps-enterprises-automate-and-scale">Go helps enterprises automate and scale</h3>
<p>Development Operations (DevOps) teams help engineering organizations automate tasks and improve their continuous
integration and continuous delivery and deployment (CI/CD) process. DevOps can topple developmental silos and implement
tooling and automation to enhance software development, deployment, and support.</p>
<p>Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) was born at Google to make the company’s “large-scale sites more reliable, efficient,
and scalable,”<a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank"> writes Silvia Fressard</a>, an
independent DevOps consultant. “And the practices they developed responded so well to Google’s needs that other big tech
companies, such as Amazon and Netflix, also adopted them.” SRE requires a mix of development and operations skills, and
<a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">empowers software developers</a> to own the ongoing daily operation
of their applications in production.”</p>
<p>Go serves both siblings, DevOps and SRE, from its fast build times and lean syntax to its security and reliability support. Go&rsquo;s concurrency and networking features also make it ideal for tools that manage cloud deployment—readily supporting automation while
scaling for speed and code maintainability as development infrastructure grows over time.</p>
<p>DevOps/SRE teams write software ranging from small scripts, to command-line interfaces (CLI), to complex automation and services, and Go’s feature set has benefits for every situation.</p>
<h2 id="key-benefits" class="sectionHeading">Key Benefits</h2>
<h3 id="easily-build-small-scripts-with-go-s-robust-standard-library-and-static-typing">Easily build small scripts with Go’s robust standard library and static typing</h3>
<p>Go’s fast build and startup times. Go’s extensive standard library—including packages for
common needs like HTTP, file I/O, time, regular expressions, exec, and JSON/CSV formats—lets DevOps/SREs get right into their business logic. Plus, Go’s static type system and explicit error handling make even small scripts more robust.</p>
<h3 id="quickly-deploy-clis-with-go-s-fast-build-times">Quickly deploy CLIs with Go’s fast build times</h3>
<p>Every site reliability engineer has written “one-time use” scripts that turned into CLIs used by dozens of other engineers every day. And small deployment automation scripts turn into rollout management services. With Go, DevOps/SREs are in a great position to be successful when software scope inevitably creeps. Starting with Go puts you in a great position to be successful when that happens.</p>
<h3 id="scale-and-maintain-larger-applications-with-go-s-low-memory-footprint-and-doc-generator">Scale and maintain larger applications with Go’s low memory footprint and doc generator</h3>
<p>Go’s garbage collector means DevOps/SRE teams don’t have to worry about memory management. And Go’s automatic documentation generator (godoc) makes code self-documenting–lowering maintenance overhead and establishing best practices from the get-go.</p>
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<h2 id="featured-users" class="sectionHeading">Featured users</h2>
<th class="FeaturedUsers--hiddenMobile">Customer</th>
<th>Brief introduction</th>
<th>Projects using go</th>
class="js-featuredUsersRow FeaturedUsers-row"
<td class="FeaturedUsers--hiddenMobile">
<img src="/images/logos/docker.svg" alt="Docker" />
src="/images/logos/docker.svg" alt="Docker" />
Docker is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) product, written in Go, that DevOps/SRE teams leverage to “drive secure automation and deployment at massive scale,” supporting their CI/CD efforts.
<li><a href="">Docker CI/CD</a></li>
class="js-featuredUsersRow FeaturedUsers-row"
<td class="FeaturedUsers--hiddenMobile">
<img src="/images/logos/drone.svg" alt="Drone" />
src="/images/logos/drone.svg" alt="Drone" />
Drone is a Continuous Delivery system built on container technology, written in Go, that uses a simple YAML configuration file, a superset of docker-compose, to define and execute Pipelines inside Docker containers.
<li><a href="">Drone</a></li>
class="js-featuredUsersRow FeaturedUsers-row"
<td class="FeaturedUsers--hiddenMobile">
<img src="/images/logos/etcd.svg" alt="etcd" />
src="/images/logos/etcd.svg" alt="etcd" />
etcd is a strongly consistent, distributed key-value store that provides a reliable way to store data that needs to be accessed by a distributed system or cluster of machines, and it&#39;s written in Go.
<li><a href="">etcd</a></li>
class="js-featuredUsersRow FeaturedUsers-row"
<td class="FeaturedUsers--hiddenMobile">
<img src="/images/logos/ibm.svg" alt="IBM" />
src="/images/logos/ibm.svg" alt="IBM" />
IBM’s DevOps teams use Go through Docker and Kubernetes, plus other DevOps and CI/CD tools written in Go. The company also supports connection to it’s messaging middleware through a Go-specific API.
<li><a href="">IBM Applications in Golang</a></li>
class="js-featuredUsersRow FeaturedUsers-row"
<td class="FeaturedUsers--hiddenMobile">
<img src="/images/logos/netflix.svg" alt="Netflix" />
src="/images/logos/netflix.svg" alt="Netflix" />
Netflix uses Go to handle large scale data caching, with a service called Rend, which manages globally replicated storage for personalization data.
<li><a href="">Application Data Caching</a></li>
<li><a href="">Rend</a></li>
class="js-featuredUsersRow FeaturedUsers-row"
<td class="FeaturedUsers--hiddenMobile">
<img src="/images/logos/microsoft.svg" alt="Microsoft" />
src="/images/logos/microsoft.svg" alt="Microsoft" />
Microsoft uses Go in Azure Red Hat OpenShift services. This Microsoft solution provides DevOps teams with OpenShift clusters to maintain regulatory compliance and focus on application development.
<li><a href="">OpenShift</a></li>
class="js-featuredUsersRow FeaturedUsers-row"
<td class="FeaturedUsers--hiddenMobile">
<img src="/images/logos/terraform-icon.svg" alt="Terraform" />
src="/images/logos/terraform-icon.svg" alt="Terraform" />
Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. It supports a number of cloud providers such as AWS, IBM Cloud, GCP, and Microsoft Azure - and it’s written in Go.
<li><a href="">Terraform</a></li>
class="js-featuredUsersRow FeaturedUsers-row"
<td class="FeaturedUsers--hiddenMobile">
<img src="/images/logos/prometheus.svg" alt="Prometheus" />
src="/images/logos/prometheus.svg" alt="Prometheus" />
Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit originally built at SoundCloud. Most Prometheus components are written in Go, making them easy to build and deploy as static binaries.
<li><a href="">Prometheus</a></li>
class="js-featuredUsersRow FeaturedUsers-row"
<td class="FeaturedUsers--hiddenMobile">
<img src="/images/logos/youtube.svg" alt="YouTube" />
src="/images/logos/youtube.svg" alt="YouTube" />
YouTube uses Go with Vitess (now part of PlanetScale), its database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL through generalized sharding. Since 2011 it’s been a core component of YouTube’s database infrastructure, and has grown to encompass tens of thousands of MySQL nodes.
<li><a href="">Vitess</a></li>
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<h2 id="get-started" class="sectionHeading">Get Started</h2>
<h3 id="go-books-on-devops-sre">Go books on DevOps &amp; SRE</h3>
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Go Programming for Network Operations
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<h3>Monitoring and tracing</h3>
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<li class="WhoUsesCaseStudy-library">
<a class="WhoUsesCaseStudy-libraryTitle" href="">opentracing/opentracing-go</a>
<p>Vendor-neutral APIs and instrumentation for distributed tracing</p>
<li class="WhoUsesCaseStudy-library">
<a class="WhoUsesCaseStudy-libraryTitle" href="">jaegertracing/jaeger-client-go</a>
<p>An open source distributed tracing system developed by Uber formats</p>
<li class="WhoUsesCaseStudy-library">
<a class="WhoUsesCaseStudy-libraryTitle" href="">grafana/grafana</a>
<p>An open-source platform for monitoring and observability</p>
<li class="WhoUsesCaseStudy-library">
<a class="WhoUsesCaseStudy-libraryTitle" href="">istio/istio</a>
<p>An open-source service mesh and integratable platform</p>
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<h3>CLI Libraries</h3>
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<a class="WhoUsesCaseStudy-libraryTitle" href="">spf13/cobra</a>
<p>A library for creating powerful modern CLI applications and a program to generate applications and CLI applications in Go</p>
<li class="WhoUsesCaseStudy-library">
<a class="WhoUsesCaseStudy-libraryTitle" href="">spf13/viper</a>
<p>A complete configuration solution for Go applications, designed to work within an app to handle configuration needs and formats</p>
<li class="WhoUsesCaseStudy-library">
<a class="WhoUsesCaseStudy-libraryTitle" href="">urfave/cli</a>
<p>A minimal framework for creating and organizing command line Go applications</p>
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<h3>Other projects</h3>
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<a class="WhoUsesCaseStudy-libraryTitle" href="">golang-migrate/migrate</a>
<p>A database migration tool written in Go</p>
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