blob: 798ac2f782d62d1da3275a9a412e3968561ecbec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.16
// +build go1.16
package web
import (
func testServeBody(t *testing.T, p *Site, path, body string) {
r := &http.Request{URL: &url.URL{Path: path}}
rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
p.serveFile(rw, r)
if rw.Code != 200 || !strings.Contains(rw.Body.String(), body) {
t.Fatalf("GET %s: expected 200 w/ %q: got %d w/ body:\n%s",
path, body, rw.Code, rw.Body)
func TestRedirectAndMetadata(t *testing.T) {
fsys := fstest.MapFS{
"doc/x/index.html": {Data: []byte("Hello, x.")},
"lib/godoc/site.html": {Data: []byte(`{{.Data}}`)},
p, err := NewSite(fsys)
if err != nil {
// Test that redirect is sent back correctly.
// Used to panic. See
dir := "/doc/x/"
r := &http.Request{URL: &url.URL{Path: dir + "index.html"}}
rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
p.serveFile(rw, r)
loc := rw.Result().Header.Get("Location")
if rw.Code != 301 || loc != dir {
t.Errorf("GET %s: expected 301 -> %q, got %d -> %q", r.URL.Path, dir, rw.Code, loc)
testServeBody(t, p, dir, "Hello, x")
func TestMarkdown(t *testing.T) {
p, err := NewSite(fstest.MapFS{
"doc/": {Data: []byte("**bold**")},
"doc/": {Data: []byte(`{{"*template*"}}`)},
"lib/godoc/site.html": {Data: []byte(`{{.Data}}`)},
if err != nil {
testServeBody(t, p, "/doc/test", "<strong>bold</strong>")
testServeBody(t, p, "/doc/test2", "<em>template</em>")