blob: 587b1d7dfc96ad0d98adc0810b16f58d6431a87f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package screentest
import (
func TestReadTests(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
filename string
d, err := os.UserCacheDir()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("os.UserCacheDir(): %v", err)
cache := filepath.Join(d, "screentest")
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want interface{}
wantErr bool
name: "test",
args: args{
filename: "testdata/readtests.txt",
want: []*testcase{
name: " homepage",
urlA: "",
urlB: "http://localhost:6060/",
outImgA: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "go-dev-homepage.go-dev.a.png"),
outImgB: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "go-dev-homepage.localhost-6060.b.png"),
outDiff: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "go-dev-homepage.diff.png"),
viewportWidth: 1536,
viewportHeight: 960,
screenshotType: fullScreenshot,
name: " homepage 540x1080",
urlA: "",
urlB: "http://localhost:6060/",
outImgA: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "go-dev-homepage-540x1080.go-dev.a.png"),
outImgB: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "go-dev-homepage-540x1080.localhost-6060.b.png"),
outDiff: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "go-dev-homepage-540x1080.diff.png"),
viewportWidth: 540,
viewportHeight: 1080,
screenshotType: fullScreenshot,
name: "about page",
urlA: "",
urlB: "http://localhost:6060/",
outImgA: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "about-page.go-dev.a.png"),
outImgB: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "about-page.localhost-6060.b.png"),
outDiff: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "about-page.diff.png"),
screenshotType: fullScreenshot,
viewportWidth: 1536,
viewportHeight: 960,
name: " homepage .go-Carousel",
urlA: "",
urlB: "",
outImgA: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "pkg-go-dev-homepage--go-Carousel.pkg-go-dev.a.png"),
outImgB: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "pkg-go-dev-homepage--go-Carousel.beta-pkg-go-dev.b.png"),
outDiff: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "pkg-go-dev-homepage--go-Carousel.diff.png"),
screenshotType: elementScreenshot,
screenshotElement: ".go-Carousel",
viewportWidth: 1536,
viewportHeight: 960,
tasks: chromedp.Tasks{
name: "net package doc",
urlA: "",
urlB: "",
outImgA: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "net-package-doc.pkg-go-dev.a.png"),
outImgB: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "net-package-doc.beta-pkg-go-dev.b.png"),
outDiff: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "net-package-doc.diff.png"),
screenshotType: viewportScreenshot,
viewportWidth: 1536,
viewportHeight: 960,
tasks: chromedp.Tasks{
name: "net package doc 540x1080",
urlA: "",
urlB: "",
outImgA: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "net-package-doc-540x1080.pkg-go-dev.a.png"),
outImgB: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "net-package-doc-540x1080.beta-pkg-go-dev.b.png"),
outDiff: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "net-package-doc-540x1080.diff.png"),
screenshotType: viewportScreenshot,
viewportWidth: 540,
viewportHeight: 1080,
tasks: chromedp.Tasks{
name: "about",
urlA: "",
cacheA: true,
urlB: "http://localhost:8080/about",
headers: map[string]interface{}{"Authorization": "Bearer token"},
outImgA: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "about.pkg-go-dev.a.png"),
outImgB: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "about.localhost-8080.b.png"),
outDiff: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "about.diff.png"),
screenshotType: viewportScreenshot,
viewportWidth: 1536,
viewportHeight: 960,
name: "eval",
urlA: "",
cacheA: true,
urlB: "http://localhost:8080/eval",
headers: map[string]interface{}{"Authorization": "Bearer token"},
outImgA: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "eval.pkg-go-dev.a.png"),
outImgB: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "eval.localhost-8080.b.png"),
outDiff: filepath.Join(cache, "readtests-txt", "eval.diff.png"),
screenshotType: viewportScreenshot,
viewportWidth: 1536,
viewportHeight: 960,
tasks: chromedp.Tasks{
chromedp.Evaluate("console.log('Hello, world!')", nil),
name: "gcs-output",
urlA: "",
cacheA: true,
urlB: "http://localhost:8080/gcs-output",
gcsBucket: true,
headers: map[string]interface{}{"Authorization": "Bearer token"},
outImgA: "gs://bucket-name/gcs-output.pkg-go-dev.a.png",
outImgB: "gs://bucket-name/gcs-output.localhost-8080.b.png",
outDiff: "gs://bucket-name/gcs-output.diff.png",
screenshotType: viewportScreenshot,
viewportWidth: 1536,
viewportHeight: 960,
wantErr: false,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got, err := readTests(tt.args.filename, map[string]string{"Authorization": "Bearer token"})
if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
t.Errorf("readTests() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
if diff := cmp.Diff(tt.want, got,
cmpopts.IgnoreFields(testcase{}, "output"),
cmp.Comparer(func(a, b chromedp.ActionFunc) bool {
return fmt.Sprint(a) == fmt.Sprint(b)
cmp.Comparer(func(a, b chromedp.Selector) bool {
return fmt.Sprint(a) == fmt.Sprint(b)
); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("readTests() mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
func TestCheckHandler(t *testing.T) {
// Skip this test if Google Chrome is not installed.
_, err := exec.LookPath("google-chrome")
if err != nil {
type args struct {
glob string
output string
d, err := os.UserCacheDir()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("os.UserCacheDir(): %v", err)
cache := filepath.Join(d, "screentest")
var tests = []struct {
name string
args args
wantErr bool
wantFiles []string
name: "pass",
args: args{
glob: "testdata/pass.txt",
wantErr: false,
name: "fail",
args: args{
output: filepath.Join(cache, "fail-txt"),
glob: "testdata/fail.txt",
wantErr: true,
wantFiles: []string{
filepath.Join(cache, "fail-txt", "homepage.diff.png"),
filepath.Join(cache, "fail-txt", "homepage.go-dev.a.png"),
filepath.Join(cache, "fail-txt", "homepage.pkg-go-dev.b.png"),
name: "cached",
args: args{
output: "testdata/screenshots/cached",
glob: "testdata/cached.txt",
wantFiles: []string{
filepath.Join("testdata", "screenshots", "cached", "homepage.go-dev.a.png"),
filepath.Join("testdata", "screenshots", "cached", "homepage.go-dev.b.png"),
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
if err := CheckHandler(tt.args.glob, CheckOptions{}); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
t.Fatalf("CheckHandler() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
if len(tt.wantFiles) != 0 {
files, err := filepath.Glob(
filepath.Join(tt.args.output, "*.png"))
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error reading diff output")
if diff := cmp.Diff(tt.wantFiles, files); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("readTests() mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
func TestTestHandler(t *testing.T) {
// Skip this test if Google Chrome is not installed.
_, err := exec.LookPath("google-chrome")
if err != nil {
TestHandler(t, "testdata/pass.txt", TestOpts{})
func TestHeaders(t *testing.T) {
// Skip this test if Google Chrome is not installed.
_, err := exec.LookPath("google-chrome")
if err != nil {
go headerServer()
tc := &testcase{
name: " homepage",
urlA: "http://localhost:6061",
cacheA: true,
urlB: "http://localhost:6061",
headers: map[string]interface{}{"Authorization": "Bearer token"},
outImgA: filepath.Join("testdata", "screenshots", "headers", "headers-test.localhost-6061.a.png"),
outImgB: filepath.Join("testdata", "screenshots", "headers", "headers-test.localhost-6061.b.png"),
outDiff: filepath.Join("testdata", "screenshots", "headers", "headers-test.diff.png"),
viewportWidth: 1536,
viewportHeight: 960,
screenshotType: elementScreenshot,
screenshotElement: "#result",
if err :=, false); err != nil {
func headerServer() error {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/", func(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(res, `<!doctype html>
<span id="result">%s</span>
</html>`, req.Header.Get("Authorization"))
return http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", 6061), mux)
func Test_gcsParts(t *testing.T) {
type args struct {
filename string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
wantBucket string
wantObject string
args: args{
filename: "gs://bucket-name/object-name",
wantBucket: "bucket-name",
wantObject: "object-name",
args: args{
filename: "gs://bucket-name/subdir/object-name",
wantBucket: "bucket-name",
wantObject: "subdir/object-name",
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
gotBucket, gotObject := gcsParts(tt.args.filename)
if gotBucket != tt.wantBucket {
t.Errorf("gcsParts() gotBucket = %v, want %v", gotBucket, tt.wantBucket)
if gotObject != tt.wantObject {
t.Errorf("gcsParts() gotObject = %v, want %v", gotObject, tt.wantObject)
func Test_cleanDirs(t *testing.T) {
f, err := os.Create("testdata/screenshots/cached/should-delete.go-dev.a.png")
if err != nil {
if err := f.Close(); err != nil {
type args struct {
dirs map[string]bool
keepFiles map[string]bool
safeExts map[string]bool
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
wantFiles map[string]bool
name: "keeps files in keepFiles",
args: args{
dirs: map[string]bool{
"testdata/screenshots/cached": true,
"testdata/screenshots/headers": true,
"testdata": true,
keepFiles: map[string]bool{
"testdata/screenshots/cached/homepage.go-dev.a.png": true,
"testdata/screenshots/cached/homepage.go-dev.b.png": true,
"testdata/screenshots/headers/headers-test.localhost-6061.a.png": true,
safeExts: map[string]bool{
"go-dev.a.png": true,
"go-dev.b.png": true,
"localhost-6061.a.png": true,
"localhost-6061.b.png": true,
wantFiles: map[string]bool{
"testdata/screenshots/cached/homepage.go-dev.a.png": true,
"testdata/screenshots/headers/headers-test.localhost-6061.a.png": true,
name: "keeps files without matching extension",
args: args{
dirs: map[string]bool{
"testdata": true,
safeExts: map[string]bool{
"go-dev.png": true,
wantFiles: map[string]bool{
"testdata/cached.txt": true,
"testdata/fail.txt": true,
"testdata/pass.txt": true,
"testdata/readtests.txt": true,
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
if err := cleanDirs(tt.args.dirs, tt.args.keepFiles, tt.args.safeExts); err != nil {
for file := range tt.wantFiles {
if _, err := os.Stat(file); err != nil {
t.Errorf("cleanDirs() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, nil)