_content/security: add best practices guide

Added Security Best Practices guide for Go Developers.

Change-Id: I3e5da9f3fbf26e4a726849558a65adc6ba6cd97f
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/website/+/509118
Run-TryBot: Julie Qiu <julieqiu@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Brandon Kessler <bkessler@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Julie Qiu <julieqiu@google.com>
Auto-Submit: Julie Qiu <julieqiu@google.com>
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <gobot@golang.org>
diff --git a/_content/security/best-practices.md b/_content/security/best-practices.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa0cac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_content/security/best-practices.md
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+title: Security Best Practices for Go Developers
+layout: article
+[Back to Go Security](/security)
+This page provides Go developers with best practices for prioritizing the
+security of their projects. From automating testing with fuzzing to easily
+checking for race conditions, these tips can help make your codebase more
+secure and reliable.
+## Scan source code and binaries for vulnerabilities
+Regularly scanning your code and binaries for vulnerabilities helps identify
+potential security risks early.
+You can use [govulncheck](https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/vuln/cmd/govulncheck),
+backed by the [Go vulnerability database](https://pkg.go.dev),
+to scan your code for vulnerabilities and analyze which ones actually affect you.
+Get started with [the govulncheck tutorial](https://go.dev/doc/tutorial/govulncheck).
+Govulncheck can also be integrated into CI/CD flows.
+The Go team provides a
+[GitHub Action for govulncheck](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/golang-govulncheck-action)
+on the GitHub Marketplace.
+Govulncheck also supports a `-json` flag to help developers integrate vulnerability
+scanning with other CI/CD systems.
+You can also scan for vulnerabilities directly in your code editor by using
+the [Go extension for Visual Studio Code](https://go.dev/security/vuln/editor).
+Get started with [this tutorial](https://go.dev/doc/tutorial/govulncheck-ide).
+## Keep your Go version and dependencies up to date
+Keeping your [Go version up-to-date](https://go.dev/doc/install) offers
+access to the latest language features,
+performance improvements and patches for known security vulnerabilities.
+An updated Go version also ensures compatibility with newer versions of dependencies,
+helping to avoid potential integration issues.
+Review the [Go release history](https://go.dev/doc/devel/release) to see
+what changes have been made to Go between releases.
+The Go team issues point releases throughout the release cycle to address security bugs.
+Be sure to update to the latest minor Go version to ensure you have the
+latest security fixes.
+Maintaining up-to-date third-party dependencies is also crucial for software security,
+performance, and compliance with the latest standards in the Go ecosystem.
+However, updating to the latest versions without thorough review
+[can also be risky](https://research.swtch.com/npm-colors),
+potentially introducing new bugs, incompatible changes,
+or even malicious code.
+Therefore, while it's essential to update dependencies for the latest security
+patches and improvements,
+each update should be carefully reviewed and tested.
+## Test with fuzzing to uncover edge-case exploits
+[Fuzzing](https://go.dev/security/fuzz) is a type of automated testing that
+uses coverage guidance to manipulate random inputs and walk through code
+to find and report potential vulnerabilities like SQL injections,
+buffer overflows, denial or service and cross-site scripting attacks.
+Fuzzing can often reach edge cases that programmers miss,
+or deem too improbable to test.
+Get started with [this tutorial](https://go.dev/doc/tutorial/fuzz).
+## Check for race conditions with Go’s race detector
+Race conditions occur when two or more [goroutines](https://go.dev/tour/concurrency/1)
+access the same resource concurrently,
+and at least one of those accesses is a write.
+This can lead to unpredictable, difficult-to-diagnose issues in your software.
+Identify potential race conditions in your Go code using the built-in
+[race detector](https://go.dev/doc/articles/race_detector),
+which can help you ensure the safety and reliability of your concurrent programs.
+The race detector finds races that occur at runtime,
+however, so it will not find races in code paths that are not executed.
+To use the race detector, add the `-race` flag when running your tests or
+building your application,
+for example, `go test -race`.
+This will compile your code with the race detector enabled and report any
+race conditions it detects at runtime.
+When the race detector finds a data race in the program, it will
+[print a report](https://go.dev/doc/articles/race_detector#report-format)
+containing stack traces for conflicting accesses,
+and stacks where the involved goroutines were created.
+## Use Vet to examine suspicious constructs
+Go’s [vet command](https://pkg.go.dev/cmd/vet) is designed to analyze
+your source code and flag potential issues that might not necessarily be syntax errors,
+but could lead to problems during runtime.
+These include suspicious constructs, such as unreachable code,
+unused variables, and common mistakes around goroutines.
+By catching these issues early in the development process,
+go vet helps maintain code quality, reduces debugging time,
+and enhances overall software reliability.
+To run go vet for a specified project, run:
+go vet ./...
+## Subscribe to golang-announce for notification of security releases
+Go releases containing security fixes are pre-announced to the low-volume
+mailing list [golang-announce@googlegroups.com](https://groups.google.com/group/golang-announce).
+If you want to know when security fixes to Go itself are on the way, subscribe.