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| <text x='598.64' y='93.94' style='font-size: 14.23px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='32.41px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>93 %</text> |
| <text x='432.91' y='127.10' style='font-size: 14.23px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='32.41px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>59 %</text> |
| <text x='145.85' y='193.41' style='font-size: 14.23px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='24.50px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>2 %</text> |
| <text x='298.36' y='160.25' style='font-size: 14.23px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='32.41px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>32 %</text> |
| <text x='67.69' y='193.33' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='35.01px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>Other</text> |
| <text x='45.91' y='160.17' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='56.79px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>Windows</text> |
| <text x='76.26' y='127.02' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='26.45px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>Mac</text> |
| <text x='69.24' y='93.86' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='33.47px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>Linux</text> |
| <text x='122.26' y='223.16' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='20.23px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>0%</text> |
| <text x='242.08' y='223.16' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='28.02px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>25%</text> |
| <text x='365.79' y='223.16' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='28.02px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>50%</text> |
| <text x='489.50' y='223.16' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='28.02px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>75%</text> |
| <text x='609.32' y='223.16' style='font-size: 14.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='35.81px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>100%</text> |
| <text x='253.07' y='251.74' style='font-size: 16.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='253.47px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>% of respondents using Go for CLIs</text> |
| <text x='107.64' y='60.11' style='font-size: 16.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='67.17px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>n = 1905</text> |
| <text x='107.64' y='39.80' style='font-size: 16.00px; fill: #333333; font-family: Arial;' textLength='561.12px' lengthAdjust='spacingAndGlyphs'>Which platforms are you targeting with your CLIs at work? (select all that apply)</text> |
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