| module: github.com/google/go-tpm |
| package: github.com/google/go-tpm/tpm |
| Due to repeated usage of a XOR key an attacker that can eavesdrop on the TPM 1.2 transport |
| is able to calculate usageAuth for keys created using CreateWrapKey, despite it being encrypted, |
| allowing them to use the created key. |
| published: 2021-04-14T12:00:00Z |
| pr: https://github.com/google/go-tpm/pull/195 |
| commit: https://github.com/google/go-tpm/commit/d7806cce857a1a020190c03348e5361725d8f141 |
| - https://github.com/google/go-tpm/security/advisories/GHSA-5x29-3hr9-6wpw |