blob: 77d97d33b4c15b4452465120ec9b183429a9d6ae [file] [log] [blame]
"schema_version": "1.3.1",
"id": "GO-2022-0254",
"modified": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"published": "2022-07-15T23:07:56Z",
"aliases": [
"summary": "Consensus flaw during block processing in",
"details": "A vulnerability in the Geth EVM can cause a node to reject the canonical chain.\n\nA memory-corruption bug within the EVM can cause a consensus error, where vulnerable nodes obtain a different stateRoot when processing a maliciously crafted transaction. This, in turn, would lead to the chain being split in two forks.",
"affected": [
"package": {
"name": "",
"ecosystem": "Go"
"ranges": [
"type": "SEMVER",
"events": [
"introduced": "0"
"fixed": "1.10.8"
"ecosystem_specific": {
"imports": [
"path": "",
"symbols": [
"references": [
"type": "FIX",
"url": ""
"database_specific": {
"url": "",
"review_status": "REVIEWED"