| id: GO-2024-2930 |
| modules: |
| - module: github.com/rancher/rke |
| versions: |
| - introduced: 1.4.18 |
| - fixed: 1.4.19 |
| - introduced: 1.5.9 |
| - fixed: 1.5.10 |
| vulnerable_at: 1.5.10-rc.1 |
| packages: |
| - package: github.com/rancher/rke/k8s |
| symbols: |
| - UpdateSecret |
| - GetSecretsList |
| - GetSecret |
| - GetSystemSecret |
| - package: github.com/rancher/rke/cluster |
| symbols: |
| - SaveFullStateToKubernetes |
| - RebuildState |
| - GetK8sVersion |
| - Cluster.GetStateFileFromConfigMap |
| - Cluster.StoreAddonConfigMap |
| - FullState.WriteStateFile |
| - buildFreshState |
| - ReadStateFile |
| - GetStateFromKubernetes |
| derived_symbols: |
| - Cluster.CheckClusterPorts |
| - Cluster.CleanDeadLogs |
| - Cluster.CleanupNodes |
| - Cluster.ClusterRemove |
| - Cluster.DeployControlPlane |
| - Cluster.DeployRestoreCerts |
| - Cluster.DeployStateFile |
| - Cluster.DeployWorkerPlane |
| - Cluster.DisableSecretsEncryption |
| - Cluster.PrePullK8sImages |
| - Cluster.ReconcileDesiredStateEncryptionConfig |
| - Cluster.RewriteSecrets |
| - Cluster.RotateEncryptionKey |
| - Cluster.RunSELinuxCheck |
| - Cluster.SetUpHosts |
| - Cluster.SyncLabelsAndTaints |
| - Cluster.TunnelHosts |
| - Cluster.UpdateClusterCurrentState |
| - Cluster.UpgradeControlPlane |
| - Cluster.UpgradeWorkerPlane |
| - ConfigureCluster |
| - GetClusterCertsFromKubernetes |
| - RebuildKubeconfig |
| - ReconcileCluster |
| - ReconcileEncryptionProviderConfig |
| - RestartClusterPods |
| - package: github.com/rancher/rke/cmd |
| symbols: |
| - ClusterUp |
| - getStateFile |
| - saveClusterState |
| derived_symbols: |
| - ClusterInit |
| - ClusterRemove |
| - RestoreEtcdSnapshot |
| - RestoreEtcdSnapshotFromCli |
| - RetrieveClusterStateConfigMap |
| - RotateEncryptionKey |
| - SnapshotRemoveFromEtcdHosts |
| - SnapshotSaveEtcdHosts |
| - SnapshotSaveEtcdHostsFromCli |
| summary: RKE credentials are stored in the RKE1 Cluster state ConfigMap in github.com/rancher/rke |
| description: |- |
| When RKE provisions a cluster, it stores the cluster state in a configmap called |
| "full-cluster-state" inside the "kube-system" namespace of the cluster itself. |
| This cluster state object contains information used to set up the K8s cluster, |
| which may include sensitive data. |
| cves: |
| - CVE-2023-32191 |
| ghsas: |
| - GHSA-6gr4-52w6-vmqx |
| references: |
| - advisory: https://github.com/rancher/rke/security/advisories/GHSA-6gr4-52w6-vmqx |
| - fix: https://github.com/rancher/rke/commit/cf49199481a1891909acb1384eed73a5c987d5bd |
| - fix: https://github.com/rancher/rke/commit/f7485b8dce376db0fc15a7c3ceb3de7029c8d0cf |
| source: |
| id: GHSA-6gr4-52w6-vmqx |
| created: 2024-07-01T13:30:12.796528-04:00 |
| review_status: REVIEWED |