blob: 07425a167b14b521e4755fc9770506b1ab689191 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package worker
import (
// A triageFunc triages a CVE: it decides whether an issue needs to be filed.
// If so, it returns a non-empty string indicating the possibly
// affected module.
type triageFunc func(*cveschema.CVE) (*triageResult, error)
// A cveUpdater performs an update operation on the DB.
type cveUpdater struct {
repo *git.Repository
commit *object.Commit
st store.Store
knownIDs map[string]bool
affectedModule triageFunc
type updateStats struct {
skipped bool // directory skipped because hashes match
numProcessed, numAdded, numModified int
// newCVEUpdater creates an updater for updating the store with information from
// the repo commit.
// needsIssue determines whether a CVE needs an issue to be filed for it.
func newCVEUpdater(repo *git.Repository, commit *object.Commit, st store.Store, knownVulnIDs []string, needsIssue triageFunc) *cveUpdater {
u := &cveUpdater{
repo: repo,
commit: commit,
st: st,
knownIDs: map[string]bool{},
affectedModule: needsIssue,
for _, k := range knownVulnIDs {
u.knownIDs[k] = true
return u
// update updates the DB to match the repo at the given commit.
// It also triages new or changed issues.
func (u *cveUpdater) update(ctx context.Context) (ur *store.CommitUpdateRecord, err error) {
// We want the action of reading the old DB record, updating it and
// writing it back to be atomic. It would be too expensive to do that one
// record at a time. Ideally we'd process the whole repo commit in one
// transaction, but Firestore has a limit on how many writes one
// transaction can do, so the CVE files in the repo are processed in
// batches, one transaction per batch.
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "cveUpdater.update(%s)", u.commit.Hash)
ctx = event.Start(ctx, "cveUpdater.update")
defer event.End(ctx)
defer func() {
if err == nil {
var nAdded, nModified int64
if ur != nil {
nAdded = int64(ur.NumAdded)
nModified = int64(ur.NumModified)
log.Infof(ctx, "CVE Firestore update succeeded on CVE list repo hash=%s: added %d, modified %d",
u.commit.Hash, nAdded, nModified)
log.Infof(ctx, "CVE Firestore update starting on CVE list repo hash=%s", u.commit.Hash)
// Get all the CVE files.
// It is cheaper to read all the files from the repo and compare
// them to the DB in bulk, than to walk the repo and process
// each file individually.
files, err := cvelistrepo.Files(u.repo, u.commit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Process files in the same directory together, so we can easily skip
// the entire directory if it hasn't changed.
filesByDir, err := groupFilesByDirectory(files)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create a new CommitUpdateRecord to describe this run of doUpdate.
ur = &store.CommitUpdateRecord{
StartedAt: time.Now(),
CommitHash: u.commit.Hash.String(),
CommitTime: u.commit.Committer.When,
NumTotal: len(files),
if err :=, ur); err != nil {
return ur, err
var skippedDirs []string
// Log a message every this many skipped directories.
const logSkippedEvery = 40
for _, dirFiles := range filesByDir {
stats, err := u.updateDirectory(ctx, dirFiles)
// Change the CommitUpdateRecord in the Store to reflect the results of the directory update.
if err != nil {
ur.Error = err.Error()
if err2 :=, ur); err2 != nil {
return ur, fmt.Errorf("update failed with %w, could not set update record: %v", err, err2)
return ur, err
if stats.skipped {
skippedDirs = append(skippedDirs, dirFiles[0].DirPath)
if len(skippedDirs) >= logSkippedEvery {
log.Debugf(ctx, "skipped %d directories because they have not changed since last update:\n%s",
len(skippedDirs), strings.Join(skippedDirs, ", "))
skippedDirs = nil
ur.NumProcessed += stats.numProcessed
ur.NumAdded += stats.numAdded
ur.NumModified += stats.numModified
if err :=, ur); err != nil {
return ur, err
ur.EndedAt = time.Now()
return ur,, ur)
// Firestore supports a maximum of 500 writes per transaction.
// See
const maxTransactionWrites = 500
func (u *cveUpdater) updateDirectory(ctx context.Context, dirFiles []cvelistrepo.File) (_ updateStats, err error) {
dirPath := dirFiles[0].DirPath
dirHash := dirFiles[0].TreeHash.String()
// A non-empty directory hash means that we have fully processed the directory
// with that hash. If the stored hash matches the current one, we can skip
// this directory.
dbHash, err :=, dirPath)
if err != nil {
return updateStats{}, err
if dirHash == dbHash {
return updateStats{skipped: true}, nil
// Set the hash to something that can't match, until we fully process this directory.
if err :=, dirPath, "in progress"); err != nil {
return updateStats{}, err
// It's okay if we crash now; the directory hashes are just an optimization.
// At worst we'll redo this directory next time.
// Update files in batches.
var stats updateStats
for i := 0; i < len(dirFiles); i += maxTransactionWrites {
j := i + maxTransactionWrites
if j > len(dirFiles) {
j = len(dirFiles)
numBatchAdds, numBatchMods, err := u.updateBatch(ctx, dirFiles[i:j])
if err != nil {
return updateStats{}, err
stats.numProcessed += j - i
// Add in these two numbers here, instead of in the function passed to
// RunTransaction, because that function may be executed multiple times.
stats.numAdded += numBatchAdds
stats.numModified += numBatchMods
} // end batch loop
// We're done with this directory, so we can remember its hash.
if err :=, dirPath, dirHash); err != nil {
return updateStats{}, err
return stats, nil
func (u *cveUpdater) updateBatch(ctx context.Context, batch []cvelistrepo.File) (numAdds, numMods int, err error) {
startID := idFromFilename(batch[0].Filename)
endID := idFromFilename(batch[len(batch)-1].Filename)
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "updateBatch(%q-%q)", startID, endID)
err =, func(ctx context.Context, tx store.Transaction) error {
numAdds = 0
numMods = 0
// Read information about the existing state in the store that's
// relevant to this batch. Since the entries are sorted, we can read
// a range of IDS.
crs, err := tx.GetCVERecords(startID, endID)
if err != nil {
return err
idToRecord := map[string]*store.CVERecord{}
for _, cr := range crs {
idToRecord[cr.ID] = cr
// Determine what needs to be added and modified.
var toAdd, toModify []*store.CVERecord
for _, f := range batch {
id := idFromFilename(f.Filename)
old := idToRecord[id]
if old != nil && old.BlobHash == f.BlobHash.String() {
// No change; do nothing.
record, add, err := u.handleCVE(f, old, tx)
if err != nil {
return err
if add {
toAdd = append(toAdd, record)
} else {
toModify = append(toModify, record)
// Add/modify the records.
for _, r := range toAdd {
if err := tx.CreateCVERecord(r); err != nil {
return err
for _, r := range toModify {
if err := tx.SetCVERecord(r); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
log.Debugf(ctx, "batch updated Firestore records for %q-%q: added %d, modified %d", startID, endID, numAdds, numMods)
return numAdds, numMods, nil
// checkForAliases determines if this CVE has an alias GHSA that the
// worker has already handled, and returns the appropriate triage state
// based on this.
func checkForAliases(cve *cveschema.CVE, tx store.Transaction) (store.TriageState, error) {
for _, ghsaID := range getAliasGHSAs(cve) {
ghsa, err := tx.GetGHSARecord(ghsaID)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if ghsa != nil {
return getTriageStateFromAlias(ghsa.TriageState), nil
return store.TriageStateNeedsIssue, nil
// handleCVE determines how to change the store for a single CVE.
// It returns the record, and a bool indicating whether to add or modify
// the record.
func (u *cveUpdater) handleCVE(f cvelistrepo.File, old *store.CVERecord, tx store.Transaction) (record *store.CVERecord, add bool, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "handleCVE(%s)", f.Filename)
cve := &cveschema.CVE{}
if err := cvelistrepo.Parse(u.repo, f, cve); err != nil {
return nil, false, err
var result *triageResult
if cve.State == cveschema.StatePublic && !u.knownIDs[cve.ID] {
c := cve
// If a false positive has changed, we only care about
// whether new reference URLs refer to a Go module.
// We know some old ones do. So remove the old ones
// before checking.
if old != nil && old.TriageState == store.TriageStateFalsePositive {
c = copyRemoving(cve, old.ReferenceURLs)
result, err = u.affectedModule(c)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
pathname := path.Join(f.DirPath, f.Filename)
// If the CVE is not in the database, add it.
if old == nil {
cr := store.NewCVERecord(cve, pathname, f.BlobHash.String(), u.commit)
switch {
case result != nil:
triageState, err := checkForAliases(cve, tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
cr.TriageState = triageState
cr.Module = result.modulePath
cr.Package = result.packagePath
cr.TriageStateReason = result.reason
cr.CVE = cve
case u.knownIDs[cve.ID]:
cr.TriageState = store.TriageStateHasVuln
cr.TriageState = store.TriageStateNoActionNeeded
return cr, true, nil
// Change to an existing record.
mod := *old // copy the old one
mod.Path = pathname
mod.BlobHash = f.BlobHash.String()
mod.CVEState = cve.State
mod.CommitHash = u.commit.Hash.String()
mod.CommitTime = u.commit.Committer.When.In(time.UTC)
switch old.TriageState {
case store.TriageStateNoActionNeeded, store.TriageStateFalsePositive:
if result != nil {
// Didn't need an issue before, does now.
mod.TriageState = store.TriageStateNeedsIssue
mod.Module = result.modulePath
mod.Package = result.packagePath
mod.TriageStateReason = result.reason
mod.CVE = cve
// Else don't change the triage state, but we still want
// to update the other changed fields.
case store.TriageStateNeedsIssue:
if result == nil {
// Needed an issue, no longer does.
mod.TriageState = store.TriageStateNoActionNeeded
mod.Module = ""
mod.CVE = nil
// Else don't change the triage state, but we still want
// to update the other changed fields.
case store.TriageStateIssueCreated, store.TriageStateUpdatedSinceIssueCreation:
// An issue was filed, so a person should revisit this CVE.
mod.TriageState = store.TriageStateUpdatedSinceIssueCreation
var mp string
if result != nil {
mp = result.modulePath
mod.TriageStateReason = fmt.Sprintf("CVE changed; affected module = %q", mp)
case store.TriageStateAlias:
// For now, do nothing.
case store.TriageStateHasVuln:
// There is already a Go vuln report for this CVE, so
// nothing to do.
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("unknown TriageState: %q", old.TriageState)
// If the triage state changed, add the old state to the history at the beginning.
if old.TriageState != mod.TriageState {
mod.History = append([]*store.CVERecordSnapshot{old.Snapshot()}, mod.History...)
if mod.TriageState == store.TriageStateNeedsIssue && mod.CVE == nil {
return nil, false, errors.New("needs issue but CVE is nil")
// If we're here, then mod is a valid modification to the DB.
return &mod, false, nil
// copyRemoving returns a copy of cve with any reference that has a given URL removed.
func copyRemoving(cve *cveschema.CVE, refURLs []string) *cveschema.CVE {
remove := map[string]bool{}
for _, u := range refURLs {
remove[u] = true
c := *cve
var rs []cveschema.Reference
for _, r := range cve.References.Data {
if !remove[r.URL] {
rs = append(rs, r)
c.References.Data = rs
return &c
// Collect files by directory, verifying that directories are contiguous in
// the list of files. Our directory hash optimization depends on that.
func groupFilesByDirectory(files []cvelistrepo.File) ([][]cvelistrepo.File, error) {
if len(files) == 0 {
return nil, nil
var (
result [][]cvelistrepo.File
curDir []cvelistrepo.File
for _, f := range files {
if len(curDir) > 0 && f.DirPath != curDir[0].DirPath {
result = append(result, curDir)
curDir = nil
curDir = append(curDir, f)
if len(curDir) > 0 {
result = append(result, curDir)
seen := map[string]bool{}
for _, dir := range result {
if seen[dir[0].DirPath] {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("directory %s is not contiguous in the sorted list of files", dir[0].DirPath)
seen[dir[0].DirPath] = true
return result, nil
// idFromFilename extracts the CVE ID from a filename.
func idFromFilename(name string) string {
return strings.TrimSuffix(path.Base(name), path.Ext(name))
type UpdateGHSAStats struct {
// Number of GitHub security advisories seen.
NumProcessed int
// Number of GHSARecords added to the store.
NumAdded int
// Number of GHSARecords already in the store that were modified.
NumModified int
func getTriageStateFromAlias(aliasTriageState store.TriageState) store.TriageState {
switch aliasTriageState {
case store.TriageStateIssueCreated,
store.TriageStateHasVuln, store.TriageStateNeedsIssue, store.TriageStateUpdatedSinceIssueCreation:
// The vuln was already covered by the alias ID.
// TODO( Add comment to
// existing issue with new alias.
return store.TriageStateAlias
case store.TriageStateFalsePositive, store.TriageStateNoActionNeeded, store.TriageStateAlias:
// Create an issue for the vuln since no issue
// was created for the alias ID.
return store.TriageStateNeedsIssue
return store.TriageStateNeedsIssue
// triageNewGHSA determines the initial triage state for the GHSA.
// It checks if we have already handled a CVE associated with this GHSA.
func triageNewGHSA(sa *ghsa.SecurityAdvisory, tx store.Transaction) (store.TriageState, error) {
for _, alias := range sa.Identifiers {
if alias.Type == "CVE" {
cveID := alias.Value
cves, err := tx.GetCVERecords(cveID, cveID)
if err != nil {
return store.TriageStateNeedsIssue, err
if len(cves) == 0 {
return getTriageStateFromAlias(cves[0].TriageState), nil
// The GHSA has no associated CVEs.
return store.TriageStateNeedsIssue, nil
func updateGHSAs(ctx context.Context, listSAs GHSAListFunc, since time.Time, st store.Store) (stats UpdateGHSAStats, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "updateGHSAs(%s)", since)
ctx = event.Start(ctx, "updateGHSAs")
defer event.End(ctx)
defer func() {
if err == nil {
log.Infof(ctx, "GHSA Firestore update succeeded with since=%s: %+v", since, stats)
log.Infof(ctx, "Starting GHSA Firestore update, looking at new/modified GHSAs since=%s", since)
// Get all of the GHSAs since the given time from GitHub.
sas, err := listSAs(ctx, since)
if err != nil {
return stats, err
stats.NumProcessed = len(sas)
if len(sas) > maxTransactionWrites {
return stats, errors.New("number of advisories exceeds maxTransactionWrites")
numAdded := 0
numModified := 0
err = st.RunTransaction(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, tx store.Transaction) error {
numAdded = 0
numModified = 0
// Read the existing GHSA records from the store.
sars, err := tx.GetGHSARecords()
if err != nil {
return err
ghsaIDToRecord := map[string]*store.GHSARecord{}
for _, r := range sars {
ghsaIDToRecord[r.GHSA.ID] = r
// Determine what needs to be added and modified.
var toAdd []*store.GHSARecord
var toUpdate []*store.GHSARecord
for _, sa := range sas {
old := ghsaIDToRecord[sa.ID]
if old == nil {
// ghsa.List already filters for vulns in the Go ecosystem,
// so add a record for all found GHSAs.
triageState, err := triageNewGHSA(sa, tx)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf(ctx, "Triage state for new %s: %s", sa.ID, triageState)
toAdd = append(toAdd, &store.GHSARecord{
GHSA: sa,
TriageState: triageState,
} else if !old.GHSA.UpdatedAt.Equal(sa.UpdatedAt) {
// Modify record.
mod := *old
mod.GHSA = sa
switch old.TriageState {
case store.TriageStateNoActionNeeded:
mod.TriageState = store.TriageStateNeedsIssue
mod.TriageStateReason = "advisory was updated"
case store.TriageStateIssueCreated:
mod.TriageState = store.TriageStateUpdatedSinceIssueCreation
// Don't change the TriageState.
log.Debugf(ctx, "Triage state for modified %s: %s", sa.ID, mod.TriageState)
toUpdate = append(toUpdate, &mod)
for _, r := range toAdd {
if err := tx.CreateGHSARecord(r); err != nil {
return err
for _, r := range toUpdate {
if err := tx.SetGHSARecord(r); err != nil {
return err
return nil
stats.NumAdded = numAdded
stats.NumModified = numModified
return stats, nil