blob: b3d969eae9c0c06f19878efd857c32a15d323d8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
_ "embed"
type triage struct {
mu sync.Mutex // protects aliasesToIssues and stats
aliasesToIssues map[string][]int
modulesToImports map[string]int
stats []issuesList
func (*triage) name() string { return "triage" }
func (*triage) usage() (string, string) {
const desc = "determines priority and finds likely duplicates of the given Github issue (with no args, looks at all open issues)"
return "<no args> | " + ghIssueArgs, desc
func (t *triage) close() error {
log.Outf("triaged %d issues:%s%s",
len(t.isses), listItem, strings.Join(toStrings(t.stats), listItem))
// Print the command to create all high priority reports.
if len(t.stats[statHighPriority]) > 0 {
log.Outf("helpful commands:\n $ vulnreport create %s", t.stats[statHighPriority].issNums())
return nil
func toStrings(stats []issuesList) (strs []string) {
for i, s := range stats {
strs = append(strs, fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", len(s), statNames[i]))
return strs
//go:embed data/importers.csv.gz
var importers []byte
func (t *triage) setup(ctx context.Context) error {
t.aliasesToIssues = make(map[string][]int)
t.stats = make([]issuesList, len(statNames))
m, err := gzCSVToMap(importers)
if err != nil {
return err
t.modulesToImports = m
t.fixer = new(fixer)
t.issueParser = new(issueParser)
t.xrefer = new(xrefer)
return setupAll(ctx, t.fixer, t.issueParser, t.xrefer)
func (t *triage) skipReason(iss *issues.Issue) string {
if iss.HasLabel(labelDirect) {
return "direct external report"
if !*force && iss.HasLabel(labelTriaged) {
return "already triaged (use -f to force re-triage)"
return t.xrefer.skipReason(iss)
func (t *triage) run(ctx context.Context, issNum string) (err error) {
iss, err := t.lookup(ctx, issNum)
if err != nil {
return err
if reason := t.skipReason(iss); reason != "" {
t.addStat(iss, statSkipped, reason)
return nil
t.triage(ctx, iss)
return nil
type priorityResult struct {
priority int
priorityReason string
notGo bool
func (t *triage) triage(ctx context.Context, iss *issues.Issue) {
labels := []string{labelTriaged}
defer func() {
if *dry {
log.Infof("would add labels: [%s]", strings.Join(labels, ", "))
} else if err := t.ic.AddLabels(ctx, iss.Number, labels); err != nil {
log.Warnf("could not auto-add label(s) for issue #%d", iss.Number)
xrefs := t.findDuplicates(ctx, iss)
if len(xrefs) != 0 {
var strs []string
for ref, aliases := range xrefs {
strs = append(strs, fmt.Sprintf("#%d shares alias(es) %s with %s", iss.Number, strings.Join(aliases, ", "), ref))
t.addStat(iss, statDuplicate, strings.Join(strs, listItem))
labels = append(labels, labelPossibleDuplicate)
tr := t.priorityOf(iss)
t.addStat(iss, tr.priority, tr.priorityReason)
if tr.notGo {
t.addStat(iss, statNotGo, "more than 20 percent of reports with this module are NOT_GO_CODE")
labels = append(labels, labelPossiblyNotGo)
if tr.priority == statHighPriority {
labels = append(labels, labelHighPriority)
func (t *triage) priorityOf(iss *issues.Issue) *priorityResult {
const highPriority = 100
mp := t.canonicalModule(modulePath(iss))
excluded, regular, notGoCode := t.xrefCount(mp)
// more than 20% of reports are labeled not Go
possiblyNotGo := excluded != 0 && (float32(notGoCode)/float32(excluded+regular))*100 > 20
importers, ok := t.modulesToImports[mp]
if !ok {
return &priorityResult{
priority: statUnknownPriority,
notGo: possiblyNotGo,
priorityReason: fmt.Sprintf("module %s not found", mp),
priority := statLowPriority
reason := fmt.Sprintf("%s has %d importers and %d regular vs %d excluded reports", mp, importers, regular, excluded)
if importers >= highPriority && regular >= excluded {
priority = statHighPriority
return &priorityResult{
priority: priority,
notGo: possiblyNotGo,
priorityReason: reason,
func gzCSVToMap(b []byte) (map[string]int, error) {
gzr, err := gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(b))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
reader := csv.NewReader(gzr)
records, err := reader.ReadAll()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m := make(map[string]int)
for _, record := range records[1:] {
if len(record) != 2 {
n, err := strconv.Atoi(record[1])
if err != nil {
m[record[0]] = n
return m, nil
func (t *triage) findDuplicates(ctx context.Context, iss *issues.Issue) map[string][]string {
aliases := aliases(iss)
if len(aliases) == 0 {
log.Infof("skipping duplicate search for issue #%d (no aliases found)", iss.Number)
return nil
aliases = t.allAliases(ctx, aliases)
xrefs := make(map[string][]string)
for _, a := range aliases {
// Find existing reports with this alias.
if reports := t.rc.ReportsByAlias(a); len(reports) != 0 {
for _, r := range reports {
fname, err := r.YAMLFilename()
if err != nil {
fname = r.ID
xrefs[fname] = append(xrefs[fname], a)
// Find other issues with this alias.
// Note: this currently only operates on other issues that have
// been seen by the triage command, not all issues on the tracker.
for _, issNum := range t.lookupAlias(a) {
ref := t.ic.Reference(issNum)
xrefs[ref] = append(xrefs[ref], a)
t.addAlias(a, iss.Number)
return xrefs
func (t *triage) lookupAlias(a string) []int {
return t.aliasesToIssues[a]
func (t *triage) addAlias(a string, n int) {
t.aliasesToIssues[a] = append(t.aliasesToIssues[a], n)
func (t *triage) addStat(iss *issues.Issue, stat int, reason string) {
var lg func(string, ...any)
switch stat {
case statLowPriority, statSkipped:
lg = log.Infof
case statHighPriority, statDuplicate, statNotGo:
lg = log.Outf
case statUnknownPriority:
lg = log.Warnf
panic(fmt.Sprintf("BUG: unknown stat: %d", stat))
t.stats[stat] = append(t.stats[stat], iss)
lg("issue %s is %s%s%s", t.ic.Reference(iss.Number), statNames[stat], listItem, reason)
const (
statHighPriority = iota
var statNames = []string{
statHighPriority: "high priority",
statLowPriority: "low priority",
statUnknownPriority: "unknown priority",
statSkipped: "skipped",
statDuplicate: "likely duplicate",
statNotGo: "possibly not Go",
type issuesList []*issues.Issue
func (i issuesList) issNums() string {
var is []string
for _, iss := range i {
is = append(is, strconv.Itoa(iss.Number))
return strings.Join(is, " ")