blob: a54ec951354b0147bd9487ca69936f86c4ffc0a6 [file] [log] [blame]
"schema_version": "1.3.1",
"id": "GO-2023-1559",
"modified": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"published": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"aliases": [
"summary": "Denial of service via HAMT decoding panic in",
"details": "Trying to read malformed HAMT sharded directories can cause panics and virtual memory leaks. If you are reading untrusted user input, an attacker can then trigger a panic.\n\nThis is caused by a bogus fanout parameter in the HAMT directory nodes.\n\nThere are no known workarounds (users are advised to upgrade).",
"affected": [
"package": {
"name": "",
"ecosystem": "Go"
"ranges": [
"type": "SEMVER",
"events": [
"introduced": "0"
"fixed": "1.5.2"
"ecosystem_specific": {
"imports": [
"path": "",
"symbols": [
"path": "",
"symbols": [
"references": [
"type": "ADVISORY",
"url": ""
"type": "FIX",
"url": ""
"credits": [
"name": "Jorropo"
"database_specific": {
"url": "",
"review_status": "REVIEWED"