blob: d1658dcdd0c5f84802a6a38289171a0f0dcb7098 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package symbols
import (
// Patched returns symbols of module patched in commit identified
// by commitHash. repoURL is URL of the git repository containing
// the module.
// Patched returns a map from package import paths to symbols
// patched in the package. Test packages and symbols are omitted.
// If the commit has more than one parent, an error is returned.
func Patched(module, repoURL, commitHash string, errlog *log.Logger) (_ map[string][]string, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "Patched(%s ,%s, %s)", module, repoURL, commitHash)
repoRoot, err := os.MkdirTemp("", commitHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
_ = os.RemoveAll(repoRoot)
ctx := context.Background()
repo, err := gitrepo.PlainClone(ctx, repoRoot, repoURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
w, err := repo.Worktree()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hash := plumbing.NewHash(commitHash)
commit, err := repo.CommitObject(hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if commit.NumParents() != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("more than 1 parent: %d", commit.NumParents())
parent, err := commit.Parent(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := w.Checkout(&git.CheckoutOptions{Hash: hash, Force: true}); err != nil {
return nil, err
newSymbols, err := moduleSymbols(repoRoot, module)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := w.Checkout(&git.CheckoutOptions{Hash: parent.Hash, Force: true}); err != nil {
return nil, err
oldSymbols, err := moduleSymbols(repoRoot, module)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
patched := patchedSymbols(oldSymbols, newSymbols, errlog)
pkgSyms := make(map[string][]string)
for _, sym := range patched {
pkgSyms[sym.pkg] = append(pkgSyms[sym.pkg], sym.symbol)
return pkgSyms, nil
// patchedSymbols returns symbol indices in oldSymbols that either 1) cannot
// be identified in newSymbols or 2) the corresponding functions have their
// source code changed.
func patchedSymbols(oldSymbols, newSymbols map[symKey]*ast.FuncDecl, errlog *log.Logger) []symKey {
var syms []symKey
for key, of := range oldSymbols {
nf, ok := newSymbols[key]
if !ok {
// We cannot locate the symbol in the new version
// of code, so we designate it as being patched.
syms = append(syms, key)
if source(of, errlog) != source(nf, errlog) {
syms = append(syms, key)
return syms
// source returns f's source code as text.
func source(f *ast.FuncDecl, errlog *log.Logger) string {
var b bytes.Buffer
fs := token.NewFileSet()
if err := printer.Fprint(&b, fs, f); err != nil {
// should not happen, so just printing a warning
errlog.Printf("getting source of %s failed with %v", astSymbolName(f), err)
return ""
return strings.TrimSpace(b.String())
// moduleSymbols indexes all symbols of a module located
// within repo at repoRoot. Test symbols are omitted.
// If the module is not defined in the repo, an empty
// index is returned.
func moduleSymbols(repoRoot, module string) (map[symKey]*ast.FuncDecl, error) {
modRoot, files, err := moduleRootAndFiles(repoRoot, module)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m := make(map[symKey]*ast.FuncDecl)
fset := token.NewFileSet()
for _, file := range files {
f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, file, nil, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, decl := range f.Decls {
if fn, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok {
pkg: packageImportPath(module, modRoot, file),
file: filepath.Base(file),
symbol: astSymbolName(fn)}] = fn
// Remove file info from indices that don't actually need it.
// This should make things more robust for cases when there
// the function name is unique and the patch moves the function
// to a different file (due to, say, refactoring).
return cleanFileInfo(m), nil
// cleanFileInfo deletes the value of file field in symKeys for
// function declarations that do not need the file information to
// differentiate between other same-named symbols in the same package.
func cleanFileInfo(syms map[symKey]*ast.FuncDecl) map[symKey]*ast.FuncDecl {
// collisions tracks which symbols have multiple
// function declarations in a package.
collisions := make(map[symKey]int)
for sk := range syms {
k := symKey{pkg: sk.pkg, symbol: sk.symbol}
m := make(map[symKey]*ast.FuncDecl)
for sk, f := range syms {
k := symKey{pkg: sk.pkg, symbol: sk.symbol}
if collisions[k] > 1 {
// multiple functions with the same name,
// so we keep the file info.
m[sk] = f
} else {
m[k] = f // get rid of file info
return m
// symKey is used as a unique key for
// a Go symbol in a repo.
type symKey struct {
pkg string
// file is the name of the file where the symbol
// is defined. Set when multiple same-named
// symbols are hidden under different build tags.
file string
symbol string
// moduleRootAndFiles returns the root of Go module within
// repo and all of its .go files. Test Go files (*_test.go)
// and Go files in "testdata" subdirectories are omitted.
// If there are no Go files or module does not exist in the
// repo, empty file slice is returned. Each returned file
// path has repoRoot as its prefix.
func moduleRootAndFiles(repoRoot, module string) (string, []string, error) {
modRoots, err := moduleRoots(repoRoot)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
moduleRoot, ok := modRoots[module]
if !ok {
return "", nil, nil
// directlyUnder checks if path belongs
// to module and not some of its sub-modules.
directlyUnder := func(path string) bool {
maxModPath := ""
for _, modPath := range modRoots {
if subdir(path, modPath) && len(modPath) > len(maxModPath) {
maxModPath = modPath
return maxModPath == moduleRoot
var files []string
err = filepath.Walk(moduleRoot, func(path string, fi fs.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if fi.IsDir() {
if filepath.Base(path) == "testdata" {
// Skip test harness Go files.
return filepath.SkipDir
return nil
if filepath.Ext(path) != ".go" {
// We are only interested in Go files.
return nil
if !strings.HasSuffix(path, "_test.go") && directlyUnder(path) {
// Skip test Go files and files that belong to sub-modules.
files = append(files, path)
return nil
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
return moduleRoot, files, err
// subdir checks if target is a sub-directory of base. It assumes
// that both target and base are either absolute paths or relative
// paths with the same offset.
func subdir(target, base string) bool {
p, err := filepath.Rel(base, target)
return err == nil && !strings.Contains(p, "..")
// moduleRoots returns paths in repoRoot that are roots
// of a Go module. Each such discovered path is indexed
// with the name of the corresponding module. Each returned
// path has repoRoot as prefix.
func moduleRoots(repoRoot string) (map[string]string, error) {
mods := make(map[string]string)
err := filepath.Walk(repoRoot, func(path string, fi fs.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if !fi.IsDir() {
return nil
if filepath.Base(path) == "testdata" {
return filepath.SkipDir
if modName, err := moduleName(path); err != nil {
return err
} else if modName != "" {
mods[modName] = path
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mods, nil
// moduleName returns the name of the module if path is
// the root of a Go module. Otherwise, returns empty string.
func moduleName(path string) (string, error) {
gomodPath := filepath.Join(path, "go.mod")
data, err := os.ReadFile(gomodPath)
if err != nil {
// go.mod does not exist, so this is not an error.
// It is just that the current path is not the root
// of a Go module.
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return "", nil
return "", err
gomod, err := modfile.ParseLax("go.mod", data, nil)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return gomod.Module.Mod.Path, nil
// packageImportPath computes the full package import path for a
// a package directory or file on local disk, given a module path
// and root of a module on local disk. For instance,
// packageImportPath("", "/module/root",
// "module/root/internal/foo/foo.go") =
// ""
// Returns empty string in case of any errors or if moduleRoot is
// not a sub-path of path.
// moduleRoot and path have to be either both absolute or both
// relative paths. The last element in path will always be interpreted
// as a file, hence directory paths should end with a file separator.
func packageImportPath(module, moduleRoot, pkgPath string) string {
if !subdir(pkgPath, moduleRoot) {
return ""
dir := filepath.Dir(pkgPath)
rel, err := filepath.Rel(moduleRoot, dir)
if err != nil {
return ""
if rel == "." {
// The path is moduleRoot
return module
rel = filepath.ToSlash(rel) // cross platform
return path.Join(module, rel)
// astSymbolName returns the name of f as a symbol in
// a vulnerability database.
func astSymbolName(f *ast.FuncDecl) string {
name := f.Name.Name
if f.Recv == nil || len(f.Recv.List) == 0 {
return name
field := f.Recv.List[0]
if len(field.Names) == 0 {
return "" // sanity
t := ""
switch xv := field.Type.(type) {
case *ast.StarExpr:
if si, ok := xv.X.(*ast.Ident); ok {
t = si.Name
case *ast.Ident:
t = xv.Name
case *ast.IndexExpr:
// TODO(#63535): cover index instructions stemming from generics
return ""
panic(fmt.Sprintf("astSymbolName: unexpected receiver type: %v\n", reflect.TypeOf(field.Type)))
return t + "." + name