blob: 4b55f81827eba724b26b43df18d103032225b3ac [file] [log] [blame]
"schema_version": "1.3.1",
"id": "GO-2021-0077",
"modified": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"published": "2021-04-14T20:04:52Z",
"aliases": [
"summary": "Authentication bypass in",
"details": "A user can use a valid client certificate that contains a CommonName that matches a valid RBAC username to authenticate themselves as that user, despite lacking the required credentials. This may allow authentication bypass, but requires a certificate that is issued by a CA trusted by the server.",
"affected": [
"package": {
"name": "",
"ecosystem": "Go"
"ranges": [
"type": "SEMVER",
"events": [
"introduced": "0"
"fixed": "0.5.0-alpha.5.0.20190108173120-83c051b701d3"
"ecosystem_specific": {
"imports": [
"path": "",
"symbols": [
"references": [
"type": "FIX",
"url": ""
"type": "FIX",
"url": ""
"database_specific": {
"url": "",
"review_status": "REVIEWED"