| skip_fix: 'TODO: revisit this reason (fix appears to not work with Go <1.18)' |
| The Decode, DecodeElement, and Skip methods of an xml.Decoder |
| provided by xml.NewTokenDecoder may enter an infinite loop when |
| operating on a custom xml.TokenReader which returns an EOF in the |
| middle of an open XML element. |
| published: 2022-02-17T17:34:24Z |
| - fix: https://go.dev/cl/300391 |
| - fix: https://go.googlesource.com/go/+/d0b79e3513a29628f3599dc8860666b6eed75372 |
| - report: https://go.dev/issue/44913 |
| - web: https://groups.google.com/g/golang-announce/c/MfiLYjG-RAw |