blob: aa9ce428f61ced0612b3f1bb4dfe9a6766f800c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package report contains functionality for parsing and linting YAML reports
// in reports/.
package report
import (
type VersionRange struct {
Introduced string `yaml:"introduced,omitempty"`
Fixed string `yaml:"fixed,omitempty"`
type UnsupportedVersion struct {
Version string `yaml:",omitempty"`
Type string `yaml:",omitempty"`
type Module struct {
Module string `yaml:",omitempty"`
Versions []VersionRange `yaml:",omitempty"`
// Version types that exist in OSV, but we don't support.
// These may be added when automatically creating a report,
// but must be deleted in order to pass lint checks.
UnsupportedVersions []UnsupportedVersion `yaml:"unsupported_versions,omitempty"`
// Known-vulnerable version, to use when performing static analysis or
// other techniques on a vulnerable version of the package.
// In general, we want to use the most recent vulnerable version of
// the package. Determining this programmatically is difficult, especially
// for packages without tagged versions, so we specify it manually here.
VulnerableAt string `yaml:"vulnerable_at,omitempty"`
// Additional list of module@version to require when performing static analysis.
// It is rare that we need to specify this.
VulnerableAtRequires []string `yaml:"vulnerable_at_requires,omitempty"`
Packages []*Package `yaml:",omitempty"`
type Package struct {
Package string `yaml:",omitempty"`
GOOS []string `yaml:"goos,omitempty"`
GOARCH []string `yaml:"goarch,omitempty"`
// Symbols originally identified as vulnerable.
Symbols []string `yaml:",omitempty"`
// Additional vulnerable symbols, computed from Symbols via static analysis
// or other technique.
DerivedSymbols []string `yaml:"derived_symbols,omitempty"`
// Reason the package is already considered fixed and should not be automatically updated.
SkipFix string `yaml:"skip_fix,omitempty"`
type CVEMeta struct {
ID string `yaml:",omitempty"`
CWE string `yaml:",omitempty"`
Description string `yaml:",omitempty"`
// Additional references that should be included in the CVE record
// but not the OSV. This is used to preserve references that have been
// added to a CVE by the CVE program that the Go team does not want
// to display via OSV. An example that uses this is GO-2022-0476.
References []string `yaml:",omitempty"`
// ExcludedReason is the reason a report is excluded from the database.
// It must be one of the values in ExcludedReasons.
type ExcludedReason string
// ExcludedReasons are the set of reasons a report may be excluded from the database.
// These are described in detail at
var ExcludedReasons = []ExcludedReason{
const excludedLabelPrefix = "excluded: "
func (er ExcludedReason) ToLabel() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", excludedLabelPrefix, string(er))
func FromLabel(label string) (ExcludedReason, bool) {
pre, er, ok := strings.Cut(label, excludedLabelPrefix)
if pre != "" {
return "", false
return ExcludedReason(er), ok
// A Reference is a link to some external resource.
// For ease of typing, References are represented in the YAML as a
// single-element mapping of type to URL.
type Reference osv.Reference
func (r *Reference) MarshalYAML() (any, error) {
return map[string]string{
strings.ToLower(string(r.Type)): r.URL,
}, nil
func (r *Reference) UnmarshalYAML(n *yaml.Node) error {
if n.Kind != yaml.MappingNode || len(n.Content) != 2 || n.Content[0].Kind != yaml.ScalarNode || n.Content[1].Kind != yaml.ScalarNode {
return &yaml.TypeError{Errors: []string{
fmt.Sprintf("line %d: report.Reference must contain a mapping with one value", n.Line),
r.Type = osv.ReferenceType(strings.ToUpper(n.Content[0].Value))
r.URL = n.Content[1].Value
return nil
// A Note is a note about the report.
// May be typed or untyped (with Type left blank).
type Note struct {
Body string
Type NoteType
type NoteType string
const (
NoteTypeNone NoteType = ""
NoteTypeLint NoteType = "LINT"
NoteTypeFix NoteType = "FIX"
NoteTypeCreate NoteType = "CREATE"
func (n *Note) MarshalYAML() (any, error) {
if n.Type == NoteTypeNone {
return n.Body, nil
return map[string]string{
strings.ToLower(string(n.Type)): n.Body,
}, nil
func (n *Note) UnmarshalYAML(node *yaml.Node) error {
// Handle untyped notes.
if node.Kind == yaml.ScalarNode {
n.Type = NoteTypeNone
n.Body = node.Value
return nil
// Handle typed notes.
if node.Kind != yaml.MappingNode || len(node.Content) != 2 || node.Content[0].Kind != yaml.ScalarNode || node.Content[1].Kind != yaml.ScalarNode {
return &yaml.TypeError{Errors: []string{
fmt.Sprintf("line %d: typed Note must contain a mapping with one value", node.Line),
n.Type = NoteType(strings.ToUpper(node.Content[0].Value))
n.Body = node.Content[1].Value
return nil
// Report represents a vulnerability report in the vulndb.
// Remember to update doc/ when this structure changes.
type Report struct {
ID string `yaml:",omitempty"`
// Excluded indicates an excluded report.
Excluded ExcludedReason `yaml:",omitempty"`
Modules []*Module `yaml:",omitempty"`
// Summary is a short phrase describing the vulnerability.
Summary string `yaml:",omitempty"`
// Description is the CVE description from an existing CVE. If we are
// assigning a CVE ID ourselves, use CVEMetadata.Description instead.
Description string `yaml:",omitempty"`
Published time.Time `yaml:",omitempty"`
Withdrawn *time.Time `yaml:",omitempty"`
// CVE are CVE IDs for existing CVEs.
// If we are assigning a CVE ID ourselves, use CVEMetadata.ID instead.
CVEs []string `yaml:",omitempty"`
// GHSAs are the IDs of GitHub Security Advisories that match
// the above CVEs.
GHSAs []string `yaml:",omitempty"`
// Related is a list of identifiers (e.g. CVEs or GHSAs)
// that are related to, but are not direct aliases of, this report.
Related []string `yaml:",omitempty"`
Credits []string `yaml:",omitempty"`
References []*Reference `yaml:",omitempty"`
// CVEMetadata is used to capture CVE information when we want to assign a
// CVE ourselves. If a CVE already exists for an issue, use the CVE field
// to fill in the ID string.
CVEMetadata *CVEMeta `yaml:"cve_metadata,omitempty"`
// Notes about the report. This field is ignored when creating
// OSV and CVE records. It can be used to document decisions made when
// creating the report, outstanding issues, or anything else worth
// mentioning.
Notes []*Note `yaml:",omitempty"`
// GoCVE returns the CVE assigned to this report by the Go CNA,
// or the empty string if not applicable.
func (r *Report) GoCVE() string {
if r.CVEMetadata == nil {
return ""
return r.CVEMetadata.ID
// AllCVEs returns all CVE IDs for a report.
func (r *Report) AllCVEs() []string {
all := slices.Clone(r.CVEs)
if goCVE := r.GoCVE(); goCVE != "" {
all = append(all, goCVE)
return all
// Aliases returns all aliases (e.g., CVEs, GHSAs) for a report.
func (r *Report) Aliases() []string {
return append(r.AllCVEs(), r.GHSAs...)
// AddAliases adds any GHSAs and CVEs in aliases that were not
// already present to the report.
func (r *Report) AddAliases(aliases []string) (added int) {
original := make(map[string]bool)
for _, alias := range r.Aliases() {
original[alias] = true
for _, alias := range aliases {
switch {
case original[alias]:
case ghsa.IsGHSA(alias):
r.GHSAs = append(r.GHSAs, alias)
case cveschema5.IsCVE(alias):
r.CVEs = append(r.CVEs, alias)
continue // skip aliases that are not CVEs or GHSAs
if added > 0 {
return added
const (
NISTPrefix = ""
ghsaURLPrefix = ""
goURLPrefix = ""
// GoID returns the Go ID from the given filename, assuming the filename
// is of the form "*/<goID>.<ext>".
func GoID(filename string) string {
return strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(filename), filepath.Ext(filename))
func GoAdvisory(id string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", goURLPrefix, id)
// AllSymbols returns both original and derived symbols.
func (a *Package) AllSymbols() []string {
return append(append([]string(nil), a.Symbols...), a.DerivedSymbols...)
var reportFilepathRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^(data/\w+)/(GO-\d\d\d\d-0*(\d+)\.yaml)$`)
func ParseFilepath(path string) (folder, filename string, issueID int, err error) {
m := reportFilepathRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(filepath.ToSlash(path))
if len(m) != 4 {
return "", "", 0, fmt.Errorf("%v: not a report filepath", path)
folder = m[1]
filename = m[2]
issueID, err = strconv.Atoi(m[3])
if err != nil {
return "", "", 0, err
// Read reads a Report in YAML format from filename.
func Read(filename string) (_ *Report, err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "report.Read(%q)", filename)
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer f.Close()
d := yaml.NewDecoder(f)
// Require that all fields in the file are in the struct.
// This corresponds to v2's UnmarshalStrict.
var r Report
if err := d.Decode(&r); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("yaml.Decode: %v", err)
return &r, nil
// ReadAndLint reads a Report in YAML format from filename,
// lints the Report, and errors if there are any lint warnings.
func ReadAndLint(filename string, pc *proxy.Client) (r *Report, err error) {
r, err = Read(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := r.CheckFilename(filename); err != nil {
return nil, err
if lints := r.Lint(pc); len(lints) > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v: contains lint warnings:\n%s", filename, strings.Join(lints, "\n"))
return r, nil
func (r *Report) YAMLFilename() (string, error) {
dir := YAMLDir
if r.Excluded != "" {
dir = ExcludedDir
if r.ID == "" {
return "", errors.New("report has no ID")
return filepath.Join(dir, r.ID+".yaml"), nil
// Write writes r to filename in YAML format.
func (r *Report) Write(filename string) (err error) {
defer derrors.Wrap(&err, "Write(%s)", filename)
f, err := os.Create(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
err = r.encode(f)
err2 := f.Close()
if err == nil {
err = err2
return err
// ToString encodes r to a YAML string.
func (r *Report) ToString() (string, error) {
var b strings.Builder
if err := r.encode(&b); err != nil {
return "", err
return b.String(), nil
func (r *Report) encode(w io.Writer) error {
e := yaml.NewEncoder(w)
defer e.Close()
return e.Encode(r)