blob: b60669c10c3e475291b44106843be1571652df24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.17
package worker
import (
func TestUpdateFalsePositives(t *testing.T) {
const commitHash = "17294f1a2af61a2a2df52ac89cbd7c516f0c4e6a"
commitTime := time.Date(2021, time.April, 12, 23, 0, 56, 0, time.UTC)
mstore := store.NewMemStore()
createCVE4Records(t, mstore, []*store.CVE4Record{
// This DB record is older than the matching false positive record
// embedded in the program, so it will be updated.
ID: "CVE-2020-15112",
Path: "2020/15xxx/CVE-2020-15112.json",
CommitHash: "xyz",
CommitTime: time.Date(2021, time.March, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
BlobHash: "3d87891317ff107037bc0145194ab72df1890411",
CVEState: cve4.StatePublic,
TriageState: store.TriageStateNeedsIssue,
TriageStateReason: "will be replaced",
// This DB record is newer, so it won't be changed.
ID: "CVE-2020-15113",
Path: "2020/15xxx/CVE-2020-15113.json",
BlobHash: "9133c3be68ef84771bad74ec8770e1efff7bf0de",
CommitHash: commitHash,
CommitTime: commitTime,
CVEState: cve4.StatePublic,
TriageState: store.TriageStateNoActionNeeded,
ReferenceURLs: []string{
if err := updateFalsePositives(context.Background(), mstore); err != nil {
got := mstore.CVE4Records()
for _, want := range []*store.CVE4Record{
// Doesn't exist in DB.
ID: "CVE-2016-0216",
Path: "2016/0xxx/CVE-2016-0216.json",
CommitHash: commitHash,
CommitTime: commitTime,
BlobHash: "ac9f59c6700576b5936dc014ce265ee0c9a41097",
CVEState: cve4.StatePublic,
TriageState: store.TriageStateFalsePositive,
ReferenceURLs: []string{
// Newer than DB.
ID: "CVE-2020-15112",
Path: "2020/15xxx/CVE-2020-15112.json",
CommitHash: commitHash,
CommitTime: commitTime,
BlobHash: "3d87891317ff107037bc0145194ab72df1890411",
CVEState: cve4.StatePublic,
TriageState: store.TriageStateHasVuln,
TriageStateReason: "GO-2020-0005",
ID: "CVE-2020-15113",
Path: "2020/15xxx/CVE-2020-15113.json",
BlobHash: "9133c3be68ef84771bad74ec8770e1efff7bf0de",
CommitHash: commitHash,
CommitTime: commitTime,
CVEState: cve4.StatePublic,
TriageState: store.TriageStateNoActionNeeded,
ReferenceURLs: []string{
} {
if diff := cmp.Diff(want, got[want.ID]); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("mismatch (-want, +got):\n%s", diff)