blob: a21a1357ade4599f05ed29fde742c3639155b71d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.17
// +build go1.17
package worker
import (
const testRepoPath = "../cvelistrepo/testdata/basic.txtar"
var realProxy = flag.Bool("proxy", false, "if true, contact the real module proxy and update expected responses")
func TestCheckUpdate(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
tm := time.Date(2021, 1, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
repo, err := gitrepo.ReadTxtarRepo(testRepoPath, tm)
if err != nil {
for _, test := range []struct {
latestUpdate *store.CommitUpdateRecord
want string // non-empty => substring of error message
// no latest update, no problem
{nil, ""},
// latest update finished and commit is earlier; no problem
EndedAt: time.Now(),
CommitHash: "abc",
CommitTime: tm.Add(-time.Hour),
// latest update was recent and didn't finish
StartedAt: time.Now().Add(-90 * time.Minute),
CommitHash: "abc",
CommitTime: tm.Add(-time.Hour),
"not finish",
// latest update finished on a later commit
EndedAt: time.Now(),
CommitHash: "abc",
CommitTime: tm.Add(time.Hour),
} {
mstore := store.NewMemStore()
if err := updateFalsePositives(ctx, mstore); err != nil {
if test.latestUpdate != nil {
if err := mstore.CreateCommitUpdateRecord(ctx, test.latestUpdate); err != nil {
got := checkCVEUpdate(ctx, headCommit(t, repo), mstore)
if got == nil && test.want != "" {
t.Errorf("%+v:\ngot no error, wanted %q", test.latestUpdate, test.want)
} else if got != nil && !strings.Contains(got.Error(), test.want) {
t.Errorf("%+v:\ngot '%s', does not contain %q", test.latestUpdate, got, test.want)
func TestCreateIssues(t *testing.T) {
ctx := event.WithExporter(context.Background(),
event.NewExporter(log.NewLineHandler(os.Stderr), nil))
mstore := store.NewMemStore()
ic, mux := githubtest.Setup(ctx, t, &issues.Config{
Owner: githubtest.TestOwner,
Repo: githubtest.TestRepo,
Token: githubtest.TestToken,
mux.HandleFunc(fmt.Sprintf("/repos/%s/%s/issues", githubtest.TestOwner, githubtest.TestRepo), func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
switch r.Method {
case http.MethodGet:
fmt.Fprintf(w, `[{"number":%d},{"number":%d}]`, 1, 2)
case http.MethodPost:
fmt.Fprintf(w, `{"number":%d}`, 1)
ctime := time.Date(2020, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
pc, err := proxy.NewTestClient(t, *realProxy)
if err != nil {
crs := []*store.CVERecord{
ID: "ID1",
BlobHash: "bh1",
CommitHash: "ch",
CommitTime: ctime,
Path: "path1",
CVE: &cveschema.CVE{
Metadata: cveschema.Metadata{
ID: "ID1",
TriageState: store.TriageStateNeedsIssue,
ID: "ID2",
BlobHash: "bh2",
CommitHash: "ch",
CommitTime: ctime,
Path: "path2",
TriageState: store.TriageStateNoActionNeeded,
ID: "ID3",
BlobHash: "bh3",
CommitHash: "ch",
CommitTime: ctime,
Path: "path3",
TriageState: store.TriageStateIssueCreated,
createCVERecords(t, mstore, crs)
grs := []*store.GHSARecord{
GHSA: &ghsa.SecurityAdvisory{
ID: "g1",
Vulns: []*ghsa.Vuln{{Package: "p1"}},
TriageState: store.TriageStateNeedsIssue,
GHSA: &ghsa.SecurityAdvisory{
ID: "g2",
Vulns: []*ghsa.Vuln{{Package: "p2"}},
TriageState: store.TriageStateNoActionNeeded,
GHSA: &ghsa.SecurityAdvisory{
ID: "g3",
Vulns: []*ghsa.Vuln{{Package: "p3"}},
TriageState: store.TriageStateIssueCreated,
GHSA: &ghsa.SecurityAdvisory{
ID: "g4",
Vulns: []*ghsa.Vuln{{Package: "p4"}},
TriageState: store.TriageStateAlias,
GHSA: &ghsa.SecurityAdvisory{
ID: "g5",
Vulns: []*ghsa.Vuln{{Package: "p1"}},
Identifiers: []ghsa.Identifier{{Type: "GHSA", Value: "g5"}},
TriageState: store.TriageStateNeedsIssue,
createGHSARecords(t, mstore, grs)
// Add an existing report with GHSA "g5".
allReports := map[string]*report.Report{"data/reports/GO-1999-0001": {GHSAs: []string{"g5"}}}
if err := CreateIssues(ctx, mstore, ic, pc, allReports, 0); err != nil {
var wantCVERecords []*store.CVERecord
for _, r := range crs {
copy := *r
wantCVERecords = append(wantCVERecords, &copy)
wantCVERecords[0].TriageState = store.TriageStateIssueCreated
wantCVERecords[0].IssueReference = ""
gotCVERecs := mstore.CVERecords()
if len(gotCVERecs) != len(wantCVERecords) {
t.Fatalf("wrong number of records: got %d, want %d", len(gotCVERecs), len(wantCVERecords))
for _, want := range wantCVERecords {
got := gotCVERecs[want.ID]
if !cmp.Equal(got, want, cmpopts.IgnoreFields(store.CVERecord{}, "IssueCreatedAt")) {
t.Errorf("\ngot %+v\nwant %+v", got, want)
var wantGHSARecs []*store.GHSARecord
for _, r := range grs {
copy := *r
wantGHSARecs = append(wantGHSARecs, &copy)
wantGHSARecs[0].TriageState = store.TriageStateIssueCreated
wantGHSARecs[0].IssueReference = ""
// A report already exists for GHSA "g5".
wantGHSARecs[4].TriageState = store.TriageStateHasVuln
gotGHSARecs := getGHSARecordsSorted(t, mstore)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", gotGHSARecs[0])
if diff := cmp.Diff(wantGHSARecs, gotGHSARecs,
cmpopts.IgnoreFields(store.GHSARecord{}, "IssueCreatedAt")); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("mismatch (-want, +got):\n%s", diff)
func TestNewCVEBody(t *testing.T) {
r := &store.CVERecord{
ID: "ID1",
Module: "a.Module",
CVE: &cveschema.CVE{
Description: cveschema.Description{
Data: []cveschema.LangString{{
Lang: "eng",
Value: "a description",
rep := &report.Report{
Modules: []*report.Module{{Module: "a.Module"}},
CVEs: []string{"ID1"},
GHSAs: []string{},
pc, err := proxy.NewTestClient(t, *realProxy)
if err != nil {
got, err := newCVEBody(r, map[string]*report.Report{"data/reports/GO-9999-0002.yaml": rep}, pc)
if err != nil {
want := `ID1 references [a.Module](https://a.Module), which may be a Go module.
a description
- Imported by:
Cross references:
- ID1 appears in issue #2
- Module a.Module appears in issue #2
See [doc/]( for instructions on how to triage this report.
` + "```" + `
- module: a.Module
- package: a.Module
- ID1
` + "```"
if diff := cmp.Diff(unindent(want), got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("mismatch (-want, +got):\n%s", diff)
func TestCreateGHSABody(t *testing.T) {
r := &store.GHSARecord{
GHSA: &ghsa.SecurityAdvisory{
ID: "G1",
Identifiers: []ghsa.Identifier{{Type: "GHSA", Value: "G1"}},
Permalink: "",
Description: "a description",
Vulns: []*ghsa.Vuln{{
Package: "aPackage",
EarliestFixedVersion: "1.2.3",
VulnerableVersionRange: "< 1.2.3",
rep := &report.Report{
Excluded: "EXCLUDED",
GHSAs: []string{"G1"},
pc, err := proxy.NewTestClient(t, *realProxy)
if err != nil {
got, err := CreateGHSABody(r.GHSA, map[string]*report.Report{"data/excluded/GO-9999-0001.yaml": rep}, pc)
if err != nil {
want := `In GitHub Security Advisory [G1](, there is a vulnerability in the following Go packages or modules:
| Unit | Fixed | Vulnerable Ranges |
| - | - | - |
| [aPackage]( | 1.2.3 | < 1.2.3 |
Cross references:
- G1 appears in issue #1 EXCLUDED
See [doc/]( for instructions on how to triage this report.
` + "```" + `
- module: aPackage
- fixed: 1.2.3
- package: aPackage
- G1
` + "```"
if diff := cmp.Diff(unindent(want), got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("mismatch (-want, +got):\n%s", diff)
// unindent removes leading whitespace from s.
// It first finds the line beginning with the fewest space and tab characters.
// It then removes that many characters from every line.
func unindent(s string) string {
lines := strings.Split(s, "\n")
min := math.MaxInt
for _, l := range lines {
if len(l) == 0 {
n := 0
for _, r := range l {
if r != ' ' && r != '\t' {
if n < min {
min = n
for i, l := range lines {
if len(l) > 0 {
lines[i] = l[min:]
return strings.Join(lines, "\n")
func day(year, month, day int) time.Time {
return time.Date(year, time.Month(month), day, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
func TestUpdateGHSAs(t *testing.T) {
ctx := event.WithExporter(context.Background(),
event.NewExporter(log.NewLineHandler(os.Stderr), nil))
sas := []*ghsa.SecurityAdvisory{
ID: "g1",
UpdatedAt: day(2021, 10, 1),
ID: "g2",
UpdatedAt: day(2021, 11, 1),
ID: "g3",
UpdatedAt: day(2021, 12, 1),
ID: "g4",
Identifiers: []ghsa.Identifier{{Type: "CVE", Value: "CVE-2000-1111"}},
UpdatedAt: day(2021, 12, 1),
ID: "g5",
Identifiers: []ghsa.Identifier{{Type: "CVE", Value: "CVE-2000-2222"}},
UpdatedAt: day(2021, 12, 1),
mstore := store.NewMemStore()
listSAs := fakeListFunc(sas)
updateAndCheck := func(wantStats UpdateGHSAStats, wantRecords []*store.GHSARecord) {
gotStats, err := UpdateGHSAs(ctx, listSAs, mstore)
if err != nil {
if gotStats != wantStats {
t.Errorf("\ngot %+v\nwant %+v", gotStats, wantStats)
gotRecords := getGHSARecordsSorted(t, mstore)
if diff := cmp.Diff(wantRecords, gotRecords); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("mismatch (-want, +got):\n%s", diff)
// Add some existing CVE records.
ctime := time.Date(2020, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
crs := []*store.CVERecord{
ID: "CVE-2000-1111",
BlobHash: "bh1",
CommitHash: "ch",
CommitTime: ctime,
Path: "path1",
TriageState: store.TriageStateNoActionNeeded,
ID: "CVE-2000-2222",
BlobHash: "bh2",
CommitHash: "ch",
CommitTime: ctime,
Path: "path2",
TriageState: store.TriageStateIssueCreated,
createCVERecords(t, mstore, crs)
// First four SAs entered with NeedsIssue.
var want []*store.GHSARecord
for _, sa := range sas[:4] {
want = append(want, &store.GHSARecord{
GHSA: sa,
TriageState: store.TriageStateNeedsIssue,
// SA "g5" entered with Alias state because it is an alias of
// "CVE-2000-2222" which already has an issue.
want = append(want, &store.GHSARecord{
GHSA: sas[4],
TriageState: store.TriageStateAlias,
updateAndCheck(UpdateGHSAStats{5, 5, 0}, want)
// New SA added, old one updated.
sas[0] = &ghsa.SecurityAdvisory{
ID: sas[0].ID,
UpdatedAt: day(2021, 12, 2),
want[0].GHSA = sas[0]
sas = append(sas, &ghsa.SecurityAdvisory{
ID: "g6",
UpdatedAt: day(2021, 12, 2),
listSAs = fakeListFunc(sas)
want = append(want, &store.GHSARecord{
GHSA: sas[len(sas)-1],
TriageState: store.TriageStateNeedsIssue,
// Next update processes two SAs, modifies one and adds one.
updateAndCheck(UpdateGHSAStats{2, 1, 1}, want)
func getGHSARecordsSorted(t *testing.T, st store.Store) []*store.GHSARecord {
rs, err := getGHSARecords(context.Background(), st)
if err != nil {
sort.Slice(rs, func(i, j int) bool { return rs[i].GHSA.ID < rs[j].GHSA.ID })
return rs
func fakeListFunc(sas []*ghsa.SecurityAdvisory) GHSAListFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, since time.Time) ([]*ghsa.SecurityAdvisory, error) {
var rs []*ghsa.SecurityAdvisory
for _, sa := range sas {
if !sa.UpdatedAt.Before(since) {
rs = append(rs, sa)
return rs, nil
func TestYearLabel(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
input, want string
{"CVE-2022-24726", "cve-year-2022"},
{"CVE-2021-24726", "cve-year-2021"},
{"CVE-2020-24726", "cve-year-2020"},
{"CVE-2019-9741", "cve-year-2019-and-earlier"},
{"GHSA-p93v-m2r2-4387", ""},
} {
if got := yearLabel(test.input); got != test.want {
t.Errorf("yearLabel(%q): %q; want = %q", test.input, got, test.want)