blob: 185fc333d00d539fd7a707222bb249bf50cf88ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
type unexclude struct {
gc *ghsa.Client
pc *proxy.Client
ac *genai.GeminiClient
func (unexclude) name() string { return "unexclude" }
func (unexclude) usage() (string, string) {
const desc = "converts excluded YAML reports to regular YAML reports"
return filenameArgs, desc
func (u *unexclude) setup(ctx context.Context) error {
u.gc = ghsa.NewClient(ctx, *githubToken)
u.pc = proxy.NewDefaultClient()
if *useAI {
ac, err := genai.NewGeminiClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
} = ac
return nil
func (u *unexclude) close() error {
if != nil {
return nil
// unexclude converts an excluded report into a regular report.
func (u *unexclude) run(ctx context.Context, filename string) (err error) {
r, err := report.Read(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
if !r.IsExcluded() {
log.Infof("report %s is not excluded, can't unexclude", r.ID)
return nil
// Usually, we only unexclude reports that are effectively private or not importable.
if r.Excluded != "EFFECTIVELY_PRIVATE" && r.Excluded != "NOT_IMPORTABLE" {
if *force {
log.Warnf("report %s is excluded for reason %q, but -f was specified, continuing", r.ID, r.Excluded)
} else {
log.Infof("report %s is excluded for reason %q - we don't unexclude these report types (use -f to force)", r.ID, r.Excluded)
return nil
log.Infof("creating regular report based on excluded report %s", filename)
aliases := r.Aliases()
id := r.ID
var modulePath string
if len(r.Modules) > 0 {
modulePath = r.Modules[0].Module
newR := reportFromAliases(ctx, id, modulePath, aliases, u.pc, u.gc,
// Remove description because this is a "basic" report.
newR.Description = ""
hasLints := newR.LintAsNotes(u.pc)
if err := os.Remove(filename); err != nil {
log.Errf("could not remove excluded report: %v", err)
log.Infof("removed excluded report %s", filename)
newFilename, err := writeReport(newR)
if err != nil {
return err
if hasLints {
log.Warnf("unexcluded report %s has lint errors that need to be fixed manually", newFilename)
return nil