blob: d89d50733a0b78de24ecae2699be2301c37946e7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Test of passing a non-file to -mode=binary
$ govulncheck -mode=binary notafile --> FAIL 2
"notafile" is not a file
# Test of passing a non-binary file to -mode=binary
$ govulncheck -mode=binary ${moddir}/vuln/go.mod --> FAIL 1
govulncheck is an experimental tool. Share feedback at
Using govulncheck@v0.0.0-00000000000-20000101010101 with vulnerability data from testdata/vulndb-v1 (last modified 01 Jan 21 00:00 UTC).
Scanning your binary for known vulnerabilities...
govulncheck: could not parse provided binary: unrecognized file format
# Test of trying to analyze multiple binaries
$ govulncheck -mode=binary ${vuln_binary} ${vuln_binary} --> FAIL 2
only 1 binary can be analyzed at a time
# Test of trying to run -mode=binary with -tags flag
$ govulncheck -tags=foo -mode=binary ${vuln_binary} --> FAIL 2
the -tags flag is not supported in binary mode
# Test of trying to run -mode=binary with the -test flag
$ govulncheck -test -mode=binary ${vuln_binary} --> FAIL 2
the -test flag is not supported in binary mode