blob: f29dffa213587c995bf34c14e05e71465c7fb9b4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.18
// +build go1.18
package buildinfo
// Addition: this file is a trimmed and slightly modified version of debug/buildinfo/buildinfo.go
import (
// "internal/xcoff"
// Addition: modification of rawBuildInfo in the original file.
// openExe returns reader r as an exe.
func openExe(r io.ReaderAt) (exe, error) {
data := make([]byte, 16)
if _, err := r.ReadAt(data, 0); err != nil {
return nil, err
if bytes.HasPrefix(data, []byte("\x7FELF")) {
e, err := elf.NewFile(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &elfExe{f: e}, nil
if bytes.HasPrefix(data, []byte("MZ")) {
e, err := pe.NewFile(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &peExe{r: r, f: e}, nil
if bytes.HasPrefix(data, []byte("\xFE\xED\xFA")) || bytes.HasPrefix(data[1:], []byte("\xFA\xED\xFE")) {
e, err := macho.NewFile(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &machoExe{f: e}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized executable format")
type exe interface {
// ReadData reads and returns up to size byte starting at virtual address addr.
ReadData(addr, size uint64) ([]byte, error)
// DataStart returns the virtual address of the segment or section that
// should contain build information. This is either a specially named section
// or the first writable non-zero data segment.
DataStart() uint64
PCLNTab() ([]byte, uint64) // Addition: for constructing symbol table
SymbolInfo(name string) (uint64, uint64, io.ReaderAt, error) // Addition: for inlining purposes
// elfExe is the ELF implementation of the exe interface.
type elfExe struct {
f *elf.File
symbols map[string]*elf.Symbol // Addition: symbols in the binary
symbolsOnce sync.Once // Addition: for computing symbols
symbolsErr error // Addition: error for computing symbols
func (x *elfExe) ReadData(addr, size uint64) ([]byte, error) {
for _, prog := range x.f.Progs {
if prog.Vaddr <= addr && addr <= prog.Vaddr+prog.Filesz-1 {
n := prog.Vaddr + prog.Filesz - addr
if n > size {
n = size
data := make([]byte, n)
_, err := prog.ReadAt(data, int64(addr-prog.Vaddr))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("address not mapped") // Addition: custom error
func (x *elfExe) DataStart() uint64 {
for _, s := range x.f.Sections {
if s.Name == ".go.buildinfo" {
return s.Addr
for _, p := range x.f.Progs {
if p.Type == elf.PT_LOAD && p.Flags&(elf.PF_X|elf.PF_W) == elf.PF_W {
return p.Vaddr
return 0
// peExe is the PE (Windows Portable Executable) implementation of the exe interface.
type peExe struct {
r io.ReaderAt
f *pe.File
symbols map[string]*pe.Symbol // Addition: symbols in the binary
symbolsOnce sync.Once // Addition: for computing symbols
symbolsErr error // Addition: error for computing symbols
func (x *peExe) imageBase() uint64 {
switch oh := x.f.OptionalHeader.(type) {
case *pe.OptionalHeader32:
return uint64(oh.ImageBase)
case *pe.OptionalHeader64:
return oh.ImageBase
return 0
func (x *peExe) ReadData(addr, size uint64) ([]byte, error) {
addr -= x.imageBase()
for _, sect := range x.f.Sections {
if uint64(sect.VirtualAddress) <= addr && addr <= uint64(sect.VirtualAddress+sect.Size-1) {
n := uint64(sect.VirtualAddress+sect.Size) - addr
if n > size {
n = size
data := make([]byte, n)
_, err := sect.ReadAt(data, int64(addr-uint64(sect.VirtualAddress)))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("address not mapped") // Addition: custom error
func (x *peExe) DataStart() uint64 {
// Assume data is first writable section.
const (
IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE = 0x00000020
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ = 0x40000000
IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE = 0x80000000
for _, sect := range x.f.Sections {
if sect.VirtualAddress != 0 && sect.Size != 0 &&
return uint64(sect.VirtualAddress) + x.imageBase()
return 0
// machoExe is the Mach-O (Apple macOS/iOS) implementation of the exe interface.
type machoExe struct {
f *macho.File
symbols map[string]*macho.Symbol // Addition: symbols in the binary
symbolsOnce sync.Once // Addition: for computing symbols
symbolsErr error // Addition: error for computing symbols
func (x *machoExe) ReadData(addr, size uint64) ([]byte, error) {
for _, load := range x.f.Loads {
seg, ok := load.(*macho.Segment)
if !ok {
if seg.Addr <= addr && addr <= seg.Addr+seg.Filesz-1 {
if seg.Name == "__PAGEZERO" {
n := seg.Addr + seg.Filesz - addr
if n > size {
n = size
data := make([]byte, n)
_, err := seg.ReadAt(data, int64(addr-seg.Addr))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("address not mapped") // Addition: custom error
func (x *machoExe) DataStart() uint64 {
// Look for section named "__go_buildinfo".
for _, sec := range x.f.Sections {
if sec.Name == "__go_buildinfo" {
return sec.Addr
// Try the first non-empty writable segment.
const RW = 3
for _, load := range x.f.Loads {
seg, ok := load.(*macho.Segment)
if ok && seg.Addr != 0 && seg.Filesz != 0 && seg.Prot == RW && seg.Maxprot == RW {
return seg.Addr
return 0