blob: a2747e0e6288f64df689a1c6f4e7a8ef223747c9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Test of explicit text format
$ govulncheck -C ${moddir}/informational -format text .
=== Symbol Results ===
No vulnerabilities found.
Your code is affected by 0 vulnerabilities.
This scan also found 1 vulnerability in packages you import and 0
vulnerabilities in modules you require, but your code doesn't appear to call
these vulnerabilities.
Use '-show verbose' for more details.
# Test of explicit json format
$ govulncheck -C ${moddir}/informational -format json
"config": {
"protocol_version": "v1.0.0",
"scanner_name": "govulncheck",
"scanner_version": "v0.0.0-00000000000-20000101010101",
"db": "testdata/vulndb-v1",
"db_last_modified": "2023-04-03T15:57:51Z",
"go_version": "go1.18",
"scan_level": "symbol",
"scan_mode": "source"