blob: 00101653e0a25bdfb7a126123ab2cf3952f05091 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package sarif
import (
// handler for sarif output.
type handler struct {
w io.Writer
cfg *govulncheck.Config
osvs map[string]*osv.Entry
// findings contains same-level findings for an
// OSV at the most precise level of granularity
// available. This means, for instance, that if
// an osv is indeed called, then all findings for
// the osv will have call stack info.
findings map[string][]*govulncheck.Finding
binary bool
func NewHandler(w io.Writer) *handler {
return &handler{
w: w,
osvs: make(map[string]*osv.Entry),
findings: make(map[string][]*govulncheck.Finding),
func (h *handler) Config(c *govulncheck.Config) error {
h.cfg = c
return nil
func (h *handler) Progress(p *govulncheck.Progress) error {
return nil // not needed by sarif
func (h *handler) OSV(e *osv.Entry) error {
h.osvs[e.ID] = e
return nil
// moreSpecific favors a call finding over a non-call
// finding and a package finding over a module finding.
func moreSpecific(f1, f2 *govulncheck.Finding) int {
if len(f1.Trace) > 1 && len(f2.Trace) > 1 {
// Both are call stack findings.
return 0
if len(f1.Trace) > 1 {
return -1
if len(f2.Trace) > 1 {
return 1
fr1, fr2 := f1.Trace[0], f2.Trace[0]
if fr1.Function != "" && fr2.Function == "" {
return -1
if fr1.Function == "" && fr2.Function != "" {
return 1
if fr1.Package != "" && fr2.Package == "" {
return -1
if fr1.Package == "" && fr2.Package != "" {
return -1
return 0 // findings always have module info
func (h *handler) Finding(f *govulncheck.Finding) error {
fs := h.findings[f.OSV]
if len(fs) == 0 {
fs = []*govulncheck.Finding{f}
} else {
if ms := moreSpecific(f, fs[0]); ms == -1 {
// The new finding is more specific, so we need
// to erase existing findings and add the new one.
fs = []*govulncheck.Finding{f}
} else if ms == 0 {
// The new finding is equal to an existing one and
// because of the invariant on h.findings, it is
// also equal to all existing ones.
fs = append(fs, f)
// Otherwise, the new finding is at a less precise level.
h.findings[f.OSV] = fs
return nil
// Flush is used to print out to w the sarif json output.
// This is needed as sarif is not streamed.
func (h *handler) Flush() error {
sLog := toSarif(h)
s, err := json.MarshalIndent(sLog, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func toSarif(h *handler) Log {
cfg := h.cfg
r := Run{
Tool: Tool{
Driver: Driver{
Name: cfg.ScannerName,
Version: cfg.ScannerVersion,
InformationURI: "",
Properties: *cfg,
Rules: rules(h),
Results: results(h),
return Log{
Version: "2.1.0",
Schema: "",
Runs: []Run{r},
func rules(h *handler) []Rule {
var rs []Rule
for id := range h.findings {
osv := h.osvs[id]
// s is either summary if it exists, or details
// otherwise. Govulncheck text does the same.
s := osv.Summary
if s == "" {
s = osv.Details
rs = append(rs, Rule{
ID: osv.ID,
ShortDescription: Description{Text: fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s", osv.ID, s)},
FullDescription: Description{Text: s},
HelpURI: fmt.Sprintf("", osv.ID),
Help: Description{Text: osv.Details},
Properties: RuleTags{Tags: osv.Aliases},
sort.SliceStable(rs, func(i, j int) bool { return rs[i].ID < rs[j].ID })
return rs
func results(h *handler) []Result {
var results []Result
for _, fs := range h.findings {
var locs []Location
if h.cfg.ScanMode != govulncheck.ScanModeBinary {
// Attach result to the go.mod file for source analysis.
// But there is no such place for binaries.
locs = []Location{{PhysicalLocation: PhysicalLocation{
// TODO: add artifact location for go.mod
Region: Region{StartLine: 1}, // for now, point to the first line
res := Result{
RuleID: fs[0].OSV,
Level: level(fs[0], h.cfg),
Message: Description{Text: resultMessage(fs, h.cfg)},
Stacks: stacks(fs),
CodeFlows: codeFlows(fs),
Locations: locs,
results = append(results, res)
sort.SliceStable(results, func(i, j int) bool { return results[i].RuleID < results[j].RuleID }) // for deterministic output
return results
func resultMessage(findings []*govulncheck.Finding, cfg *govulncheck.Config) string {
// We can infer the findings' level by just looking at the
// top trace frame of any finding.
frame := findings[0].Trace[0]
uniqueElems := make(map[string]bool)
if frame.Function == "" && frame.Package == "" { // module level findings
for _, f := range findings {
uniqueElems[f.Trace[0].Module] = true
} else { // symbol and package level findings
for _, f := range findings {
uniqueElems[f.Trace[0].Package] = true
var elems []string
for e := range uniqueElems {
elems = append(elems, e)
l := len(elems)
elemList := list(elems)
main, addition := "", ""
const runCallAnalysis = "Run the call-level analysis to understand whether your code actually calls the vulnerabilities."
switch {
case frame.Function != "":
main = fmt.Sprintf("calls vulnerable functions in %d package%s (%s).", l, choose("", "s", l == 1), elemList)
case frame.Package != "":
main = fmt.Sprintf("imports %d vulnerable package%s (%s)", l, choose("", "s", l == 1), elemList)
addition = choose(", but doesn’t appear to call any of the vulnerable symbols.", ". "+runCallAnalysis, cfg.ScanLevel.WantSymbols())
main = fmt.Sprintf("depends on %d vulnerable module%s (%s)", l, choose("", "s", l == 1), elemList)
informational := ", but doesn't appear to " + choose("call", "import", cfg.ScanLevel.WantSymbols()) + " any of the vulnerable symbols."
addition = choose(informational, ". "+runCallAnalysis, cfg.ScanLevel.WantPackages())
return fmt.Sprintf("Your code %s%s", main, addition)
const (
errorLevel = "error"
warningLevel = "warning"
informationalLevel = "note"
func level(f *govulncheck.Finding, cfg *govulncheck.Config) string {
fr := f.Trace[0]
switch {
case cfg.ScanLevel.WantSymbols():
if fr.Function != "" {
return errorLevel
if fr.Package != "" {
return warningLevel
return informationalLevel
case cfg.ScanLevel.WantPackages():
if fr.Package != "" {
return errorLevel
return warningLevel
return errorLevel
func stacks(fs []*govulncheck.Finding) []Stack {
if fs[0].Trace[0].Function == "" { // not call level findings
return nil
var stacks []Stack
for _, f := range fs {
stacks = append(stacks, stack(f))
// Sort stacks for deterministic output. We sort by message
// which is effectively sorting by full symbol name. The
// performance should not be an issue here.
sort.SliceStable(stacks, func(i, j int) bool { return stacks[i].Message.Text < stacks[j].Message.Text })
return stacks
// stack transforms call stack in f to a sarif stack.
func stack(f *govulncheck.Finding) Stack {
trace := f.Trace
var frames []Frame
for i := len(trace) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { // vulnerable symbol is at the top frame
frame := trace[i]
pos := govulncheck.Position{}
if frame.Position != nil {
pos = *frame.Position
frames = append(frames, Frame{
Module: frame.Module,
Location: Location{
Message: Description{Text: symbol(frame)}, // show the (full) symbol name
PhysicalLocation: PhysicalLocation{
// TODO: add artifact location
Region: Region{
StartLine: pos.Line,
StartColumn: pos.Column,
return Stack{
Frames: frames,
Message: Description{Text: fmt.Sprintf("A call stack for vulnerable function %s", symbol(trace[0]))},
func codeFlows(fs []*govulncheck.Finding) []CodeFlow {
if fs[0].Trace[0].Function == "" { // not call level findings
return nil
// group call stacks per symbol. There should
// be one call stack currently per symbol, but
// this might change in the future.
m := make(map[govulncheck.Frame][]*govulncheck.Finding)
for _, f := range fs {
// fr.Position is currently the position
// of the definition of the vuln symbol
fr := *f.Trace[0]
m[fr] = append(m[fr], f)
var codeFlows []CodeFlow
for fr, fs := range m {
tfs := threadFlows(fs)
codeFlows = append(codeFlows, CodeFlow{
ThreadFlows: tfs,
// TODO: should we instead show the message from govulncheck text output?
Message: Description{Text: fmt.Sprintf("A summarized code flow for vulnerable function %s", symbol(&fr))},
// Sort flows for deterministic output. We sort by message
// which is effectively sorting by full symbol name. The
// performance should not be an issue here.
sort.SliceStable(codeFlows, func(i, j int) bool { return codeFlows[i].Message.Text < codeFlows[j].Message.Text })
return codeFlows
func threadFlows(fs []*govulncheck.Finding) []ThreadFlow {
var tfs []ThreadFlow
for _, f := range fs {
trace := traces.Compact(f)
var tf []ThreadFlowLocation
for i := len(trace) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { // vulnerable symbol is at the top frame
// TODO: should we, similar to govulncheck text output, only
// mention three elements of the compact trace?
frame := trace[i]
pos := govulncheck.Position{}
if frame.Position != nil {
pos = *frame.Position
tf = append(tf, ThreadFlowLocation{
Module: frame.Module,
Location: Location{
Message: Description{Text: symbol(frame)}, // show the (full) symbol name
PhysicalLocation: PhysicalLocation{
// TODO: add artifact location
Region: Region{
StartLine: pos.Line,
StartColumn: pos.Column,
tfs = append(tfs, ThreadFlow{Locations: tf})
return tfs