blob: 1853e8f20f5b6933216da3198716bd1ff04703e5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Test of missing go.mod error message.
$ govulncheck -C ${moddir}/nogomod . --> FAIL 1
govulncheck: no go.mod file
govulncheck only works with Go modules. Try navigating to your module directory.
Otherwise, run go mod init to make your project a module.
See for more information.
# Test of handing a binary to source mode
$ govulncheck ${vuln_binary} --> FAIL 2
govulncheck: myfile is a file.
By default, govulncheck runs source analysis on Go modules.
Did you mean to run govulncheck with -mode=binary?
For details, run govulncheck -h.
# Test of handing an invalid package pattern to source mode
$ govulncheck -C ${moddir}/vuln blah --> FAIL 1
govulncheck: loading packages:
There are errors with the provided package patterns:
-: package foo is not in GOROOT (/tmp/foo)
For details on package patterns, see