blob: 86bd89b57d0c005a5d41745cdc4bf03ec6093894 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package vulncheck detects uses of known vulnerabilities
// in Go binaries and source code.
package vulncheck
import (
// Config is used for configuring vulncheck algorithms.
type Config struct {
// ImportsOnly flag, if true, signals vulncheck to analyze import chains only.
// Otherwise, call chains are analyzed too.
ImportsOnly bool
// Client is used for querying data from a vulnerability database.
Client client.Client
// Package models Go package for vulncheck analysis. A version
// of packages.Package trimmed down to reduce memory consumption.
type Package struct {
Name string
PkgPath string
Imports []*Package
Pkg *types.Package
Fset *token.FileSet
Syntax []*ast.File
TypesInfo *types.Info
Module *Module
// Module models Go module for vulncheck analysis.
type Module struct {
Path string
Version string
Dir string
Replace *Module
// Convert converts a slice of packages.Package to
// a slice of corresponding vulncheck.Package.
func Convert(pkgs []*packages.Package) []*Package {
ms := make(map[*packages.Module]*Module)
var mod func(*packages.Module) *Module
mod = func(m *packages.Module) *Module {
if m == nil {
return nil
if vm, ok := ms[m]; ok {
return vm
vm := &Module{
Path: m.Path,
Version: m.Version,
Dir: m.Dir,
Replace: mod(m.Replace),
ms[m] = vm
return vm
ps := make(map[*packages.Package]*Package)
var pkg func(*packages.Package) *Package
pkg = func(p *packages.Package) *Package {
if vp, ok := ps[p]; ok {
return vp
vp := &Package{
Name: p.Name,
PkgPath: p.PkgPath,
Pkg: p.Types,
Fset: p.Fset,
Syntax: p.Syntax,
TypesInfo: p.TypesInfo,
Module: mod(p.Module),
ps[p] = vp
for _, i := range p.Imports {
vp.Imports = append(vp.Imports, pkg(i))
return vp
var vpkgs []*Package
for _, p := range pkgs {
vpkgs = append(vpkgs, pkg(p))
return vpkgs
// Result contains information on which vulnerabilities are potentially affecting
// user code and how are they affecting it via call graph, package imports graph,
// and module requires graph.
type Result struct {
// Calls is a call graph whose roots are program entry functions/methods and
// sinks are vulnerable functions/methods. Empty when Config.ImportsOnly=true
// or when no vulnerable symbols are reachable via program call graph.
Calls *CallGraph
// Imports is a package dependency graph whose roots are entry user packages
// and sinks are the packages with some vulnerable symbols. Empty when no
// packages with some vulnerabilities are imported in the program.
Imports *ImportGraph
// Requires is a module dependency graph whose roots are entry user modules
// and sinks are modules with some vulnerable packages. Empty when no modules
// with some vulnerabilities are required by the program.
Requires *RequireGraph
// Vulns contains information on detected vulnerabilities and their place in
// the above graphs. Only vulnerabilities whose symbols are reachable in Calls,
// or whose packages are imported in Imports, or whose modules are required in
// Requires, have an entry in Vulns.
Vulns []*Vuln
// Vuln provides information on how a vulnerability is affecting user code by
// connecting it to the Result.{Calls,Imports,Requires} graphs. Vulnerabilities
// detected in Go binaries do not have a place in the Result graphs.
type Vuln struct {
// The next four fields identify a vulnerability. Note that *osv.Entry
// describes potentially multiple symbols from multiple packages.
// OSV contains information on detected vulnerability in the shared
// vulnerability format.
OSV *osv.Entry
// Symbol is the name of the detected vulnerable function or method.
Symbol string
// PkgPath is the package path of the detected Symbol.
PkgPath string
// ModPath is the module path corresponding to PkgPath.
ModPath string
// CallSink is the ID of the sink node in Calls graph corresponding to
// the use of Symbol. ID is not available (denoted with 0) in binary mode,
// or if Symbol is not reachable, or if Config.ImportsOnly=true.
CallSink int
// ImportSink is the ID of the sink node in the Imports graph corresponding
// to the import of PkgPath. ID is not available (denoted with 0) in binary
// mode or if PkgPath is not imported.
ImportSink int
// RequireSink is the ID of the sink node in Requires graph corresponding
// to the require statement of ModPath. ID is not available (denoted with 0)
// in binary mode.
RequireSink int
// CallGraph is a slice of a full program call graph whose sinks are conceptually
// vulnerable functions and sources are entry points of user packages. In order to
// support succinct traversal of the slice related to a particular vulnerability,
// CallGraph is technically backwards directed, i.e., from a vulnerable function
// towards the program entry functions (see FuncNode).
type CallGraph struct {
// Funcs contains all call graph nodes as a map: func node id -> func node.
Funcs map[int]*FuncNode
// Entries are a subset of Funcs representing vulncheck entry points.
Entries []*FuncNode
type FuncNode struct {
ID int
Name string
// RecvType is the receiver object type of this function, if any.
RecvType string
PkgPath string
Pos *token.Position
// CallSites is a set of call sites where this function is called.
CallSites []*CallSite
type CallSite struct {
// Parent is ID of the enclosing function where the call is made.
Parent int
// Name stands for the name of the function (variable) being called.
Name string
// RecvType is the full path of the receiver object type, if any.
RecvType string
Pos *token.Position
// Resolved indicates if the called function can be statically resolved.
Resolved bool
// RequireGraph is a slice of a full program module requires graph whose sinks
// are conceptually modules with some known vulnerabilities and sources are modules
// of user entry packages. In order to support succinct traversal of the slice
// related to a particular vulnerability, RequireGraph is technically backwards
// directed, i.e., from a vulnerable module towards the program entry modules (see ModNode).
type RequireGraph struct {
// Modules contains all module nodes as a map: module node id -> module node.
Modules map[int]*ModNode
// Entries are a subset of Modules representing modules of vulncheck entry points.
Entries []*ModNode
type ModNode struct {
ID int
Path string
Version string
// Replace is the ID of the replacement module node, if any.
Replace int
// RequiredBy contains IDs of the modules requiring this module.
RequiredBy []int
// ImportGraph is a slice of a full program package import graph whose sinks are
// conceptually packages with some known vulnerabilities and sources are user
// specified packages. In order to support succinct traversal of the slice related
// to a particular vulnerability, ImportGraph is technically backwards directed,
// i.e., from a vulnerable package towards the program entry packages (see PkgNode).
type ImportGraph struct {
// Packages contains all package nodes as a map: package node id -> package node.
Packages map[int]*PkgNode
// Entries are a subset of Packages representing packages of vulncheck entry points.
Entries []*PkgNode
type PkgNode struct {
ID int
// Name is the package identifier as it appears in the source code.
Name string
Path string
// Module holds ID of the corresponding module (node) in Requires graph.
Module int
// ImportedBy contains IDs of packages directly importing this package.
ImportedBy []int
// pkg is used for connecting package node to module and call graph nodes.
pkg *Package
// moduleVulnerabilities is an internal structure for
// holding and querying vulnerabilities provided by a
// vulnerability database client.
type moduleVulnerabilities []modVulns
// modVulns groups vulnerabilities per module.
type modVulns struct {
mod *Module
vulns []*osv.Entry
func (mv moduleVulnerabilities) Filter(os, arch string) moduleVulnerabilities {
var filteredMod moduleVulnerabilities
for _, mod := range mv {
module := mod.mod
modVersion := module.Version
if module.Replace != nil {
modVersion = module.Replace.Version
// TODO( if modVersion == "", try vcs?
var filteredVulns []*osv.Entry
for _, v := range mod.vulns {
var filteredAffected []osv.Affected
for _, a := range v.Affected {
// A module version is affected if
// - it is included in one of the affected version ranges
// - and module version is not ""
// The latter means the module version is not available, so
// we don't want to spam users with potential false alarms.
// TODO: issue warning for "" cases above?
affected := modVersion != "" && a.Ranges.AffectsSemver(modVersion) && matchesPlatform(os, arch, a.EcosystemSpecific)
if affected {
filteredAffected = append(filteredAffected, a)
if len(filteredAffected) == 0 {
// save the non-empty vulnerability with only
// affected symbols.
newV := *v
newV.Affected = filteredAffected
filteredVulns = append(filteredVulns, &newV)
filteredMod = append(filteredMod, modVulns{
mod: module,
vulns: filteredVulns,
return filteredMod
func matchesPlatform(os, arch string, e osv.EcosystemSpecific) bool {
matchesOS := len(e.GOOS) == 0
matchesArch := len(e.GOARCH) == 0
for _, o := range e.GOOS {
if os == o {
matchesOS = true
for _, a := range e.GOARCH {
if arch == a {
matchesArch = true
return matchesOS && matchesArch
func (mv moduleVulnerabilities) Num() int {
var num int
for _, m := range mv {
num += len(m.vulns)
return num
// VulnsForPackage returns the vulnerabilities for the module which is the most
// specific prefix of importPath, or nil if there is no matching module with
// vulnerabilities.
func (mv moduleVulnerabilities) VulnsForPackage(importPath string) []*osv.Entry {
var mostSpecificMod *modVulns
for _, mod := range mv {
md := mod
if strings.HasPrefix(importPath, md.mod.Path) {
if mostSpecificMod == nil || len(mostSpecificMod.mod.Path) < len(md.mod.Path) {
mostSpecificMod = &md
if mostSpecificMod == nil {
return nil
if mostSpecificMod.mod.Replace != nil {
importPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", mostSpecificMod.mod.Replace.Path, strings.TrimPrefix(importPath, mostSpecificMod.mod.Path))
vulns := mostSpecificMod.vulns
packageVulns := []*osv.Entry{}
for _, v := range vulns {
for _, a := range v.Affected {
if a.Package.Name == importPath {
packageVulns = append(packageVulns, v)
return packageVulns
// VulnsForSymbol returns vulnerabilites for `symbol` in `mv.VulnsForPackage(importPath)`.
func (mv moduleVulnerabilities) VulnsForSymbol(importPath, symbol string) []*osv.Entry {
vulns := mv.VulnsForPackage(importPath)
if vulns == nil {
return nil
symbolVulns := []*osv.Entry{}
for _, v := range vulns {
for _, a := range v.Affected {
if a.Package.Name != importPath {
if len(a.EcosystemSpecific.Symbols) == 0 {
symbolVulns = append(symbolVulns, v)
continue vulnLoop
for _, s := range a.EcosystemSpecific.Symbols {
if s == symbol {
symbolVulns = append(symbolVulns, v)
continue vulnLoop
return symbolVulns
// Vulns returns vulnerabilities for all modules in `mv`.
func (mv moduleVulnerabilities) Vulns() []*osv.Entry {
var vulns []*osv.Entry
seen := make(map[string]bool)
for _, mv := range mv {
for _, v := range mv.vulns {
if !seen[v.ID] {
vulns = append(vulns, v)
seen[v.ID] = true
return vulns