blob: cac1ac381031cdd7b1db26d90769df0d1cf2b733 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vulncheck
import (
// Source detects vulnerabilities in pkgs and computes slices of
// - imports graph related to an import of a package with some
// known vulnerabilities
// - requires graph related to a require of a module with a
// package that has some known vulnerabilities
// - call graph leading to the use of a known vulnerable function
// or method
func Source(pkgs []*Package, cfg *Config) (*Result, error) {
modVulns, err := fetchVulnerabilities(cfg.Client, extractModules(pkgs))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result := &Result{
Imports: &ImportGraph{Packages: make(map[int]*PkgNode)},
Requires: &RequireGraph{Modules: make(map[int]*ModNode)},
Calls: &CallGraph{Funcs: make(map[int]*FuncNode)},
vulnPkgModSlice(pkgs, modVulns, result)
if cfg.ImportsOnly {
return result, nil
prog, ssaPkgs := buildSSA(pkgs)
entries := entryPoints(ssaPkgs)
cg := callGraph(prog, entries)
vulnCallGraphSlice(entries, modVulns, cg, result)
return result, nil
// pkgID is an id counter for nodes of Imports graph.
var pkgID int = 0
func nextPkgID() int {
return pkgID
// vulnPkgModSlice computes the slice of pkgs imports and requires graph
// leading to imports/requires of vulnerable packages/modules in modVulns
// and stores the computed slices to result.
func vulnPkgModSlice(pkgs []*Package, modVulns moduleVulnerabilities, result *Result) {
// analyzedPkgs contains information on packages analyzed thus far.
// If a package is mapped to nil, this means it has been visited
// but it does not lead to a vulnerable imports. Otherwise, a
// visited package is mapped to Imports package node.
analyzedPkgs := make(map[*Package]*PkgNode)
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
// Top level packages that lead to vulnerable imports are
// stored as result.Imports graph entry points.
if e := vulnImportSlice(pkg, modVulns, result, analyzedPkgs); e != nil {
result.Imports.Entries = append(result.Imports.Entries, e)
// Populate module requires slice as an overlay
// of package imports slice.
// vulnImportSlice checks if pkg has some vulnerabilities or transitively imports
// a package with known vulnerabilities. If that is the case, populates result.Imports
// graph with this reachability information and returns the result.Imports package
// node for pkg. Otherwise, returns nil.
func vulnImportSlice(pkg *Package, modVulns moduleVulnerabilities, result *Result, analyzed map[*Package]*PkgNode) *PkgNode {
if pn, ok := analyzed[pkg]; ok {
return pn
analyzed[pkg] = nil
// Recursively compute which direct dependencies lead to an import of
// a vulnerable package and remember the nodes of such dependencies.
var onSlice []*PkgNode
for _, imp := range pkg.Imports {
if impNode := vulnImportSlice(imp, modVulns, result, analyzed); impNode != nil {
onSlice = append(onSlice, impNode)
// Check if pkg has known vulnerabilities.
vulns := modVulns.VulnsForPackage(pkg.PkgPath)
// If pkg is not vulnerable nor it transitively leads
// to vulnerabilities, jump out.
if len(onSlice) == 0 && len(vulns) == 0 {
return nil
// Module id gets populated later.
id := nextPkgID()
pkgNode := &PkgNode{
ID: id,
Name: pkg.Name,
Path: pkg.PkgPath,
pkg: pkg,
analyzed[pkg] = pkgNode
result.Imports.Packages[id] = pkgNode
// Save node predecessor information.
for _, impSliceNode := range onSlice {
impSliceNode.ImportedBy = append(impSliceNode.ImportedBy, id)
// Create Vuln entry for each symbol of known OSV entries for pkg.
for _, osv := range vulns {
for _, affected := range osv.Affected {
if affected.Package.Name != pkgNode.Path {
for _, symbol := range affected.EcosystemSpecific.Symbols {
vuln := &Vuln{
OSV: osv,
Symbol: symbol,
PkgPath: pkgNode.Path,
ImportSink: id,
result.Vulns = append(result.Vulns, vuln)
return pkgNode
// vulnModuleSlice populates result.Requires as an overlay
// of result.Imports.
func vulnModuleSlice(result *Result) {
// Map from module nodes, identified with their
// path and version, to their unique ids.
modNodeIDs := make(map[string]int)
// We first collect inverse requires by (predecessor)
// relation on module node ids.
modPredRelation := make(map[int]map[int]bool)
for _, pkgNode := range result.Imports.Packages {
// Create or get module node for pkgNode.
pkgModID := moduleNodeID(pkgNode, result, modNodeIDs)
pkgNode.Module = pkgModID
// Get the set of predecessors.
predSet := make(map[int]bool)
for _, predPkgID := range pkgNode.ImportedBy {
predModID := moduleNodeID(result.Imports.Packages[predPkgID], result, modNodeIDs)
predSet[predModID] = true
modPredRelation[pkgModID] = predSet
// Store the predecessor requires relation to result.
for modID := range modPredRelation {
if modID == 0 {
var predIDs []int
for predID := range modPredRelation[modID] {
predIDs = append(predIDs, predID)
modNode := result.Requires.Modules[modID]
modNode.RequiredBy = predIDs
// And finally update Vulns with module information.
for _, vuln := range result.Vulns {
pkgNode := result.Imports.Packages[vuln.ImportSink]
modNode := result.Requires.Modules[pkgNode.Module]
vuln.RequireSink = pkgNode.Module
vuln.ModPath = modNode.Path
// modID is an id counter for nodes of Requires graph.
var modID int = 0
func nextModID() int {
return modID
// moduleNode creates a module node associated with pkgNode, if one does
// not exist already, and returns id of the module node. The actual module
// node is stored to result.
func moduleNodeID(pkgNode *PkgNode, result *Result, modNodeIDs map[string]int) int {
mod := pkgNode.pkg.Module
if mod == nil {
return 0
mk := modKey(mod)
if id, ok := modNodeIDs[mk]; ok {
return id
id := nextModID()
n := &ModNode{
ID: id,
Path: mod.Path,
Version: mod.Version,
result.Requires.Modules[id] = n
modNodeIDs[mk] = id
// Create a replace module too when applicable.
if mod.Replace != nil {
rmk := modKey(mod.Replace)
if rid, ok := modNodeIDs[rmk]; ok {
n.Replace = rid
} else {
rid := nextModID()
rn := &ModNode{
Path: mod.Replace.Path,
Version: mod.Replace.Version,
result.Requires.Modules[rid] = rn
modNodeIDs[rmk] = rid
n.Replace = rid
return id
func vulnCallGraphSlice(entries []*ssa.Function, modVulns moduleVulnerabilities, cg *callgraph.Graph, result *Result) {
// analyzedFuncs contains information on functions analyzed thus far.
// If a function is mapped to nil, this means it has been visited
// but it does not lead to a vulnerable call. Otherwise, a visited
// function is mapped to Calls function node.
analyzedFuncs := make(map[*ssa.Function]*FuncNode)
for _, entry := range entries {
// Top level entries that lead to vulnerable calls
// are stored as result.Calls graph entry points.
if e := vulnCallSlice(entry, modVulns, cg, result, analyzedFuncs); e != nil {
result.Calls.Entries = append(result.Calls.Entries, e)
// funID is an id counter for nodes of Calls graph.
var funID int = 0
func nextFunID() int {
return funID
// vulnCallSlice checks if f has some vulnerabilities or transitively calls
// a function with known vulnerabilities. If so, populates result.Calls
// graph with this reachability information and returns the result.Call
// function node. Otherwise, returns nil.
func vulnCallSlice(f *ssa.Function, modVulns moduleVulnerabilities, cg *callgraph.Graph, result *Result, analyzed map[*ssa.Function]*FuncNode) *FuncNode {
if fn, ok := analyzed[f]; ok {
return fn
fn := cg.Nodes[f]
if fn == nil {
return nil
// Check if f has known vulnerabilities.
vulns := modVulns.VulnsForSymbol(f.Package().Pkg.Path(), dbFuncName(f))
var funNode *FuncNode
// If there are vulnerabilities for f, create node for f and
// save it immediatelly. This allows us to include F in the
// slice when analyzing chain V -> F -> V where V is vulnerable.
if len(vulns) > 0 {
funNode = funcNode(f)
analyzed[f] = funNode
// Recursively compute which callees lead to a call of a
// vulnerable function. Remember the nodes of such callees.
type siteNode struct {
call ssa.CallInstruction
fn *FuncNode
var onSlice []siteNode
for _, edge := range fn.Out {
if calleeNode := vulnCallSlice(edge.Callee.Func, modVulns, cg, result, analyzed); calleeNode != nil {
onSlice = append(onSlice, siteNode{call: edge.Site, fn: calleeNode})
// If f is not vulnerable nor it transitively leads
// to vulnerable calls, jump out.
if len(onSlice) == 0 && len(vulns) == 0 {
return nil
// If f is not vulnerable, then at this point it has
// to be on the path leading to a vulnerable call.
if funNode == nil {
funNode = funcNode(f)
analyzed[f] = funNode
result.Calls.Funcs[funNode.ID] = funNode
// Save node predecessor information.
for _, calleeSliceInfo := range onSlice {
call, node :=, calleeSliceInfo.fn
cs := &CallSite{
Parent: funNode.ID,
Name: call.Common().Value.Name(),
RecvType: callRecvType(call),
Resolved: resolved(call),
Pos: instrPosition(call),
node.CallSites = append(node.CallSites, cs)
// Populate CallSink field for each detected vuln symbol.
for _, osv := range vulns {
for _, affected := range osv.Affected {
if affected.Package.Name != funNode.PkgPath {
for _, symbol := range affected.EcosystemSpecific.Symbols {
addCallSinkForVuln(funNode.ID, osv, symbol, funNode.PkgPath, result)
return funNode
func funcNode(f *ssa.Function) *FuncNode {
id := nextFunID()
return &FuncNode{
ID: id,
Name: f.Name(),
PkgPath: f.Package().Pkg.Path(),
RecvType: funcRecvType(f),
Pos: funcPosition(f),
// addCallSinkForVuln adds callID as call sink to vuln of result.Vulns
// identified with <osv, symbol, pkg>.
func addCallSinkForVuln(callID int, osv *osv.Entry, symbol, pkg string, result *Result) {
for _, vuln := range result.Vulns {
if vuln.OSV == osv && vuln.Symbol == symbol && vuln.PkgPath == pkg {
vuln.CallSink = callID