blob: b22e7b8c244d2951e183473adbd8b226869fbbaf [file] [log] [blame]
$ govulncheck -h
govulncheck: identify known vulnerabilities by call graph traversal.
govulncheck [flags] {package pattern...}
govulncheck [flags] {binary path}
-json Print vulnerability findings in JSON format.
-html Generate HTML with the vulnerability findings.
-tags Comma-separated list of build tags.
-tests Boolean flag indicating if test files should be analyzed too.
govulncheck can be used with either one or more package patterns (i.e.
or ./...) or with a single path to a Go binary. In the latter case module and symbol
information will be extracted from the binary in order to detect vulnerable symbols.
The environment variable GOVULNDB can be set to a comma-separated list of vulnerability
database URLs, with http://, https://, or file:// protocols. Entries from multiple
databases are merged.
# Same output as -h, but failure.
$ govulncheck --> FAIL
govulncheck: identify known vulnerabilities by call graph traversal.
govulncheck [flags] {package pattern...}
govulncheck [flags] {binary path}
-json Print vulnerability findings in JSON format.
-html Generate HTML with the vulnerability findings.
-tags Comma-separated list of build tags.
-tests Boolean flag indicating if test files should be analyzed too.
govulncheck can be used with either one or more package patterns (i.e.
or ./...) or with a single path to a Go binary. In the latter case module and symbol
information will be extracted from the binary in order to detect vulnerable symbols.
The environment variable GOVULNDB can be set to a comma-separated list of vulnerability
database URLs, with http://, https://, or file:// protocols. Entries from multiple
databases are merged.