blob: 3edc5d0162034038335ff92b31ce1f48181c70b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package govulncheck
import (
// Support functions for standard library packages.
// These are copied from the internal/stdlib package in the pkgsite repo.
// semverToGoTag returns the Go standard library repository tag corresponding
// to semver, a version string without the initial "v".
// Go tags differ from standard semantic versions in a few ways,
// such as beginning with "go" instead of "v".
func semverToGoTag(v string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(v, "v0.0.0") {
return "master"
// Special case: v1.0.0 => go1.
if v == "v1.0.0" {
return "go1"
if !semver.IsValid(v) {
return fmt.Sprintf("<!%s:invalid semver>", v)
goVersion := semver.Canonical(v)
prerelease := semver.Prerelease(goVersion)
versionWithoutPrerelease := strings.TrimSuffix(goVersion, prerelease)
patch := strings.TrimPrefix(versionWithoutPrerelease, semver.MajorMinor(goVersion)+".")
if patch == "0" {
versionWithoutPrerelease = strings.TrimSuffix(versionWithoutPrerelease, ".0")
goVersion = fmt.Sprintf("go%s", strings.TrimPrefix(versionWithoutPrerelease, "v"))
if prerelease != "" {
// Go prereleases look like "beta1" instead of "beta.1".
// "beta1" is bad for sorting (since beta10 comes before beta9), so
// require the dot form.
i := finalDigitsIndex(prerelease)
if i >= 1 {
if prerelease[i-1] != '.' {
return fmt.Sprintf("<!%s:final digits in a prerelease must follow a period>", v)
// Remove the dot.
prerelease = prerelease[:i-1] + prerelease[i:]
goVersion += strings.TrimPrefix(prerelease, "-")
return goVersion
// finalDigitsIndex returns the index of the first digit in the sequence of digits ending s.
// If s doesn't end in digits, it returns -1.
func finalDigitsIndex(s string) int {
// Assume ASCII (since the semver package does anyway).
var i int
for i = len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if s[i] < '0' || s[i] > '9' {
if i == len(s)-1 {
return -1
return i + 1
// importPathInStdlib reports whether the given import path could be part of the Go standard library,
// by reporting whether the first component lacks a '.'.
func importPathInStdlib(path string) bool {
if i := strings.IndexByte(path, '/'); i != -1 {
path = path[:i]
return !strings.Contains(path, ".")