blob: 18779f709ba2761e93a784f2301e52db0b89d962 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package vex defines the Vulnerability EXchange Format (VEX) types
// supported by govulncheck.
// These types match the OpenVEX standard. See for
// more information on VEX and OpenVEX.
// This is intended to be the minimimal amount of information required to output
// a complete VEX document according to the specification.
package openvex
import "time"
const (
ContextURI = ""
Tooling = ""
Impact = "Govulncheck determined that the vulnerable code isn't called"
DefaultAuthor = "Unknown Author"
DefaultPID = "Unknown Product"
// The following are defined by the VEX standard.
StatusAffected = "affected"
StatusNotAffected = "not_affected"
// The following are defined by the VEX standard.
JustificationNotExecuted = "vulnerable_code_not_in_execute_path"
JustificationNotPresent = "vulnerable_code_not_present"
// Document is the top-level struct for a VEX document.
type Document struct {
// Context is an IRI pointing to the version of openVEX being used by the doc
// For govulncheck, it will always be
Context string `json:"@context,omitempty"`
// ID is the identifying string for the VEX document.
// govulncheck/vex-[content-based-hash]
ID string `json:"@id,omitempty"`
// Author is the identifier for the author of the VEX statement.
// Govulncheck will leave this field default (Unknown author) to be filled in by the user.
Author string `json:"author,omitempty"`
// Timestamp defines the time at which the document was issued.
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
// Version is the document version. For govulncheck's output, this will always be 1.
Version int `json:"version,omitempty"`
// Tooling expresses how the VEX document and contained VEX statements were
// generated. In this case, it will always be:
// ""
Tooling string `json:"tooling,omitempty"`
// Statements are all statements for a given govulncheck output.
// Each OSV emitted by govulncheck will have a corresponding statement.
Statements []Statement `json:"statements,omitempty"`
// Statement conveys a single status for a single vulnerability for one or more products.
type Statement struct {
// Vulnerability is the vuln being referenced by the statement.
Vulnerability Vulnerability `json:"vulnerability,omitempty"`
// Products are the products associated with the given vulnerability in the statement.
Products []Product `json:"products,omitempty"`
// The status of the vulnerability. Will be either not_affected or affected for govulncheck.
Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
// If the status is not_affected, this must be filled. The official VEX justification that
// best matches govulncheck's vuln filtering is "vulnerable_code_not_in_execute_path"
Justification string `json:"justification,omitempty"`
// If the status is not_affected, this must be filled. For govulncheck, this will always be:
// "Govulncheck determined that the vulnerable code isn't called"
ImpactStatement string `json:"impact_statement,omitempty"`
// Vulnerability captures a vulnerability and its identifiers/aliases.
type Vulnerability struct {
// ID is a URI that in govulncheck's case points to the govulndb link for the vulnerability.
// I.E.
ID string `json:"@id,omitempty"`
// Name is the main identifier for the vulnerability (GO-YYYY-XXXX)
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// Description is a short text description of the vulnerability.
// It will be populated from the 'summary' field of the vuln's OSV if it exists,
// and the 'description' field of the osv if a summary isn't present.
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
// Aliases a list of identifiers that other systems are using to track the vulnerability.
// I.E. GHSA or CVE ids.
Aliases []string `json:"aliases,omitempty"`
// Product identifies the products associated with the given vuln.
type Product struct {
// The main product ID will remian default for now.
// The subcomponent ID will be a PURL to the vulnerable dependency.
Subcomponents []Component `json:"subcomponents,omitempty"`
type Component struct {
ID string `json:"@id,omitempty"`