blob: 67cb9a76313dd5ca1379884caa57262e453c9599 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vulncheck
import (
// Source detects vulnerabilities in pkgs and emits the findings to handler.
func Source(ctx context.Context, handler govulncheck.Handler, pkgs []*packages.Package, cfg *govulncheck.Config, client *client.Client, graph *PackageGraph) error {
vr, err := source(ctx, handler, pkgs, cfg, client, graph)
if err != nil {
return err
if cfg.ScanLevel.WantSymbols() {
return emitCallFindings(handler, sourceCallstacks(vr))
return nil
// source detects vulnerabilities in packages. It emits findings to handler
// and produces a Result that contains info on detected vulnerabilities.
// Assumes that pkgs are non-empty and belong to the same program.
func source(ctx context.Context, handler govulncheck.Handler, pkgs []*packages.Package, cfg *govulncheck.Config, client *client.Client, graph *PackageGraph) (*Result, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
fset := pkgs[0].Fset
// If we are building the callgraph, build ssa and the callgraph in parallel
// with fetching vulnerabilities. If the vulns set is empty, return without
// waiting for SSA construction or callgraph to finish.
var (
wg sync.WaitGroup // guards entries, cg, and buildErr
entries []*ssa.Function
cg *callgraph.Graph
buildErr error
if cfg.ScanLevel.WantSymbols() {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
prog, ssaPkgs := buildSSA(pkgs, fset)
entries = entryPoints(ssaPkgs)
cg, buildErr = callGraph(ctx, prog, entries)
var mods []*packages.Module
for _, m := range graph.modules {
mods = append(mods, m)
mv, err := FetchVulnerabilities(ctx, client, mods)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Emit OSV entries immediately in their raw unfiltered form.
if err := emitOSVs(handler, mv); err != nil {
return nil, err
affVulns := affectingVulnerabilities(mv, "", "")
if err := emitModuleFindings(handler, affVulns); err != nil {
return nil, err
result := &Result{}
if !cfg.ScanLevel.WantPackages() || len(affVulns) == 0 {
return result, nil
importedVulnSymbols(pkgs, affVulns, result)
// Emit information on imported vulnerable packages now as
// call graph computation might take a while.
if err := emitPackageFindings(handler, result.Vulns); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Return result immediately if not in symbol mode or
// if there are no vulnerabilities imported.
if !cfg.ScanLevel.WantSymbols() || len(result.Vulns) == 0 {
return result, nil
wg.Wait() // wait for build to finish
if buildErr != nil {
return nil, err
calledVulnSymbols(entries, affVulns, cg, result, graph)
return result, nil
// importedVulnSymbols detects imported vulnerable symbols.
func importedVulnSymbols(pkgs []*packages.Package, affVulns affectingVulns, result *Result) {
analyzed := make(map[*packages.Package]bool) // skip analyzing the same package multiple times
var vulnImports func(pkg *packages.Package)
vulnImports = func(pkg *packages.Package) {
if analyzed[pkg] {
vulns := affVulns.ForPackage(pkg.PkgPath)
// Create Vuln entry for each symbol of known OSV entries for pkg.
for _, osv := range vulns {
for _, affected := range osv.Affected {
for _, p := range affected.EcosystemSpecific.Packages {
if p.Path != pkg.PkgPath {
symbols := p.Symbols
if len(symbols) == 0 {
symbols = allSymbols(pkg.Types)
for _, symbol := range symbols {
vuln := &Vuln{
OSV: osv,
Symbol: symbol,
Package: pkg,
result.Vulns = append(result.Vulns, vuln)
analyzed[pkg] = true
for _, imp := range pkg.Imports {
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
// calledVulnSymbols checks if imported vuln symbols are transitively reachable from sources
// via call graph cg.
// If so, a slice of call graph is computed related to the reachable vulnerabilities. Each
// reachable Vuln has attached FuncNode that can be upward traversed to entry points saved
// to result.EntryFunctions.
func calledVulnSymbols(sources []*ssa.Function, affVulns affectingVulns, cg *callgraph.Graph, result *Result, graph *PackageGraph) {
sinksWithVulns := vulnFuncs(cg, affVulns)
// Compute call graph backwards reachable
// from vulnerable functions and methods.
var sinks []*callgraph.Node
for n := range sinksWithVulns {
sinks = append(sinks, n)
bcg := callGraphSlice(sinks, false)
// Interesect backwards call graph with forward
// reachable graph to remove redundant edges.
var filteredSources []*callgraph.Node
for _, e := range sources {
if n, ok := bcg.Nodes[e]; ok {
filteredSources = append(filteredSources, n)
fcg := callGraphSlice(filteredSources, true)
// Get the sinks that are in fact reachable from entry points.
filteredSinks := make(map[*callgraph.Node][]*osv.Entry)
for n, vs := range sinksWithVulns {
if fn, ok := fcg.Nodes[n.Func]; ok {
filteredSinks[fn] = vs
// Transform the resulting call graph slice into
// vulncheck representation and store it to result.
vulnCallGraph(filteredSources, filteredSinks, result, graph)
// callGraphSlice computes a slice of callgraph beginning at starts
// in the direction (forward/backward) controlled by forward flag.
func callGraphSlice(starts []*callgraph.Node, forward bool) *callgraph.Graph {
g := &callgraph.Graph{Nodes: make(map[*ssa.Function]*callgraph.Node)}
visited := make(map[*callgraph.Node]bool)
var visit func(*callgraph.Node)
visit = func(n *callgraph.Node) {
if visited[n] {
visited[n] = true
var edges []*callgraph.Edge
if forward {
edges = n.Out
} else {
edges = n.In
for _, edge := range edges {
nCallee := g.CreateNode(edge.Callee.Func)
nCaller := g.CreateNode(edge.Caller.Func)
callgraph.AddEdge(nCaller, edge.Site, nCallee)
if forward {
} else {
for _, s := range starts {
return g
// vulnCallGraph creates vulnerability call graph from sources -> sinks reachability info.
func vulnCallGraph(sources []*callgraph.Node, sinks map[*callgraph.Node][]*osv.Entry, result *Result, graph *PackageGraph) {
nodes := make(map[*ssa.Function]*FuncNode)
// First create entries and sinks and store relevant information.
for _, s := range sources {
fn := createNode(nodes, s.Func, graph)
result.EntryFunctions = append(result.EntryFunctions, fn)
for s, vulns := range sinks {
f := s.Func
funNode := createNode(nodes, s.Func, graph)
// Populate CallSink field for each detected vuln symbol.
for _, osv := range vulns {
if vulnMatchesPackage(osv, funNode.Package.PkgPath) {
addCallSinkForVuln(funNode, osv, dbFuncName(f), funNode.Package.PkgPath, result)
visited := make(map[*callgraph.Node]bool)
var visit func(*callgraph.Node)
visit = func(n *callgraph.Node) {
if visited[n] {
visited[n] = true
for _, edge := range n.In {
nCallee := createNode(nodes, edge.Callee.Func, graph)
nCaller := createNode(nodes, edge.Caller.Func, graph)
call := edge.Site
cs := &CallSite{
Parent: nCaller,
Name: call.Common().Value.Name(),
RecvType: callRecvType(call),
Resolved: resolved(call),
Pos: instrPosition(call),
nCallee.CallSites = append(nCallee.CallSites, cs)
for s := range sinks {
// vulnFuncs returns vulnerability information for vulnerable functions in cg.
func vulnFuncs(cg *callgraph.Graph, affVulns affectingVulns) map[*callgraph.Node][]*osv.Entry {
m := make(map[*callgraph.Node][]*osv.Entry)
for f, n := range cg.Nodes {
vulns := affVulns.ForSymbol(pkgPath(f), dbFuncName(f))
if len(vulns) > 0 {
m[n] = vulns
return m
// pkgPath returns the path of the f's enclosing package, if any.
// Otherwise, returns "".
func pkgPath(f *ssa.Function) string {
if f.Package() != nil && f.Package().Pkg != nil {
return f.Package().Pkg.Path()
return ""
func createNode(nodes map[*ssa.Function]*FuncNode, f *ssa.Function, graph *PackageGraph) *FuncNode {
if fn, ok := nodes[f]; ok {
return fn
fn := &FuncNode{
Name: f.Name(),
Package: graph.GetPackage(pkgPath(f)),
RecvType: funcRecvType(f),
Pos: funcPosition(f),
nodes[f] = fn
return fn
// addCallSinkForVuln adds callID as call sink to vuln of result.Vulns
// identified with <osv, symbol, pkg>.
func addCallSinkForVuln(call *FuncNode, osv *osv.Entry, symbol, pkg string, result *Result) {
for _, vuln := range result.Vulns {
if vuln.OSV == osv && vuln.Symbol == symbol && vuln.Package.PkgPath == pkg {
vuln.CallSink = call