blob: af5df03ef05130aefd186fb03e629a8c664bac75 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vulncheck
import (
// CallStack is a call stack starting with a client
// function or method and ending with a call to a
// vulnerable symbol.
type CallStack []StackEntry
// StackEntry is an element of a call stack.
type StackEntry struct {
// Function whose frame is on the stack.
Function *FuncNode
// Call is the call site inducing the next stack frame.
// nil when the frame represents the last frame in the stack.
Call *CallSite
// CallStacks returns representative call stacks for each
// vulnerability in res. The returned call stacks are heuristically
// ordered by how seemingly easy is to understand them: shorter
// call stacks with less dynamic call sites appear earlier in the
// returned slices.
// CallStacks performs a breadth-first search of res.CallGraph starting
// at the vulnerable symbol and going up until reaching an entry
// function or method in res.CallGraph.Entries. During this search,
// each function is visited at most once to avoid potential
// exponential explosion. Hence, not all call stacks are analyzed.
func CallStacks(res *Result) map[*Vuln][]CallStack {
var (
wg sync.WaitGroup
mu sync.Mutex
stacksPerVuln := make(map[*Vuln][]CallStack)
for _, vuln := range res.Vulns {
vuln := vuln
go func() {
cs := callStacks(vuln.CallSink, res)
// sort call stacks by the estimated value to the user
sort.SliceStable(cs, func(i int, j int) bool { return stackLess(cs[i], cs[j]) })
stacksPerVuln[vuln] = cs
return stacksPerVuln
// callStacks finds representative call stacks
// for vulnerable symbol identified with vulnSinkID.
func callStacks(vulnSink *FuncNode, res *Result) []CallStack {
if vulnSink == nil {
return nil
entries := make(map[*FuncNode]bool)
for _, e := range res.EntryFunctions {
entries[e] = true
var stacks []CallStack
seen := make(map[*FuncNode]bool)
queue := list.New()
queue.PushBack(&callChain{f: vulnSink})
for queue.Len() > 0 {
front := queue.Front()
c := front.Value.(*callChain)
f := c.f
if seen[f] {
seen[f] = true
// Pick a single call site for each function in determinstic order.
// A single call site is sufficient as we visit a function only once.
for _, cs := range callsites(f.CallSites, seen) {
nStack := &callChain{f: cs.Parent, call: cs, child: c}
if entries[cs.Parent] {
stacks = append(stacks, nStack.CallStack())
return stacks
// callsites picks a call site from sites for each non-visited function.
// For each such function, the smallest (posLess) call site is chosen. The
// returned slice is sorted by caller functions (funcLess). Assumes callee
// of each call site is the same.
func callsites(sites []*CallSite, visited map[*FuncNode]bool) []*CallSite {
minCs := make(map[*FuncNode]*CallSite)
for _, cs := range sites {
if visited[cs.Parent] {
if csLess(cs, minCs[cs.Parent]) {
minCs[cs.Parent] = cs
var fs []*FuncNode
for _, cs := range minCs {
fs = append(fs, cs.Parent)
sort.SliceStable(fs, func(i, j int) bool { return funcLess(fs[i], fs[j]) })
var css []*CallSite
for _, f := range fs {
css = append(css, minCs[f])
return css
// callChain models a chain of function calls.
type callChain struct {
call *CallSite // nil for entry points
f *FuncNode
child *callChain
// CallStack converts callChain to CallStack type.
func (c *callChain) CallStack() CallStack {
if c == nil {
return nil
return append(CallStack{StackEntry{Function: c.f, Call:}}, c.child.CallStack()...)
// weight computes an approximate measure of how easy is to understand the call
// stack when presented to the client as a witness. The smaller the value, the more
// understandable the stack is. Currently defined as the number of unresolved
// call sites in the stack.
func weight(stack CallStack) int {
w := 0
for _, e := range stack {
if e.Call != nil && !e.Call.Resolved {
w += 1
return w
func isStdPackage(pkg string) bool {
if pkg == "" {
return false
// std packages do not have a "." in their path. For instance, see
// Contains in pkgsite/+/refs/heads/master/internal/stdlbib/stdlib.go.
if i := strings.IndexByte(pkg, '/'); i != -1 {
pkg = pkg[:i]
return !strings.Contains(pkg, ".")
// confidence computes an approximate measure of whether the stack
// is realizeable in practice. Currently, it equals the number of call
// sites in stack that go through standard libraries. Such call stacks
// have been experimentally shown to often result in false positives.
func confidence(stack CallStack) int {
c := 0
for _, e := range stack {
if e.Function.Package != nil && isStdPackage(e.Function.Package.PkgPath) {
c += 1
return c
// stackLess compares two call stacks in terms of their estimated
// value to the user. Shorter stacks generally come earlier in the ordering.
// Two stacks are lexicographically ordered by:
// 1) their estimated level of confidence in being a real call stack,
// 2) their length, and 3) the number of dynamic call sites in the stack.
func stackLess(s1, s2 CallStack) bool {
if c1, c2 := confidence(s1), confidence(s2); c1 != c2 {
return c1 < c2
if len(s1) != len(s2) {
return len(s1) < len(s2)
if w1, w2 := weight(s1), weight(s2); w1 != w2 {
return w1 < w2
// At this point, the stableness/determinism of
// sorting is guaranteed by the determinism of
// the underlying call graph and the call stack
// search algorithm.
return true
// csLess compares two call sites by their locations and, if needed,
// their string representation.
func csLess(cs1, cs2 *CallSite) bool {
if cs2 == nil {
return true
// fast code path
if p1, p2 := cs1.Pos, cs2.Pos; p1 != nil && p2 != nil {
if posLess(*p1, *p2) {
return true
if posLess(*p2, *p1) {
return false
// for sanity, should not occur in practice
return fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", cs1.RecvType, cs2.Name) < fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", cs2.RecvType, cs2.Name)
// code path rarely exercised
if cs2.Pos == nil {
return true
if cs1.Pos == nil {
return false
// should very rarely occur in practice
return fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", cs1.RecvType, cs2.Name) < fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", cs2.RecvType, cs2.Name)
// posLess compares two positions by their line and column number,
// and filename if needed.
func posLess(p1, p2 token.Position) bool {
if p1.Line < p2.Line {
return true
if p2.Line < p1.Line {
return false
if p1.Column < p2.Column {
return true
if p2.Column < p1.Column {
return false
return strings.Compare(p1.Filename, p2.Filename) == -1
// funcLess compares two function nodes by locations of
// corresponding functions and, if needed, their string representation.
func funcLess(f1, f2 *FuncNode) bool {
if p1, p2 := f1.Pos, f2.Pos; p1 != nil && p2 != nil {
if posLess(*p1, *p2) {
return true
if posLess(*p2, *p1) {
return false
// for sanity, should not occur in practice
return f1.String() < f2.String()
if f2.Pos == nil {
return true
if f1.Pos == nil {
return false
// should happen only for inits
return f1.String() < f2.String()