blob: 0a99a2397420d42d708a573158c3204d0e2e39ed [file] [log] [blame]
{{define "govulncheck-intro"}}{{/*
This template is a text template used to communicate to the
user the environment used for vulnerability analysis, namely
the Go version, govulncheck version, vuln dbs with their last
modified timestamp.
*/ -}}
govulncheck is an experimental tool. Share feedback at
{{- if .GoVersion}} {{block "Go" .GoVersion}}{{.}}{{end}} and{{end}}
{{- if .ScannerName}} {{block "Scanner" .ScannerName}}{{.}}{{end}}
{{- if .ScannerVersion}}@{{.ScannerVersion}}{{end}} with{{end}}
vulnerability data from {{.DB}}
{{- if .DBLastModified}} (last modified {{.DBLastModified}}){{end}}.
{{define "govulncheck-summary"}}{{/*
This template is a text template used to print out vulncheck output.
It consists of three sections showing:
1) The number of vulnerabilities detected.
2) Callstacks detected for each pair of module and vulnerability.
3) Vulnerabilities that are only imported but not called.
*/ -}}
{{- template "VulnCount" . -}}
{{- template "Vulnerability" .Affected -}}
{{- template "Informational" . -}}
{{- template "Vulnerability" .Unaffected -}}
{{- end}}{{/*Summary*/}}
{{define "VulnCount" -}}
{{if eq (len .Affected) 0}}No vulnerabilities found.
{{else}}Your code is affected by {{template "Value" (len .Affected)}}
{{- if eq (len .Affected) 1}} vulnerability{{else}} vulnerabilities{{end}} from
{{- if eq .AffectedModules 0}}{{else if eq .AffectedModules 1}} 1 module{{else}} {{template "Value" .AffectedModules}} modules{{end}}
{{- if .StdlibAffected}}{{if ne .AffectedModules 0}} and{{end}} the Go standard library{{end}}.
{{- end}}
{{- end}}{{/*VulnCount*/}}
{{- define "Informational" -}}
{{if len .Unaffected}}
{{block "InformationalTitle" .}}=== Informational ==={{end}}
Found {{if eq (len .Unaffected) 1}}1 vulnerability{{else}}{{len .Unaffected}} vulnerabilities{{end}} in packages that you import, but there are no call
stacks leading to the use of {{if eq (len .Unaffected) 1}}this vulnerability{{else}}these vulnerabilities{{end}}. You may not need to
take any action. See
for details.
{{- end -}}
{{- end}}{{/*Informational*/}}
{{- define "Vulnerability" -}}
{{- if len . -}}
{{- $idx := 0}}{{range $vulnInfo := .}}
{{- $idx = inc $idx}}
{{template "Key" "Vulnerability"}} #{{$idx}}: {{block "OSV" $vulnInfo}}{{.OSV}}{{end}}
{{block "Details" $vulnInfo.Details}}{{wrap . | indent 4}}{{end}}
{{template "Key" "More info:"}}{{$vulnInfo.OSV}}
{{- range $modInfo := $vulnInfo.Modules}}
{{- if $modInfo.IsStd}}
Standard library
{{- else}}
{{template "Key" "Module:"}} {{$modInfo.Module}}
{{- end}}
{{template "Key" "Found in:"}} {{$modInfo.FoundVersion}}
{{template "Key" "Fixed in:"}} {{if $modInfo.FixedVersion}}{{$modInfo.FixedVersion}}{{else}}N/A{{end}}
{{- if $modInfo.Platforms}}
{{template "Key" "Platforms:"}} {{template "Platforms" $modInfo.Platforms}}
{{- end}}
{{- template "Traces" $modInfo.Traces}}{{end}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}{{/*Vulnerability*/}}
{{- define "Platforms" -}}
{{$sep := ""}}{{range .}}{{$sep}}{{.}}{{$sep = ", "}}{{end}}
{{- end}}{{/*Platforms*/}}
{{- define "Traces" -}}
{{- $count:=0}}{{range $entry := .}}{{if .Compact}}{{$count = inc $count}}{{end}}{{end}}
{{- if $count}}
{{template "Key" "Call stacks in your code:"}}
{{range $entry := .}}{{if .Compact}} {{.Compact}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end}}{{/*Traces*/}}
{{define "Key"}}{{.}}{{end}}
{{define "Value"}}{{.}}{{end}}