cmd/govulncheck/integration: change expectations for selinux and crypto

Due to Before
this change, selinux had all symbols as vulnerable. That resulted in
three symbols used and hence reported by govulncheck. Now, readCon and
writeCon are designated as vulnerable, the former of which is detected.

Also, changes
vulnerable symbols for crypto/elliptic.

Change-Id: I0e9a4f2f95c6736081843a724650a63755a7170c
Reviewed-by: Julie Qiu <>
Run-TryBot: Zvonimir Pavlinovic <>
TryBot-Result: Gopher Robot <>
diff --git a/cmd/govulncheck/integration/k8s/k8s.go b/cmd/govulncheck/integration/k8s/k8s.go
index fef3278..7f21b9d 100644
--- a/cmd/govulncheck/integration/k8s/k8s.go
+++ b/cmd/govulncheck/integration/k8s/k8s.go
@@ -52,9 +52,7 @@
 	want := map[vuln]bool{
 		{"", "FindInPath"}:                                    true,
 		{"", "Patch.Apply"}:                                                   true,
-		{"", "FileLabel"}:                                      true,
-		{"", "GetEnabled"}:                                     true,
-		{"", "SetFileLabel"}:                                   true,
+		{"", "readCon"}:                                        true,
 		{"", "Handler"}:                             true,
 		{"", "HandlerFor"}:                          true,
 		{"", "flusherDelegator.Flush"}:              true,
diff --git a/cmd/govulncheck/integration/stackrox-scanner/scanner.go b/cmd/govulncheck/integration/stackrox-scanner/scanner.go
index 9fbee98..7246ce7 100644
--- a/cmd/govulncheck/integration/stackrox-scanner/scanner.go
+++ b/cmd/govulncheck/integration/stackrox-scanner/scanner.go
@@ -69,6 +69,12 @@
 		{pkg: "archive/tar", symbol: ""}:                                 true,
 		{pkg: "archive/tar", symbol: "parsePAX"}:                                    true,
 		{pkg: "compress/gzip", symbol: "Reader.Read"}:                               true,
+		{pkg: "crypto/elliptic", symbol: "CurveParams.ScalarBaseMult"}:              true,
+		{pkg: "crypto/elliptic", symbol: "CurveParams.ScalarMult"}:                  true,
+		{pkg: "crypto/elliptic", symbol: "p256Curve.CombinedMult"}:                  true,
+		{pkg: "crypto/elliptic", symbol: "p256Curve.ScalarBaseMult"}:                true,
+		{pkg: "crypto/elliptic", symbol: "p256Curve.ScalarMult"}:                    true,
+		{pkg: "crypto/elliptic", symbol: "p256GetScalar"}:                           true,
 		{pkg: "crypto/tls", symbol: "serverHandshakeStateTLS13.sendSessionTickets"}: true,
 		{pkg: "encoding/pem", symbol: "Decode"}:                                     true,
 		{pkg: "encoding/xml", symbol: "Decoder.DecodeElement"}:                      true,